Sažetak | Videoigre su društveni fenomen koji se već desetljećima intenzivno istražuje, a igranje videoigara je pozitivno povezano s uspjehom u školi. Istraživanja su pokazala da korištenje videoigara u nastavi ima pozitivan utjecaj na: čitanje i pisanje, geometrijsko i matematičko razmišljanje, strateško razmišljanje i zaključivanje, kritičko promišljanje, rješavanje problema i kreativnost, STEM područje, učenje jezika kao i na učeničku motivaciju i zadovoljstvo nastavom. Cilj ove disertacije je ... Više istraživanje kvalitete korisničkoga iskustva pri upotrebi videoigara baziranih na računalnom oblaku u odgojno-obrazovne svrhe te razvijanje pristupa za integraciju ovih igara u odgojno-obrazovni proces pri čemu će se uzeti u obzir postojeća ograničenja tehnologije i infrastrukture, kao i potrebe i zahtjeve osnovnoškolskih učitelja. Dodatno, cilj je bio izrađivanje optimizacijskoga modela koji će olakšati implementaciju videoigara u odgojno-obrazovni proces putem videoigara baziranih na računalnom oblaku. Tijekom prve faze istraživanja, distribuirani su anketni upitnici učiteljima razredne i predmetne nastave za ispitivanje stavova o korištenju videoigara u obrazovanju. Analiza je pokazala statistički značajne razlike u stavovima između ove dvije skupine, učitelji razredne nastave pokazali su veću sklonost korištenju videoigara kao obrazovnih alata. U drugoj fazi, testirane su komercijalne platforme za videoigre bazirane na računalnom oblaku kako bi se provjerilo zadovoljavaju li obrazovne potrebe učitelja. Rezultati su potvrdili hipotezu da platforme zadovoljavaju te potrebe, pružajući odgovarajuće resurse. Treća faza obuhvatila je ocjenu tehničkih specifikacija školskih informatičkih učionica kako bi se utvrdila njihova prikladnost za korištenje videoigara. Odabrana je učionica koja je najbolje ispunjavala tehničke i obrazovne kriterije te su odabrane obrazovne igre Tricky Towers za osnovnoškolsko i Age of Caesar za nastavu povijesti. Četvrta faza uključivala je preliminarno istraživanje korištenjem GeForce NOW platforme, tijekom kojeg su studenti igrali igre u različitim postavkama. Razvijen je model optimizacije temeljen na analizi iskustvene kvalitete igara. U petoj fazi istraživanja proveo se kvazieksperiment na nastavnom satu pri čemu je mjerena iskustvena kvaliteta korištenja videoigara u nastavi. Rezultati su pokazali da igranje lokalno i putem računalnoga oblaka nije dovelo do statistički značajnih razlika u iskustvenoj kvaliteti, čime je potvrđena hipoteza da nema razlike u kvaliteti između lokalnoga igranja i igranja putem računalnoga oblaka. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | Video games have developed into a significant social phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers for decades. Over the past few years, the gaming industry has surpassed both the global film industry and the sports industry in North America in terms of revenue. There exists a positive correlation between playing video games and academic success, particularly in STEM education. Studies from the Netherlands have shown that most students with computer skills, such as text ... Više writing and basic image processing, have experience playing video games. Video game players have achieved better results on PISA tests in reading, mathematics, and science. Notably, playing strategic video games is linked to enhanced problem-solving skills, which are also reflected in school grades. In the scientific context, serious games, which are designed not solely for entertainment but with educational purposes, are emphasized. These games use multimodal interaction to enhance user experience, allowing players to communicate naturally with both virtual and physical worlds. Serious games, incorporating various media such as text, graphics, animation, sound, and haptics, have demonstrated potential in diverse contexts including education, training, health, and interpersonal communication. The use of video games in education, including genres suitable for specific ages, positively affects student motivation, satisfaction with lessons, and various aspects of learning such as reading, writing, mathematical and geometrical reasoning, strategic thinking, critical thinking, creativity, STEM, and language learning. Despite the significant potential of video games as learning tools, their application for educational purposes has remained rare. Major barriers include technical limitations such as infrastructure and hardware, a lack of IT competencies among teachers, a shortage of quality educational games suitable for classroom use, and high financial costs associated primarily with game acquisition. Successfully integrating video games into the educational process is crucial, requiring the establishment of advanced ICT infrastructure supported by modern technologies such as cloud computing. Cloud-based video games offer an innovative way of organizing online gaming, enabling gameplay that is entirely stored and processed on cloud servers. This technology delivers highquality video to users while their inputs are sent to the server. Cloud games can overcome many of the challenges mentioned as they do not require powerful hardware, reduce the need for specific knowledge among teachers, allow access to the latest games with advanced graphics, and decrease the number of licenses needed. Using cloud games in an educational context offers numerous advantages while eliminating key barriers, posing research challenges related to optimizing interactive video streaming to maximize Quality of Experience (QoE) in computer classrooms. The concept of Quality of Experience finds its application in the telecommunications sector, referring to the evaluation of user satisfaction when using certain technological products or services. This topic has been continuously researched for many years, and although it is welldeveloped, it still presents a field open for the exploration of new technological services, including the under-researched area of educational games in cloud environments. Quality of Experience is assessed both subjectively, using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS), and objectively based on technical Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. Unlike