
Contrastive Analysis of the English Future Perfect and Its Croatian Equivalents
Contrastive Analysis of the English Future Perfect and Its Croatian Equivalents
Iva Leskovar
This master’s thesis focuses on the English tense system, specifically, the perfect tenses, and it does so by looking at it from the viewpoint of the future perfect. It starts by providing a theoretical framework that serves to prove how complex the question of the tense in fact is and how difficult can the grounding of a perfect tense be, especially for non-native speakers. From the data from a parallel corpus of English and Croatian, that was built for the purpose of...
Copyright i javna sfera
Copyright i javna sfera
Matija Ćutić
Regulacija intelektualnog vlasništva postala je sve češće i teže pitanje početkom 20. stoljeća. Dok je zakonska regulacija autorskog prava bila velik korak za novinarstvo, filozofiju i umjetnost općenito, posebice književnost, velika je razlika između ideja i sporova koji su obilježavali razdoblje prvih konkretnih zakonskih regulacija nasuprot onih koje je donio tehnološki razvoj te općeniti napredak društva. Bujanje ekonomije, posebno nastanak i strelovit razvoj zabavne...
Corpus analysis of the lexeme 'Frankenstein'
Corpus analysis of the lexeme 'Frankenstein'
Vlatka Vidaković
This thesis presents a corpus analysis of the lexeme ‘Frankenstein’, which has been around for more than 200 years. Initially being a character in Mary Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel, a human-like monster created in the laboratory of Victor Frankenstein, the lexeme has survived many linguistic and cultural changes, but sustained, if not increased, its popularity. The first paragraph of the thesis has to do with the reception of the novel and its contemporariness. The next chapter...
Corpus research on the use and meaning of "burn out"
Corpus research on the use and meaning of "burn out"
Monija Škriljevečki
This thesis explores the literal and metaphorical use of burn out. Based on a corpus study of native English written works, and related literary work, it argues that burn out is motivated by the literal conceptual frame of A FIRE STOPPING TO BURN and its relating properties. These properties include heat, light, smoke, use of burnables and energy, burning sensation, and working as a selective eliminator and destructor. Except for the literal meaning of burn out directly involving fire, the...
Costrutti a verbo supporto in italiano e francese e i loro equivalenti croati
Costrutti a verbo supporto in italiano e francese e i loro equivalenti croati
Dorotea Koren
Tema della presente tesi di laurea sono i verbi supporto in italiano e francese e i rispettivi equivalenti in croato. Il primo obbiettivo è quello di fare un confronto fra i verbi supporto in italiano e francese per determinare in che misura essi coincidono, mentre il secondo obbiettivo è quello di fare una ricerca sui verbi supporto in croato e determinare gli equivalenti possibili. Nella parte teorica vengono definiti i verbi supporto e vengono determinate le loro caratteristiche. Nella...
Crash and its thematic cousins
Crash and its thematic cousins
Leon Kiš
Ballard’s 1973 novel Crash is one of the most controversial pieces of fiction to appear in post-war Europe. It explores, along with the author's three other major novels, the modern world marked by rapid technological change. This spawns a new logic of perversion and seduction, which in turn affects human behavior. The author examines the violence and eroticism produced by the headlong collision of the human subject with the technological landscape.
Crazy cat lady – istraživanje mentalnog zdravlja vlasnica mačaka
Crazy cat lady – istraživanje mentalnog zdravlja vlasnica mačaka
Ivana Baran
Pozitivan utjecaj ljubimaca na mentalno i fizičko zdravlje utvrđen je u mnogim istraživanjima, no u popularnoj kulturi se proteže arhetip crazy cat lady, usidjelice okružene velikim brojem mačaka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati stereotip lude mačkarice, odnosno istražiti razlike u mentalnom zdravlju i osobinama ličnosti žena s obzirom na broj mačaka koje imaju. Istraživanje je provedeno na 403 sudionika. Sudionici su ispunjavali upitnik ličnosti (IPIP-50), Ljestvicu...
Crioulos de base portuguesa em África
Crioulos de base portuguesa em África
Josipa Majić
O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar com mais detalhes as línguas crioulas de base portuguesa que se desenvolveram em África como resultado da expansão colonial portuguesa no período do século XV ao XVIII. As línguas crioulas, juntamente com os jargões e os pidgins, pertencem ao grupo das línguas em contacto que surgem em situações de contacto prolongado entre duas ou mais comunidades de línguas maternas diferentes e mutuamente incompreensíveis. O trabalho explica os termos...
Cristianismo e a expansão marítima portuguesa
Cristianismo e a expansão marítima portuguesa
Ivana Prša
Na expansão do império e na colonização portuguesa, a visão cristã teve um lugar extremamente importante. A visão cristã e as convicções de superioridade e dominação predominaram o discurso da colonização e da cristianização das populações indígenas. As convicções de que as crenças dos “pagãos” são inferiores e exóticas, que é preciso salvar as suas almas, que toda a terra pertence a Deus e aos cristãos, são algumas das convicções que construiram uma forte...
Critical Analysis of Climate Change Discourse in Newspaper Homepage Headlines
Critical Analysis of Climate Change Discourse in Newspaper Homepage Headlines
Matea Bajs
Critical discourse analysis is an approach comprised of a combination of various disciplines and methods used to analyze the connection between discourse and society. The focus of CDA is on power relations, that is, how power is being produced and reproduced through discourse. In this paper the aim is to critically analyze how climate change discourse is presented by the media in three different countries. Climate change is causing problems for nature, animal life and humans since due to the...
Critical Discourse Analysis of Protest Signs at the Women's March on Washington
Critical Discourse Analysis of Protest Signs at the Women's March on Washington
Branimira Brezovec
This paper presents a Critical Discourse Analysis of a group of randomly selected protest signs from the Women’s March on Washington. A total of 46 signs selected from three different sources were analyzed qualitatively, and three protest signs were singled out for a detailed analysis. The aim of this was to show which linguistic and visual techniques were used to convey the messages to the audience, along with emphasizing the role context – situational and social – often has in those...
Critical Discourse Analysis of Street Naming Practices in Bunbury, Western Australia
Critical Discourse Analysis of Street Naming Practices in Bunbury, Western Australia
Magdalena Lipovac
This thesis deals with street naming practices in Bunbury, Western Australia. More specifically, Bunbury’s street name discourse has been analysed within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis in order to illuminate its relationship with the societal power structures that have been shaped by the town’s colonial history. To do so, we used a corpus of 593 street names whose origins and meanings are detailed in Bunbury’s street name register, provided by the town’s council. The...
