Sažetak | Sarkofazi s prikazom mita o Meleagru i kalidonskom vepru sačuvani su u velikom broju što olakšava istraživanje. Analiza ove vrste sarkofaga u radu je strukturirana u dvije cjeline. U prvom se dijelu rada nastojalo sažeti pregled dosadašnje dokumentacije o primjercima rimskih mitoloških sarkofaga s temom Meleagra. Obrađuju se radionice i produkcija sarkofaga, tipologija, stil, kronologija i ikonografija s naglaskom na važnost poznavanja mitologije. Sarkofazi istovrsne tipologije grupirani su unutar glavnih radionica u Rimu, Ateni, Maloj Aziji ili Kampaniji, a potom su prema epizodama iz Meleagrovog života dodatno razvrstani u manje skupine. Analiza se temelji na inozemnim primjerima, osim jednog iz Salone pohranjenog u Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu te jednog fragmenta pohranjenog u Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu, a koji je vjerojatno importiran. Druga cjelina interpretira sepulkralnu simboliku mitološkog prikaza na sarkofazima s tematikom Meleagra, a koja otvara uvid u rimske pristupe grčkim mitovima, usko povezanima sa zahtjevima naručitelja, obredima na grobovima i pri komemoraciji. Budući da reljefi na sarkofazima pripadaju razdoblju druge sofistike, životi mitoloških likova na njima prikazani su putem vrlina kao uzori ispravnog življenja, exempla virtutis. Cilj je ovog rada ukazati na važnost valoriziranih sarkofaga i fragmenata jer zahvaljujući sintezi njihovih podataka dobivao jasniji uvid o rimskoj kulturi i umjetnosti, svjetonazoru onovremenog čovjeka te ekonomskim, socijalnim i obiteljskim odnosima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Sarcophagi depicting the myth of Meleager and the Calydonian boar are preserved in high numbers what facilitates research. In this paper, the analysis of this type of sarcophagus is structured in two parts. The first part focuses on the summarized review of the former documents on specimens of Roman mythological sarcophagi with the theme of Meleager. Workshops on sarcophagi production, typology, style, chronology, and iconography with an emphasis on the importance of understanding the mythology are covered in this part. Sarcophagi with the same type of typology were grouped within the primary workshops in Rome, Athens, Asia Minor, or Campania, and later on, they were clustered into smaller units according to episodes from Meleager’s life. The analysis is based on the foreign examples, except for one from Salona stored in the Archaeological Museum in Split, and one fragment stored in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, which was probably imported. The second part interprets the sepulchral symbolism of the mythological depiction of sarcophagi with the theme of Meleager, which gives insight into Roman approaches to Greek myths, closely related to the client’s requests, rituals at the graves, and during the commemoration. Since the terrain on the sarcophagi belongs to the era of the Second Sophistic, the lives of mythological characters on them are depicted through the virtues as models of exemplary living, exempla virtutis. This paper aims to point out the importance of valorized sarcophagi and fragments because of them, we have a better insight into the Roman culture and art, the worldview, economic, social, and family relations of a man who lived at that time. |