Sažetak | Ovom doktorskom disertacijom nastojimo istražiti i prikazati karakter pedagoškog gledišta bošnjačkih pedagoga u Bosni i Hercegovini između dva svjetska rata. Cilj istraživanja je s teorijsko-pedagogijskog stajališta analizirati karakter pedagoškog gledišta bošnjačkih pedagoga između dva svjetska rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. U teorijskom istraživanju za potrebe ovoga rada, pokušavamo identificirati temeljne pojmove kroz koje bi se sustavno mogla postaviti pedagogijska perspektiva, kao što su: odgoj / obrazovanje, odgojivost / obrazovljivost, pedagoški odnos, pedagoški takt, odgojna nastava. Posljednje poglavlje u teorijskom dijelu rada tretira orijentalno-islamski pedagogijski kategorijalni aparat, kako bismo na osnovu njega mogli procjeniti (ne)postojanost utjecaja orijentalno-islamskih mislilaca na pedagoško stajalište bošnjačkih pedagoga. Empirijski dio rada zasniva se na povijesnoj metodi i analizi sadržaja. U drugom dijelu rada, a sve na temelju povijesnoteorijskih koncepata pedagogije, analiziramo radove bošnjačkih pedagoga između dva svjetska rata, da bismo propitali pedagogičnost njihova gledišta. Dosadašnja istraživanja njihovih radova bila su isključivo povijesnog karaktera, a ne predmet teorijsko-pedagogijske analize. Dakle, temeljem uspostavljenog kategorijalnog aparata u teorijskom dijelu kritički procjenjujemo djela odabranih bošnjačkih pedagoga, tj. propitujemo njihovo pedagoško gledište. Znanstvena usmjerenost ovoga rada je utvrđivanje karaktera teorijsko-pedagogijskih gledišta u radovima bošnjačkih pedagoga kako bi se ustanovilo jesu li i u kojoj mjeri njihovi radovi pedagogični, tj. da li korespondiraju s teorijskim konceptima pedagogije. U interpretaciji i diskusiji pokušavamo odgovoriti na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: Što je zajedničko u pedagoškim gledištima bošnjačkih pedagoga? -- Može li se kod njih uočiti da pojmovne kategorije kroz koje gledaju sadržaj oblikuju njihove teme i obratno? -- Pojavljuje li se u obradama tema “sustav” pedagoških pojmova bošnjačkih pedagoga? -- U kojem su odnosu pedagoška gledišta bošnjačkih pedagoga s povijesno-teorijski uspostavljenim konceptom pedagogije koji koristimo u radu? -- Postoji li orijentalno-islamski utjecaj na pedagoško gledište analiziranih autora? Na temelju rezultata istraživanja zaključujemo da su bošnjački pedagozi imali tematski slična interesovanja. Teme o kojima su pisali nisu jednako kvantitativno i kvalitativno obrađene kod svih autora, ali se, ipak, da uočiti komplementaran pedagogijski diskurs i paralelizam mišljenja bošnjačkih pedagoga prema određenim pedagoškim idejama. Istraživanjem, također, pokazujemo da postoji diferencijacija u teorijskim gledištima bošnjačkih pedagoga bez obzira na tematsku sličnost njihovih radova. U njihovom pedagoškom gledištu uočavamo da su pojmovne kategorije kroz koje posmatraju određeni sadržaj oblikovale njihove teme te da su i same teme određivale upotrebu pojmovnih kategorija. Prema rezultatim istraživanja jasno je da je prisutna upotreba osnovnih pedagogijskih pojmova kod svih bošnjačkih pedagoga. Prema rezultatima istraživanja, evidentno je da autori nisu eksplicitno obuhvatali sustav teorijskih pojmova, ali prema cjelini anliziranog korpusa, može se sačiniti sustav pedagogijskih pojmova bošnjačkih pedagoga. U analizi radova bošnjačkih pedagoga pokazujemo odnos njihove osobne pedagoške pozicije sa teorijsko-pedagogijskim konceptom uspostavljenim u teorijskom dijelu rada. Rezultati pokazuju značajan paralelizam mišljenja ili implicitnu povezanost mišljenja bošnjačkih pedagoga i analiziranih autora u teorijskom dijelu. Veoma često se uočava i eksplicitna povezanost gdje se bošnjački pedagozi pozivaju na klasike pedagogije i filozofije (Herbart, Komenský, Rousseau, Aristotel, Kant itd.) koje tretiramo u teorijskom dijelu rada. Ideje koje su u pedagogiji aktualizirane u drugoj polovini 20. stoljeća (Van Manen, English) uočavaju se kod bošnjačkih pedagoga između dva svjetska rata, što dodatno govori o kakrakteru i dometima njihova pedagoškog mišljenja. Uz evidentne zapadnoeuropske teorijske pedagogijske utjecaje posebnu notu pedagoškom gledištu bošnjačkih pedagogoga daje i utjecaj orijentalno-islamske pedagogijske i filozofijske misli, dajući mu na taj način jednu specifičnost u kontesktu cjeline zapadnoeuropske pedagogijske misli. