
La traduction d'un extrait choisi du roman Le sumo qui ne pouvait pas grossir d'Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, accompagnée de commentaires
La traduction d'un extrait choisi du roman Le sumo qui ne pouvait pas grossir d'Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, accompagnée de commentaires
Ivana Majcen
Ce mémoire de master porte sur la traduction d'une partie du roman Le sumo qui ne pouvait pas grossir d’Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt publié en 2009. Notre étude se compose de trois parties. Dans la première partie, nous aborderons les théories de la traduction en nous appuyant sur la traductologie et la traduction littéraire. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la traduction. Dans la troisième partie nous examinerons quelques problèmes liés à la traduction selon la théorie de la...
La variante polesana dell'istroveneto: il lessico appartenente al campo semantico dell'economia domestica
La variante polesana dell'istroveneto: il lessico appartenente al campo semantico dell'economia domestica
Vid Bonča
All’interno di questa tesi abbiamo fornito un’analisi lessicologica dei vocaboli appartenenti al campo semantico dell’economia domestica nella varietà polesana dell’istroveneto. Nell’introduzione abbiamo definito e spiegato i concetti principali quali dialetto, idioma, istroveneto, campo semantico ecc. L’idioma in questione l’abbiamo elaborato anche dal punto di vista areale e storico. Proseguendo, abbiamo elencato le principali fonti lessicografiche che abbiamo usato ai fini...
La voz pasiva en español: la pasiva perifrástica de resultado (un análisis basado en corpus)
La voz pasiva en español: la pasiva perifrástica de resultado (un análisis basado en corpus)
Antea Dujmušić
U ovom se radu obrađuje perifrastični pasiv u španjolskom jeziku, posebno perifrastični pasiv rezultata ili, pojednostavljeno, perifrastični pasiv s glagolom estar. U ovom radu najprije se predstavlja teorija perifrastičnog pasiva općenito, a tema se kasnije sužava na perifrastični pasiv rezultata. Uspoređuju se pasivi rezultata i rečenice koje sadrže perifrazu estar + gerundiv kako bi se utvrdile razlike između tih dviju konstrukcija. Uzet će se 500 primjera iz korpusa Corpus...
Ladanjska kultura Konavala u vrijeme Dubrovačke Republike: prijedlog implementacije u nastavu Likovne umjetnosti
Ladanjska kultura Konavala u vrijeme Dubrovačke Republike: prijedlog implementacije u nastavu Likovne umjetnosti
Lucija Ljubić
Konavle su u sastavu Dubrovačke Republike bile od 1419./1426. do 1808. godine. Dubrovčani su u Konavle dolazili obnašajući različite službe, a podjelom zemljišta u Konavlima dobili su i svoje posjede koje su kmetovi obrađivali. Na tim su posjedima gradili ponajprije građevine gospodarske namjene, stranjeve, za prikupljanje ljetine, ali i stambene dijelove u kojima su boravili, te popratne sadržaje koji su taj boravak trebali učiniti ugodnijim – terase, vidikovce, šetnice,...
Landeskundevermittlung in DaF-Lehrwerken: Unterschiede zwischen den nach der Bildungsreform ausgewählten Lehrwerken für das 5. Lernjahr an kroatischen Grundschulen
Landeskundevermittlung in DaF-Lehrwerken: Unterschiede zwischen den nach der Bildungsreform ausgewählten Lehrwerken für das 5. Lernjahr an kroatischen Grundschulen
Hana Novotni
Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit war es herauszufinden, ob es Unterschiede zwischen den auf dem neuen Fachcurriculum für Deutsch als Fremdsprache basierenden Lehrwerken für das 5. Lernjahr an kroatischen Grundschulen (Applaus! Plus 5; Auf die Plätze, fertig, los 5; Beste Freunde A1.2 und Gut gemacht! 5) im Hinblick auf Vermittlung der Landeskunde gibt. Die Lehrwerke wurden einzeln nach Kriterien analysiert, die auf dem Stockholmer Kriterienkatalog von Hans-Jürgen Krumm und auf den von...
Language Attitudes of a Multilingual Speaker
Language Attitudes of a Multilingual Speaker
Andrej Abramušić
One of the prominent results of globalization is the rise of multilingualism and the importance of English in countries where English is not a native language, particularly in the work sphere. Sociolinguistic research on SLLs shows how factors such as education, migration, media, etc. shape people’s attitudes towards language and identifies the opposing language ideologies that can influence these attitudes. The focus of this paper is the influence of language learning and usage context on...
Language Biography of a Bilingual Australian Family
Language Biography of a Bilingual Australian Family
Ivana Vasić
Scientists studying identity in SLLs (Second Language Learners) have concluded that categories which shape a person's identity such as gender, nationality, language etc. are constantly in a process of transformation. By acquiring knowledge and experience people change their attitudes and consequently re-shape their identity. The focus of this thesis is the change in attitudes towards language. The research is based on the premise that the acquisition of another language and a multicultural...
Language Ideologies and Correction Practices in Formal Education
Language Ideologies and Correction Practices in Formal Education
Barbara Božinović
This paper analyses how teachers’ discourse and attitudes affect students, by focusing on linguistic and extralinguistic ideologies present in the educational context. The study shows how teachers affect students through discourse and when their discourse is considered as a tool for motivation, and when it is not, as well as how discourse is used to establish authority. The data was collected through sociolinguistic interviews. Ten participants were asked to take part in this research and...
Language Ideologies and Stereotypes in Fantasy Video Games
Language Ideologies and Stereotypes in Fantasy Video Games
Martina Belančić
The way we speak can influence the way others perceive us, to the point of bringing social advantage or disadvantage. Language ideology is a set of beliefs about language that serves as a rationalization or justification of such biased value judgments. Media play a big role in spreading language ideology. Video games are a form of media that has been largely neglected by linguists, despite constituting a significant part of the 21st-century cultural corpus. Fantasy video games are an...
Language Ideologies in Informatics Teaching
Language Ideologies in Informatics Teaching
Barbara Hršak
This paper presents the results of a series of semi-structured sociolinguistic interviews conducted in person between Informatics teachers and the researcher. The researcher is a fifth year university student of linguistics and all of the respondents are Informatics teachers in primary schools in the Krapina-Zagorje County in Croatia with more or less subtle variation in their age, education, place of work, and teaching experience. The study examines the respondents’ opinions, ideas and...
Language Ideologies on TikTok
Language Ideologies on TikTok
Domagoj Gregorović
This Master’s thesis found nine TikToks which present language ideologies and analysed them through the lens of Multimodal critical discourse analysis (MCDA). The goal of this paper was to find out what language ideologies are disseminated in the modern landscape of social media, and in what ways, using the modern tools these applications provide. In the introduction it is noted that TikTok seems to be the best platform to carry out this research as it boasts a considerable number of...
Language anxiety of Croatian high-school students: a comparison between Croatian and English
Language anxiety of Croatian high-school students: a comparison between Croatian and English
Ana Debogović
This thesis investigates the notion of language anxiety by examining language anxiety rates of Croatian high-school students. Language anxiety is considered to be a complex phenomenon specific to the language learning context and has thus been extensively researched over the last few decades. The purpose of this study was to investigate levels of language anxiety experienced by high-school students in their Croatian Language and English as a Foreign Language Classrooms. More specifically,...
