
The question of cultural identity in Edgar Allan Poe´s tales
The question of cultural identity in Edgar Allan Poe´s tales
Leonarda Kušić
Edgar Allan Poe and his works have always been an important part of American literature and American cultural identity in terms of aestheticism and literary arts. However, little attention was given to Poe from a political and social perspective due to his subtle use of metaphors and hidden references to contemporary problems and events. Modern critics believe that because 19th-century writers were aware of the dangers of expressing personal views on social and political matters of that...
The recurring notion of the American Dream in times of crisis
The recurring notion of the American Dream in times of crisis
Luka Borovac Gazibarić
The following paper deals with some of the most prominent aspects of the American Dream through the eyes of three different literary protagonists. The main character of Ham on Rye voices his mistrust towards the concept of upward social mobility amidst the Great Depression, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas centres around the downfall of the counterculture movement at the beginning of the 1970s and the main character's disillusionment with the Sixties and Zone One deals with racial and social...
The relationship between EFL learners' proficiency and speaking anxiety
The relationship between EFL learners' proficiency and speaking anxiety
Helena Soldan
This thesis investigates the relationship between EFL learners’ proficiency and speaking anxiety. Foreign language speaking anxiety is a complex phenomenon that has attracted a lot of attention, especially its relation to proficiency levels. The purpose of this research was to measure Croatian high school students’ levels of foreign language speaking anxiety and to examine whether proficiency levels would have any effect on them. Moreover, this study aimed to investigate which of the...
The relationship between EFL teachers’ trait emotional intelligence and their attitudes toward their students, teaching practices and profession
The relationship between EFL teachers’ trait emotional intelligence and their attitudes toward their students, teaching practices and profession
Matea Lapornik
There is growing interest in the relationship between trait emotional intelligence (TEI) and (language) teacher attitudes, as research has shown that these two factors impact student outcomes. This study explores the relationship between 334 Croatian English as a Foreign Language (EFL teachers’ TEI and their attitudes toward their students, teaching practices and profession. Quantitative data were collected via online questionnaires measuring TEI and attitudes. Spearman correlation and...
The role of gaming in vocabulary acquisition
The role of gaming in vocabulary acquisition
Mislav Malević
Video igre podržavaju svaki dio učinkovitog učenja pružajući: jak i zanimljiv narativ (kontekst), namjerne interakcije (autentičnost), emocionalni angažman (motivacija), sloboda neuspjeha (greške) i mogućnosti samostalnog odlučivanja (autonomija učenika). Učenje poboljšano igrom pruža skup učinkovitih strategija, kao što su jezična ponavljanja i kontekstualni tragovi, za vježbanje i korištenje vokabulara u autentičnom kontekstu. Neke od strategija kao što...
The role of personal pronouns in forming community and individuality in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring"
The role of personal pronouns in forming community and individuality in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring"
Ana Pehar
Personal pronouns are deictic referents which are used based on their surrounding context, the role of the speakers, their intentions, and other factors. Pronouns also play a role in placing the speaker within a language community, and they help the speaker express notions such as solidarity and individuality. This thesis takes a pragmatic approach towards analyzing how personal pronouns are used in order to form a sense of community or express individuality in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The...
The role of video materials in EFL classrooms
The role of video materials in EFL classrooms
Diana Martinović
The aim of this study was to explore the use of video in EFL classroom and describe the positive transformation of English language teaching related to using technology and video in education. The textbooks analyzed are designed in line with current technological advancement. They offer a variety of topics and provide a source of authentic language. The content of textbook modules and units is presented in the tables and all the videos are listed for the purpose of this study. Selected...
The topic of inequality of educational opportunities in high school sociology: A case study of Helen Keller's impact on education and society
The topic of inequality of educational opportunities in high school sociology: A case study of Helen Keller's impact on education and society
Irma Lipušić
The paper covers the historical analysis of education in Croatia and describes the contemporary educational system. Afterward, the paper focuses on educational opportunities of people with disabilities and compares the historical and contemporary treatment of people with disabilities. Moreover, it explores the complexities of educational inequalities and analyzes socio-cultural attitudes towards educational inequalities ranging from early childhood, pre-school, and primary education to...
The translation and audience reception of proper names in the official and amateur subtitles of The Witcher
The translation and audience reception of proper names in the official and amateur subtitles of The Witcher
Tea Božičević
Audiovisual translation has been studied in academic circles since the 1950s, but it was considered an inferior translation activity (Díaz Cintas, 2004). Today, it is a well-developed and an established type of translation that some engage with as a hobby. This has led to the development of fansubs: subtitles created by fans who are usually not formally educated in the field of translation. This practice was a response to unsatisfying subtitles for Japanese anime in the 1980s, but it has...
The translation of law enforcement and drug dealers' slang in "The Wire"
The translation of law enforcement and drug dealers' slang in "The Wire"
Luka Boričević
When translating slang, the subtitler must decide whether to preserve or standardize the expression. The decision is based on the time and space constraints, but also affected by paratextual considerations such as the type of client (public/private TV), their norms and instructions. This study was conducted to inspect their influence on slang preservation vs. standardization through a comparative analysis of the Croatian subtitles of The Wire S01E01 which aired on both a public (HRT) and a...
The use of anglicisms on Croatian news websites
The use of anglicisms on Croatian news websites
Lorena Vincek
This diploma thesis investigates to what extent anglicisms are present in the Croatian language, that is, in the Croatian media, considering the increasing influence of the English language and globalization. The paper is divided into two parts, the first is theoretical and the second deals with research into the appearance of Anglicisms in the media, their quantity and analysis. The first part defines key concepts such as linguistic borrowing and words of foreign origin and their division....
Things Left Unsaid: Linguistic Analysis of Silences found in Three Novels by Thomas Hardy
Things Left Unsaid: Linguistic Analysis of Silences found in Three Novels by Thomas Hardy
Lucija Jalžabetić
Silence plays an integral role in our lives. It is present in everyday conversations, as both the starting and the ending point of each of our utterances. Although they seem markedly different, speech and silence operate together in delivering the speaker’s message and may convey as powerful a message as they may also present a lack thereof. Because silence is oftentimes considered to be ‘other’ than speech, it has scarcely been the focus of linguistic research. However, when studied,...
