
Code-switching practices of Croatian teenage learners of English
Code-switching practices of Croatian teenage learners of English
Maja Ostović
Bilingualism, or the use of two languages by one person (Mackey, 2000), has become a rule rather than an exception in the contemporary society. Similarly, code-switching, that is, alternating between two languages during a single conversation (Gardner-Chloros, 2009), has been observed and described in almost every corner of the world. The aim of this study was to investigate code-switching habits of Croatian teenage learners of English. The study was conducted on a sample of 59 Croatian high...
Code-switching practices of English majors in computer-mediated communication
Code-switching practices of English majors in computer-mediated communication
Jelena Jurina
The phenomenon of code-switching (CS) has been traditionally studied in oral communication. However, due to technological advances and increased online connectivity, it is becoming a more prominent feature of computer-mediated communication (CMC). Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine CS of English majors studying to be EFL teachers in a group chat on WhatsApp. More specifically, the focus was placed on the CS functions of their messages. Data were collected by exporting and...
Cognitive motivation of English and Russian expressions containing the words eye(s) and glaz(a): a corpus-based approach
Cognitive motivation of English and Russian expressions containing the words eye(s) and glaz(a): a corpus-based approach
Klara Blažić
This master’s thesis studies the motivation of English and Russian figurative expressions with the components eye(s) and глаз(а) that is based on cultural models. The main aim of the thesis is to examine the semantic characteristics of figurative expressions and their relation to cognitive mechanisms (such as conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy, and conventional knowledge) motivating them. The study relies on the cognitive linguistic claim that our mind is inherently embodied and...
Coining Personal Names to Build Connections among Characters: Lexical Creativity in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Coining Personal Names to Build Connections among Characters: Lexical Creativity in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Ana Čoga Spasovski
J.R.R. Tolkien’s mastery of language, present in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and all his other works belonging to the fictional universe of Middle-earth, has been the subject of numerous articles, books, research papers, doctorates, etc. The key to such a massive popularity and positive reception is found not only in his complex fictional languages but also in the way he manipulated language boundaries to create an intricate network extending throughout his entire universe. Therefore,...
Comics als Lerninhalte im DaF-Unterricht
Comics als Lerninhalte im DaF-Unterricht
Valentina Blažinić
Mein Ziel in dieser Diplomarbeit war es, die Ansicht zu verteidigen, dass literarisch-ästhetische Werke wie Comics und Graphic Novels einen festen Platz im schulischen Sprachunterricht verdienen. Die Arbeit bietet im ersten Teil einen Überblick über die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Comicgenres, dessen VertreterInnen sowie Comic-spezifische Merkmale. Im zweiten Teil wird anhand dieser Merkmale untermauert, wieso sich gerade dieses Medium gut für den Unterricht eignet und dank welcher...
Communication patterns in classroom discourse: contextualization cues in a secondary school EFL classroom
Communication patterns in classroom discourse: contextualization cues in a secondary school EFL classroom
Helena Bakan Kögl
This master thesis discusses the importance of noticing and understanding contextualization cues in a foreign language classroom, more specifically the use and understanding of contextualization cues in a secondary school EFL classroom and their importance in inferring the meaning of the context in classroom discourse, as well as the effects that certain contextualization cues can have on the classroom discourse and its participants. The paper first explains the importance of studying...
Community of practice: Anglicisms in everyday office communication of a wholesale distributor
Community of practice: Anglicisms in everyday office communication of a wholesale distributor
Vesna Hršak
The goal of this study was to analyse everyday language of a small and specific community of practice, dealing with import and distribution of cosmetic products. The group of 12 Croatian native speakers is in constant contact with English, which in turn is still influenced by French in this particular industry. The group uses multiple abbreviations, acronyms, initialisms and compounds in order to facilitate their written and spoken communication, resulting in many different shortened forms...
Comparaison de la représentation et du traitement de l'élément socioculturel dans les manuels scolaires français et roumains pour étrangers, niveau B1 / B2
Comparaison de la représentation et du traitement de l'élément socioculturel dans les manuels scolaires français et roumains pour étrangers, niveau B1 / B2
Petra Market
Opće je poznato da su kultura i kulturna kompetencija sastavni dio našeg svakodnevnog života i obrazovanja. No, to nije uvijek bio slučaj, a zasigurno nije isto u različitim kulturama. Ovaj će se diplomski rad usredotočiti na povijest kulturnog koncepta i na to kako je postao sastavni dio obrazovanja. Da bismo to učinili, ispitat ćemo važnost podučavanja kulture tijekom godina, kao i pedagoške metode i pristupe. Važno je opisati kako je kultura ušla u obrazovni sustav i što je...
Comparative Analysis of Gaiman's American Gods and Norse Mythology
Comparative Analysis of Gaiman's American Gods and Norse Mythology
Nikola Ivišić
This thesis provides a comparative analysis between Neil Gaiman’s novel American Gods and Norse mythology. The analysis aimed to show how Gaiman employs Norse mythology, along with other mythologies from around the world, to weave a contemporary story about how America understands itself. The first part of this thesis provided a theoretical framework for understanding and defining myth in order to understand its role, purpose, and dynamic within the societies that gave birth to it. In that...
Competencia ortográfica de alumnos croatas del español en el ejemplo de los acentos gráficos
Competencia ortográfica de alumnos croatas del español en el ejemplo de los acentos gráficos
Iva Zelenković
Esta tesis de grado trata sobre la competencia ortográfica de los estudiantes croatas de la lengua española en el ejemplo de los acentos gráficos. Los acentos gráficos en el idioma croata son un componente insignificante, mientras que en español representan el nivel de conocimiento del idioma y tienen un papel distintivo. El objetivo de la parte de investigación de la tesis es examinar cómo los estudiantes acentúan las palabras; qué tan bien aplican las reglas de acentuación, si...
Competencias sociolingüísticas de los alumnos del 4.º grado de la escuela secundaria: Conocimiento de las variedades de la lengua española
Competencias sociolingüísticas de los alumnos del 4.º grado de la escuela secundaria: Conocimiento de las variedades de la lengua española
Mirta Bilać
El español es el idioma oficial en 21 países y tiene casi 600 millones de hablantes (Política panhispánica, RAE). Se extiende por un área geográfica extensa y, aunque el español se considera una lengua homogénea (Moreno Fernández, 2007), su diversidad se manifiesta en las numerosas variedades diatópicas. El conocimiento de las variedades diatópicas es parte integral de la competencia sociolingüística, igual que de la competencia comunicativa. En este trabajo se examinará qué...
Comprendre le cancer du sein - travail terminologique
Comprendre le cancer du sein - travail terminologique
Lucija Župan
Dans le cadre de ce mémoire de master nous présentons la terminologie dans son aspect théorique et pratique, ainsi qu'un travail terminographique qui porte sur le domaine du cancer du sein. Ce mémoire est divisé en trois parties. Dans la partie théorique nous présentons la terminologie en tant que discipline et expliquons ses notions clés. La deuxième partie du mémoire comprend la présentation de la méthodologie du travail terminographique, accompagnée de quelques exemples...
