
Liknelser i svenskan
Liknelser i svenskan
Paula Klasić
Ovaj je završni rad analiza poredbenih frazema u švedskom jeziku. Poredbeni frazemi i dalje su nedovoljno istražen jezični fenomen unutar švedske frazeologije i zbog tog razloga nisu u potpunosti jasne granice između njih i ostalih frazema kao što su primjerice idiomi. Poredbeni frazemi, ili liknelser kako se zovu na švedskom, su fraze koje karakterizira slikovitost, konotativnost i ekspresivnost. U kontekstu ostalih frazema, uz pomoć frazeološke tipologije Emme Sköldberg, opisuju...
Likovna baština Velikogoričko-odranskog dekanata
Likovna baština Velikogoričko-odranskog dekanata
Valentina Radoš
Diplomsko istraživanje provedeno je kroz prikupljanje podataka iz postojeće literature i arhivskih izvora te terensko dokumentiranje i autopsiju djelā u svrhu prezentiranja svih bitnih podataka i valorizacije likovne baštine crkava i kapela Velikogoričko-odranskog dekanata koji obuhvaća jedanaest župa. Istraživački rezultati prezentirani u ovom diplomskom radu strukturirani su na način umjetničke horografije odnosno pregleda župa i crkvenih inventara. Područje...
Likovna kritika u opusu Miroslava Krleže
Likovna kritika u opusu Miroslava Krleže
Pavle Bonča
Ovaj rad govori o teorijskim, kulturno-povijesnim, aksiološkim i polemičkim aspektima likovnokritičkih tekstova u međuratnom opusu Miroslava Krleže. Usredotočujući se na dijalog između povijesti umjetnosti i književne teorije, predstojeća rasprava otvara jednu od mogućih analitičkih vizura na Krležinu (likovno)kritičku praksu u okviru divergentnih kulturoloških i kontekstualnih silnica prve trećine 20. stoljeća. Na temelju komparativne analize izabranih eseja i feljtona...
Likovna kultura isusovačih kongregacija Blažene Djevice Marije u Zagrebu u XVII. i XVIII. stoljeću
Likovna kultura isusovačih kongregacija Blažene Djevice Marije u Zagrebu u XVII. i XVIII. stoljeću
Anita Jandrašić-Požgajec
Rad obrađuje likovnu kulturu Zagreba iz motrišta djelovanja isusovačkih kongregacija Blažene Djevice Marije kao naručitelja u vremenskom periodu od dolaska isusovaca u Zagreb 1606. godine do ukinuća isusovačkoga reda 1773. godine. Uzimajući u obzir da je umjetnost marijanskih kongregacija svojim ikonografskim temama povezna s tridentskom pastoralnom disciplinom, odnosno podukom o važnosti života u vjeri, redovitom primanju euharistije te pripremom za dobru smrt i vječni život, u...
Likovna oprema franjevačke crkve i samostana sv. Antuna Padovanskog u Koprivnici
Likovna oprema franjevačke crkve i samostana sv. Antuna Padovanskog u Koprivnici
Ana Marija Kanižanec
Franjevci u Koprivnicu dolaze krajem XIII. stoljeća, gdje započinju život u napuštenoj romaničkoj crkvi. U prvoj polovici idućeg stoljeća izgradili su novu jednobrodnu crkvu s kontraforima i poligonalnim svetištem, međutim godinama kasnije franjevci odlučuju napustiti crkvu i grad. Njihov ponovni dolazak ključan je za temu diplomskog rada, koja se fokusira na likovnu baštinu baroknog razdoblja koju crkva i samostan čuvaju, poput djela Izaije Gassera, Johanna Josefa Carla...
Limes u Gornjoj Meziji
Limes u Gornjoj Meziji
Alexander Maxi Potkonjak
Gornja Mezija je provincija nastala 86. g. po. Kr., a njezina dionica uz Dunav se našla na limesu Rimskoga carstva. Prostor je kasnije poslužio kao ishodišna točka za prijelaz u provinciju Daciju s lijeve strane Dunava. Kroz razdoblje 2. i 3. st. limes nije imao samo vojnu funkciju, nego su se uz njega razvijala civilna naselja te je dostignut ekonomski i kulturni razvoj područja na Dunavu. Povlačenjem Rimljana iz Dacije Gornja Mezija je ponovno granična provincija, a Dioklecijanovim...
Limits of Metaphorical Play on Reddit
Limits of Metaphorical Play on Reddit
Viktor Slamnig
This paper explores metaphorical play, or, the creation and development of spontaneous linguistic metaphorical expressions. Emphasis is put on the limits of metaphorical productivity in this type of activity. The qualitatively studied examples were taken from the comment sections of Reddit. Metaphorical expressions that mark the endings of metaphorical plays based on new metaphors created by users of Reddit are explored. After a theoretical discussion on conceptual metaphor theory, the...
Linguistic Features of South African English in the Reality Show "Masterchef"
Linguistic Features of South African English in the Reality Show "Masterchef"
Anđela Burić
This paper analyses linguistic features of South African English language based on the corpus of an episode of the reality show where English is the language of communication. Different levels of linguistic analysis are analysed through the literature available, grouped into different varieties of South African English and summed up in the theoretical part of this thesis. In the empirical part examples are given to illustrate which features found in the literature can be heard in reality....
Linguistic Features of the Gullah Creole in the Movie "Daughters of the Dust"
Linguistic Features of the Gullah Creole in the Movie "Daughters of the Dust"
Ana Maria Pepelko
The Gullah language, linguistically known as an English-based creole language, is a variety spoken by the Gullah people in coastal regions of South Carolina, Georgia and Northeast Florida. Until nowadays, this rich mixture of African words and the English language spoken hundreds of years ago remains one of the most preserved creole languages spoken by approximately 250,000 people of African descent. The aim of this thesis is to examine the most prominent features of Gullah on the data...
Linguistic Landscape in Downtown Zagreb
Linguistic Landscape in Downtown Zagreb
Marko Krstanović
The purpose of this paper is to study the linguistic landscape of downtown Zagreb. In the area of downtown Zagreb, in April 2018, 723 signs were analyzed and categorized based on the languages they feature. 563 of those feature one language, and 146 feature two. There are only 14 signs with multiple languages. The most prominent languages are Croatian and English, with Croatian appearing on 77.4% of all signs, and English on 41.4%. Both languages appear on 20.8% of the signs. Other languages...
Linguistic Means of Achieving Humorous Effects in Kurt Vonnegut's Novel Galápagos
Linguistic Means of Achieving Humorous Effects in Kurt Vonnegut's Novel Galápagos
Matej Cvetanovski
It is ingrained in our nature to want to relieve stress, pass time, or even utter dissatisfaction through humor. This master’s thesis tells the story of humor from its very beginnings, gives an overview of the most important findings in the field of humor, and presents the main three recent theories of humor – Theory of Incongruity, Theory of Superiority, and Theory of Release. Moreover, after dealing with humor as such, this thesis focuses on the linguistic means of achieving humorous...
Linguistic features of White South African English in interviews with „Die Antwoord“ and in the film „Chappie“ directed by Neil Blomkamp
Linguistic features of White South African English in interviews with „Die Antwoord“ and in the film „Chappie“ directed by Neil Blomkamp
Ana Mikulić
This paper deals with the linguistic features of South African White English on different levels of linguistic analysis. The material presented was taken from interviews with members of a South African rave-rap band Die Antwoord and from the film „Chappie“ starring the two band members and directed by Neil Blomkamp. The most important features and an overview of South African English and its historical background will be presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. The second part of...
