
The role of personal pronouns in forming community and individuality in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring"
The role of personal pronouns in forming community and individuality in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring"
Ana Pehar
Personal pronouns are deictic referents which are used based on their surrounding context, the role of the speakers, their intentions, and other factors. Pronouns also play a role in placing the speaker within a language community, and they help the speaker express notions such as solidarity and individuality. This thesis takes a pragmatic approach towards analyzing how personal pronouns are used in order to form a sense of community or express individuality in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The...
The role of video materials in EFL classrooms
The role of video materials in EFL classrooms
Diana Martinović
The aim of this study was to explore the use of video in EFL classroom and describe the positive transformation of English language teaching related to using technology and video in education. The textbooks analyzed are designed in line with current technological advancement. They offer a variety of topics and provide a source of authentic language. The content of textbook modules and units is presented in the tables and all the videos are listed for the purpose of this study. Selected...
The topic of inequality of educational opportunities in high school sociology: A case study of Helen Keller's impact on education and society
The topic of inequality of educational opportunities in high school sociology: A case study of Helen Keller's impact on education and society
Irma Lipušić
The paper covers the historical analysis of education in Croatia and describes the contemporary educational system. Afterward, the paper focuses on educational opportunities of people with disabilities and compares the historical and contemporary treatment of people with disabilities. Moreover, it explores the complexities of educational inequalities and analyzes socio-cultural attitudes towards educational inequalities ranging from early childhood, pre-school, and primary education to...
The translation and audience reception of proper names in the official and amateur subtitles of The Witcher
The translation and audience reception of proper names in the official and amateur subtitles of The Witcher
Tea Božičević
Audiovisual translation has been studied in academic circles since the 1950s, but it was considered an inferior translation activity (Díaz Cintas, 2004). Today, it is a well-developed and an established type of translation that some engage with as a hobby. This has led to the development of fansubs: subtitles created by fans who are usually not formally educated in the field of translation. This practice was a response to unsatisfying subtitles for Japanese anime in the 1980s, but it has...
The translation of law enforcement and drug dealers' slang in "The Wire"
The translation of law enforcement and drug dealers' slang in "The Wire"
Luka Boričević
When translating slang, the subtitler must decide whether to preserve or standardize the expression. The decision is based on the time and space constraints, but also affected by paratextual considerations such as the type of client (public/private TV), their norms and instructions. This study was conducted to inspect their influence on slang preservation vs. standardization through a comparative analysis of the Croatian subtitles of The Wire S01E01 which aired on both a public (HRT) and a...
The use of anglicisms on Croatian news websites
The use of anglicisms on Croatian news websites
Lorena Vincek
This diploma thesis investigates to what extent anglicisms are present in the Croatian language, that is, in the Croatian media, considering the increasing influence of the English language and globalization. The paper is divided into two parts, the first is theoretical and the second deals with research into the appearance of Anglicisms in the media, their quantity and analysis. The first part defines key concepts such as linguistic borrowing and words of foreign origin and their division....
Things Left Unsaid: Linguistic Analysis of Silences found in Three Novels by Thomas Hardy
Things Left Unsaid: Linguistic Analysis of Silences found in Three Novels by Thomas Hardy
Lucija Jalžabetić
Silence plays an integral role in our lives. It is present in everyday conversations, as both the starting and the ending point of each of our utterances. Although they seem markedly different, speech and silence operate together in delivering the speaker’s message and may convey as powerful a message as they may also present a lack thereof. Because silence is oftentimes considered to be ‘other’ than speech, it has scarcely been the focus of linguistic research. However, when studied,...
Thomas Hardy’s Architecture: Fragments of a Lost Aesthetic
Thomas Hardy’s Architecture: Fragments of a Lost Aesthetic
Mihael Cvetnić
The paper examines the ways in which Thomas Hardy’s abandoned career as a draughtsman and assistant architect (1856-1873) carries over into his literary work. Taking as its case study Hardy’s late works, the poetry and the novels written in 1880s and 1890s, it focuses on the role descriptions of spaces play in his writing. The aesthetic tension between architectural restoration and preservation in the 19th century, as exemplified by theoretical writings of Viollet-le-Duc and John Ruskin,...
Théorèmes d'incomplétude de Gödel: analyse terminologique
Théorèmes d'incomplétude de Gödel: analyse terminologique
Tomislav Tomić
Ce mémoire de master explore la terminologie mathématique et logique. Il est divisé en trois sections principales. Les définitions et les présentations des concepts terminologiques cruciaux sont incluses dans la première section, qui est consacrée à l'aspect théorique de la terminologie. La deuxième section présente l'approche utilisée dans la section pratique et explique la sélection du domaine de recherche. Les produits terminographiques créés à la suite de ces travaux sont...
Tijelo kao slikovnica
Tijelo kao slikovnica
Tena Trgovčević
Tema ovog diplomskog rada su iskustva i samopoimanje tetoviranih odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika. U teorijskom okviru ukratko je predstavljena praksa tetoviranja kroz povijest, uloga tetovaža u oblikovanju identiteta kroz skalu motivacije za tetoviranjem te njihov utjecaj pri zapošljavanju, a zatim i uloga tijela u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu, pogled na tetovirane odgojno-obrazovne djelatnike te mogućnost integracije tetovaža u odgojno-obrazovne procese. Obzirom da je ovo još uvijek...
Tijelo u romanima Slavenke Drakulić
Tijelo u romanima Slavenke Drakulić
Matea Varga
Predmet su diplomskoga rada tjelesnost i tijelo u odabranim romanima Slavenke Drakulić, točnije u romanima Frida ili o boli, Kao da me nema i Optužena. U svojim se romanima Slavenka Drakulić bavi temama ženskoga tijela i tjelesnosti te opasnostima kojima je žensko tijelo izloženo, kao što su bolest, silovanje i zlostavljanje. Tako u romanu Frida ili o boli autorica analizira tijelo preko bolesti i prometnu nesreću koja je snašla slavnu slikaricu Fridu Kahlo. Fridino je...
TikTok kao alat za promociju čitanja
TikTok kao alat za promociju čitanja
Lucija Habenšus
Društvene mreže postale su dio svakodnevice u digitalnom društvu, a njihov utjecaj sve je veći. U ovom radu glavni fokus bit će na TikTok aplikaciji i načinima na koje je ona korištena kao medij za promociju čitanja od strane knjižnica, nakladnika, ali i pojedinaca. TikTokov algoritam, prilagođen individualnim preferencijama, potiče veliki angažman korisnika promicanjem sadržaja na temelju metrike interakcije. Objasnit će se načini na koje korisnici TikToka mogu koristiti...
