
Comprensión lectora: análisis de los textos y  las actividades en dos manuales de español como segunda lengua ( prisma y pasaporte) en A1 y B1
Comprensión lectora: análisis de los textos y las actividades en dos manuales de español como segunda lengua ( prisma y pasaporte) en A1 y B1
Lana Ribarić
El propósito de este trabajo ha sido presentar los términos elementales relativos a la comprensión lectora y su papel en el aula de lenguas extranjeras (ELE), así como averiguar cómo son los textos y las actividades que se hacen antes, durante y después de la lectura para maximizar el aprendizaje. Este trabajo lo hemos dividido en dos partes principales: en un cuadro teórico y en una investigación. En la parte teórica hemos introducido el concepto de texto desde el punto de ...
Computational and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Structural Ambiguity: The Case of Garden Path Sentences
Computational and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Structural Ambiguity: The Case of Garden Path Sentences
Petra Bajac
By approaching the phenomenon of structural ambiguity from two different perspectives – psycholinguistic and computational, this thesis shows how linguistic research can have practical applications in improving NLP systems. The analyses of specific sentences show breakdowns in processing, present the possible explanations for the reasons behind them through principles such as Minimal Attachment/Late closure and Lexical preference, and demonstrate the backtracking needed in order to achieve...
Conceptual Metaphors in Beowulf
Conceptual Metaphors in Beowulf
Josipa Lončar
The thesis deals with conceptual metaphors found in Beowulf in order to explore the cultural elements reflected in Old English. The thesis aims to show which cultural values are deeply entrenched and consistent with the metaphorical system of Old English. In order to do that, metaphors were identified using the Metaphorical Identification Procedure in the first 100 lines of Beowulf. The results show that metaphorical items linked with culture may be divided into four thematic categories:...
Conceptual integration and humor: Can learners unpack the joke?
Conceptual integration and humor: Can learners unpack the joke?
Martina Klarić
The subject of this thesis is conceptual integration, which is a basic cognitive operation that enables people to construct meaning by integrating different concepts, and its connection to humor appreciation. More specifically, the study that was conducted for the purpose of this thesis aimed to investigate whether Croatian EFL learners would be able to understand the point of jokes in English and whether their analysis of jokes would be guided by the principle of conceptual integration...
Conceptual motivation in visual representations of English particle verb (PV) constructions
Conceptual motivation in visual representations of English particle verb (PV) constructions
Mislav Nikolić
The main focus of this thesis is the analysis of visualisations of English particle verb (PV) constructions. More specifically, we were interested in the strategies Croatian and Omani English speakers used to depict different PV constructions after being given their meaning. The first part of the thesis provides a theoretical background to key terms and concepts of this thesis: PV constructions, strategic construal, heavy and light verbs. The second part focuses on the results of ...
Condorcetov teorem porote u suvremenim epistemičkim uvjetima
Condorcetov teorem porote u suvremenim epistemičkim uvjetima
Hana Samaržija
Zagovornici epistemičkog opravdanja demokracije rado se oslanjaju na Condorcetov teorem porote, CJT. Ukratko, CJT izlaže dva opsežna argumenta. Kao prvo, većinsko glasovanje skupine neovisnih, kompetentnih i iskrenih glasača čija sposobnost pogađanja točne odluke nadilazi nasumičnost vjerojatnije će biti u pravu nego bilo koji zasebni glasač. Kao drugo, kako se broj takvih glasača približava beskonačnosti, vjerojatnost da će biti u pravu približava se sigurnosti. Međutim,...
Conservatism in the U.S.: The Rise of a New Counterculture
Conservatism in the U.S.: The Rise of a New Counterculture
Kristijan Grgurić
In the past decade, liberalism has rapidly become the leading sociopolitical ideology in America, quickly spreading its ideas to different cultural faucets, making it also the leading ideology in terms of the mainstream culture in America. Conservatism, on the other hand, has been experiencing a sociopolitical dark age, where conservative thought has less presence than ever before, and has become unwelcome in the mainstream culture, making it a potential new form of counterculture in...
Conservi na natpisima antičke Dalmacije
Conservi na natpisima antičke Dalmacije
Matko Maršić
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
Consistency in the use and translation of Croatian IT terminology: Current state and professionals' opinions
Consistency in the use and translation of Croatian IT terminology: Current state and professionals' opinions
Anamarija Miličević
The research done for this M.A. thesis focuses on the Croatian IT terminological system, its current state and professionals’ opinions about it. This topic is researched by analysing a group of terms and their translations, as well as by conducting a survey among the expert users of these terms in formal environments. The goal is to find out if the Croatian IT terminological system is unified and well-defined, and if IT experts as its users perceive and use it as such. A list of English...
Construal of Sarcasm in The Big Bang Theory
Construal of Sarcasm in The Big Bang Theory
Ljiljana Prša
Sarcasm is commonly defined as “the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt someone's feelings or to criticize something in a humorous way” (online Cambridge Dictionary, 2019). As such it is often defined as hostile humor and mainly referred to in a negative context. The aim of this thesis is to show that sarcasm is widely used today for other purposes other than strictly as a mechanism to criticize something or somebody. To support the...
Construction of Indian Characters in Rudyard Kipling's Kim and E. M. Forster's A Passage to India
Construction of Indian Characters in Rudyard Kipling's Kim and E. M. Forster's A Passage to India
Maja Marić
Rudyard Kipling’s Kim (1901) and E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India (1924) are some of the best works of symbolic colonialist literature, literature which tries to find solutions to the problem between the colonizer and the colonized. Published at the beginning and the end of the first quarter of the 20th century, these novels can be studied as guideposts for some of the most crucial events in India’s history and progression towards independence. It is apparent that Kipling and Forster...
Constructions with MIND and PAMET in English and Croatian: A Cognitive Analysis
Constructions with MIND and PAMET in English and Croatian: A Cognitive Analysis
Tihana Jelić
This thesis deals with the conceptualization of the abstract concepts MIND in English and PAMET in Croatian from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The aim of this thesis is to find out whether English and Croatian speakers perceive the two concepts in the same way. Focus is placed on identifying prevalent metaphors and metonymies in constructions with MIND and PAMET, and establishing which cultural models are present in two languages. To do this, a corpus study was performed, and the...