the technically focused QoS, improving services and enhancing user satisfaction crucially depends on understanding users' perceptions of quality. The challenge in introducing cloud-based video games into education involves selecting appropriate games for different educational programs. This research area requires an interdisciplinary approach that merges technical and social research to apply advanced technological solutions in education. This doctoral dissertation has investigated how using cloudbased video games affects the Quality of Experience in the educational setting and developed a methodology for their integration into teaching, taking into account technical and infrastructural limitations and the requirements of teachers for using video games for educational purposes. The dissertation aimed to explore the quality of user experience when using cloud-based video games for educational purposes and to develop an approach for integrating these games into the educational process, considering existing technology and infrastructure limitations, as well as the needs and demands of elementary school teachers. Additionally, an optimization model was created to facilitate the implementation of video games in education through cloud technology. The research addressed the following hypotheses: H1: There is no statistically significant difference in the opinions and attitudes about using video games between elementary and subject teachers. H2: Available commercial platforms for using cloud-based video games meet teachers' needs. H3: There is no statistically significant difference in the Quality of Experience when using games locally and on the cloud. The research was conducted in several phases: During the first phase of the research, survey questionnaires were distributed to primary and subject teachers to investigate their views on the use of video games in an educational context. The analysis of the collected data revealed statistically significant differences in attitudes between these two groups of teachers, which partially confirmed the hypothesis "There is no statistically significant difference in opinions and attitudes regarding the use of video games among primary and subject teachers." Specifically, primary teachers expressed a greater propensity to use video games as educational tools compared to their subject teacher colleagues. In the second phase of the research, various commercial platforms for cloud-based video games were evaluated to determine if they meet the educational needs of teachers. The results confirmed the hypothesis "Available commercial platforms for using video games in the cloud meet teachers' needs," as the platforms provided resources that matched the teachers' requirements for integrating video games into educational plans. The third phase of research involved assessing the technical specifications of computer classrooms, aiming to determine their capability for implementing video games in teaching. Based on these analyses, a classroom that best met the technical and educational requirements was selected. Additionally, two educational games, "Tricky Towers" for primary education and "Age of Caesar" for subject teaching of history, were selected. In the fourth phase, a preliminary study was conducted using the GeForce NOW platform, where students played video games under various technical settings. Based on the performance and Quality of Experience analysis, an optimization model was developed. In the fifth phase of the study, real-time testing of the model in the classroom involved playing games both locally and through the cloud, measuring video quality, fluidity, and overall Quality of Experience. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in Quality of Experience between local and cloud gaming, thereby confirming the hypothesis that "There is no statistically significant difference in Quality of Experience when using games locally and on the cloud." The scientific contribution of the work is reflected in the analysis of teachers' opinions and attitudes towards video games in teaching and the assessment of their needs for using games in teaching through cloud computing. A methodology for introducing cloud-based games into the teaching process was also developed. An optimization model for the Quality of Experience of using games in cloud-based teaching was created, considering existing technical and infrastructural limitations, and the Quality of Experience of cloud-based video games was determined. The practical contribution of this doctoral dissertation lies in multiple aspects of enhancing the educational process through the integration of cloud-based video games. A detailed analysis of available video games on commercial platforms and their mapping to specific educational areas and thematic units of the curriculum was provided. This enabled teachers to easily identify relevant games that could be used as educational tools, tailored to the curriculum and specific educational goals. The developed methodology for introducing video games into teaching provided a clear and systematic approach that helps teachers and educational institutions efficiently integrate video games into the teaching process. This methodology includes steps from identifying teachers' needs and selecting appropriate games to implementing games in teaching and evaluating their effectiveness. By developing a model that precisely determines how many computers and what technical specifications are necessary for optimal functioning of games in the cloud, the dissertation provided key information for planning and establishing adequate IT infrastructure in schools. The optimization model allows teachers to maximize the Quality of Experience in learning with minimal technical requirements, thereby reducing potential barriers to implementation, such as high costs and technical limitations. The practical contribution of the dissertation also extends to improving student motivation and engagement through innovative and interactive learning methods. Using cloud-based video games as educational tools can increase students' interest in subjects, improve their understanding of complex concepts, and enhance learning achievements. Sakrij dio sažetka |