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this work is to determine a categorical conceptual apparatus of pedagogy based on historically - theoretical concepts of pedagogy, through which we would analyze the works of Bosniak pedagogue between the two world wars. Previous research on these works had historical character exclusively, but they were not subject to theoretical-pedagogical analysis, which is the intent of this work. The scientific focus is in examining the character of the theoretically - pedagogical point of view of Bosniak pedagogue, where we have the opportunity to determine whether and to what extent their works were pedagogical, that is, do they correspond with theoretical concepts of pedagogy. In the theoretical research, we are trying to identify basic concepts throught which a pedagogical perspecitve could be sistematically set. We are pointing out the basic terms such as: education, educability, pedagogical relationship, pedagogical tact, educational teaching. In the theoretical part of this work, we try to elaborate and analyze the above mentioned pedagogical terms and their mutual dialectics. The last chapter in the theoretical part discusses the Oriental-Islamic pedagogical categorical apparatus, so that on its basis we can assess the (in)consistency of the influence of Oriental-Islamic knowledge on the pedagogical point of view of Bosniak pedagogues. The empirical part of the work is based on the historical method and the method of content analysis. In the second part of the paper, based on the historical-theoretical concepts of pedagogy, we have analyzed the works of Bosniak pedagogues between the two world wars, in order to question the pedagogy of their point of view. Previous research on these works had historical character exclusively, but they were not subject to theoretical-pedagogical analysis. The goal of the research was to examine the character of the theoretically - pedagogical point of view of Bosniak pedagogue between the two world wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, based on the established categorical apparatus, in the theoretical part, we have critically evaluated the works of selected Bosniak pedagogues, we have questioned whether and to what extent their works were pedagogical. We also applied the theoretical-pedagogical analysis in the other direction – that is by analyzing their works, we also reflected on the categorical apparatus from which we started. The scientific focus of this work is in examining the character of the theoretically - pedagogical point of view of Bosniak pedagogue, where we have the opportunity to determine whether and to what extent their works were pedagogical, that is, do they correspond with theoretical concepts of pedagogy. Considering the interpretation of the results as a starting point, we are trying to answer the research questions: What is common in the pedagogical viewpoints of Bosniak pedagogues? -- Can it be observed that the conceptual categories through which they view the content impacts their choice of topics and vice versa? -- Whether the theme "system" of pedagogical concepts of Bosniak pedagogues appears in the works? -- In what relation are the pedagogical points of view of Bosniak pedagogues with the historically and theoretically established concept of pedagogy that we use in this work? -- Whether there is an Oriental-Islamic influence on the pedagogical point of view of the analyzed authors? Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that Bosniak pedagogues had thematically similar interests. The topics they wrote about are not treated in the same quantitative and qualitative way by all authors, but it is still possible to observe a complementary pedagogical discourse and the parallelism of the opinions of Bosniak pedagogues according to certain pedagogical ideas. However, through research, we have also shown that there is differentiation in the theoretical viewpoints of Bosniak pedagogues, regardless of the thematic similarity of their works. In their pedagogical point of view, we can see that the conceptual categories through which they observe certain content shaped their topics, and that the topics themselves determined the use of conceptual categories. According to the results of the research, it is clear that the use of basic pedagogical terms is present among all Bosniak pedagogues. However, with some pedagogues, certain concepts are not related with other pedagogical concepts, which implies the non-existance of a system. In the analysis of the works of Bosniak pedagogues, we have showed the relationship between their personal pedagogical position and the theoretical-pedagogical concept established in the theoretical part of the work. The results showed a significant parallelism of opinion or an implicit connection between the opinions of Bosniak pedagogues and the analyzed authors in the theoretical part. Oftenly, an explicit connection with classics of pedagogy and philosophy (Herbart, Komenský, Rousseau, Aristotle, Kant, etc.) could be observed in the works of Bosniak pedagogues which we also treated in the theoretical part of the work. In addition to evident Western European theoretical pedagogical influences, the influence of Oriental-Islamic pedagogical and philosophical thought gives a special note to the pedagogical point of view of Bosniak pedagogues, thus giving it a specificity in the context of the whole of Western European pedagogical thought. |