
A análise da tradução dos elementos culturais na tradução portuguesa da obra «A ponte  sobre o Drina»
A análise da tradução dos elementos culturais na tradução portuguesa da obra «A ponte sobre o Drina»
Anita Vrančić
Este trabalho é dedicado ao estudo da problemática translatológica causada por conceitos específicos de cultura. A estrutura do trabalho é baseada em exemplos selecionados que encontrámos no romance de Ivo Andrić «A ponte sobre o Drina» e nas suas correspondentes traduções em português. A primeira parte do trabalho estabelece os fundamentos teóricos da nossa pesquisa, necessários para o entendimento da análise. Ao fazer isso, delineámos várias definições da palavra...
A cognitive approach to antonymy
A cognitive approach to antonymy
Valentina Roso
This paper presents an analysis of antonymy by looking at how the term and its definition changed through decades. By looking at the specific points in time, this text aims to present antonymy as an ever-changing concept. This text argues that antonymy should be analyzed on the basis of Cognitive Semantics and offers research in support of the notion that all antonyms are extremely sensitive to the context they are used in. With the support of various empirical investigations and techniques,...
A cognitive approach to translating metaphor in self-help discourse: An analysis of Buddha's Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius and its translation into Croatian
A cognitive approach to translating metaphor in self-help discourse: An analysis of Buddha's Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius and its translation into Croatian
Marta Vučković
This paper deals with metaphor translation at the discourse level on the example of the self-help book Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius and its translation into Croatian. It aims to examine the ways in which deliberate metaphor found in English-language self-help discourse is treated in translation into Croatian. In order to do so, the study employs a comparative analysis of the source text and the target text and views metaphor translation from the cognitive linguistic...
A comparison of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approaches in secondary school bilingual programmes in Croatia
A comparison of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approaches in secondary school bilingual programmes in Croatia
Lorena Jerbić
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) involves teaching non-language subjects through the medium of an additional, target language with the goal of acquiring knowledge of both subject content and the target language. Originating in Europe, this bilingual educational approach has been widely studied in different European educational systems. However, there are no studies that have examined how CLIL with a foreign target language is implemented in the Croatian context. Therefore, the...
A comparison of the educational potential of professional cloud-based and free, standalone desktop-based subtitling tools
A comparison of the educational potential of professional cloud-based and free, standalone desktop-based subtitling tools
Andrea Bekafigo
With the advancement of audiovisual translation technology, the technology used in the education of audiovisual translators is also changing. There are two main types of subtitling systems on the market, standalone desktop-based systems, some of which are free (e.g., Subtitle Workshop, Subtitle Edit, Aegisub), and professional, cloud-based systems (e.g., OOONA). The use of cloud-based technology for educational purposes is on the rise, with non-professional desktop-based systems still being...
A corpus analysis of five neologisms from the area of gender and sexuality studies.
A corpus analysis of five neologisms from the area of gender and sexuality studies.
Ivana Buntak
This study deals with five sample neologisms from the area of gender and sexuality studies and their corpus analysis. The aim is to analyse the new words that enter language from those particular areas, as there has been an influx of gender and sexuality neologisms in the recent years. In this study the aim is to analyse these words in an English language corpus, but also in a Croatian language corpus as the thesis is that these neologisms are more frequently used in more registers and with...
A ironia em tradução: "As mentiras que os homens  contam" de Luís Fernando Veríssimo
A ironia em tradução: "As mentiras que os homens contam" de Luís Fernando Veríssimo
Anamarija Kramar
O humor e a ironia fazem parte da vida quotidiana da cada pessoa. As frases irónicas podem ser ouvidas na televisão, no rádio, na conversa diária. Quando as pessoas falam com os amigos podem usar frases irónicas para brincar. Porém, a ironia pode usar-se num tom negativo, quando as pessoas falam com alguém quem não gostam. Às vezes essa ironia também se pode tornar no sarcasmo. A ironia pode encontrar-se nas obras literárias nas quais existe um mundo novo o que as pessoas podem...
A magyar neologizmusok szóalkotásmódok szerinti elemzése
A magyar neologizmusok szóalkotásmódok szerinti elemzése
Darija Klinac
U ovom radu opisani su proces i rezultati analize načina tvorbe riječi mađarskih neologizama. U uvodnom dijelu je opisana tema i struktura rada. U drugom dijelu razložena je teorija načina tvorbe riječi obzirom da je naglasak rada na određivanju načina tvorbe mađarskih neologizama. Treći dio odnosi se na samu analizu korpusa. Objašnjeni su ciljevi, pretpostavke i tijek analize kao i metodologija prikupljanja korpusa. Prikazane su tablice i grafovi iz kojih je vidljivo koliko je...
A multimodal analysis of humor in billboard advertising
A multimodal analysis of humor in billboard advertising
Nenad Padarić
Billboards have proven to be an effective medium for various types of advertisements due to their ability to attract attention, especially by making use of their surroundings. Many brands utilize humor in order to further increase the memorability and the appeal of their ads, as humor usually causes a positive cognitive effect which makes both the ad and the product that is being advertised more relevant. The primary goal of this paper is to examine the function of humor in billboard...
A referenciák ereje: Agota Kristof regénytrilógiájának színházi olvasatai Szabadkán, Budapesten és Zágrábban
A referenciák ereje: Agota Kristof regénytrilógiájának színházi olvasatai Szabadkán, Budapesten és Zágrábban
Klara Evetović
A diplomadolgozat Agota Kristof Trilógia című regényének három színházi olvasatát vizsgálja két fő fejezeten keresztül. Az első fő fejezetben a Trilógia kisregényeinek (A Nagy Füzet, A bizonyíték, A harmadik hazugság) célirányos bemutatását követően részletes elemzésre kerülnek a mű azon jellemzői, amelyek a színpadi adaptációk alapjául szolgálnak. E jellemzők közé tartozik a valóságteremtő írás tevékenységének jelentősége, a...
A sociolinguistic analysis of word formation in a lifestyle magazine
A sociolinguistic analysis of word formation in a lifestyle magazine
Mia Gašparović
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of various English word-formation processes that frequently occur in the women's magazine Cosmopolitan, and to provide a possible interpretation and analysis of these examples.
A tradução da parte do romance “A gorda” da autora Isabela Figueiredo e análise dos procedimentos tradutológicos
A tradução da parte do romance “A gorda” da autora Isabela Figueiredo e análise dos procedimentos tradutológicos
Jelena Kravić
Hoje em dia, muita gente considera o processo da tradução como algo fácil de realizar porque as pessoas supõem que é suficiente conhecer só a língua original e a língua meta para criar um texto traduzido. Traduzir não supõe apenas o conhecimento de duas ou mais línguas, o tradutor deve desenvolver diferentes habilidades para realizar uma tradução exitosa. Deve considerar tanto os elementos linguísticos como os extralinguísticos, o contexto e as culturas de ambas as línguas....
