
Cenzura u školskim knjižnicama
Cenzura u školskim knjižnicama
Anja Ravlić
Ljudi su odavna spoznali moć pisane riječi te su stoga vrlo rano postali svjesni da moraju pronaći način kako ju kontrolirati. Tijekom stoljeća, pa i tisućljeća, vladajući su isprobavali različite mehanizme kontrole, međutim autori, nakladnici, prodavači i čitatelji uvijek su uspijevali naći načine kako ju zaobići. Knjige za djecu i mlade posebno su izložene udarima cenzure jer su namijenjene najosjetljivijem dijelu populacije. Razlozi zbog kojih su se knjige namijenjene...
Challenging the "Deceived" Notions of Gender and History in Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" and Ali Smith's "How to Be Both"
Challenging the "Deceived" Notions of Gender and History in Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" and Ali Smith's "How to Be Both"
Vesna Kenđelić
The discussion provided in this paper focuses on two distinct, but interrelated issues: gender and historical narrative representation. Arguing that both Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" (1928) and Ali Smith's "How to Be Both" (2014) view gender and narrative representations of the past as social constructs, the paper analyses their similar approaches to each of those issues through the lens of Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity and Linda Hutcheon's concept of historiographic...
Charles Dickens’s "A Tale of Two Cities" and Christopher Nolan’s "The Dark Knight Rises": A Comparison
Charles Dickens’s "A Tale of Two Cities" and Christopher Nolan’s "The Dark Knight Rises": A Comparison
Mislav Gleich
This paper offers a thorough comparison of Charles Dickens’s "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859) and Christopher Nolan’s "The Dark Knight Rises" (2012). Due to the fact that the latter is based on the former, there are a number of similarities between the two works. Aside from clear Dickensian references and allusions in "Rises," the film draws heavily from the novel in terms of its portrayal of a city on the brink of a revolution. Paris and Gotham are “twin cities” in many regards,...
Chatbot Language Design
Chatbot Language Design
Tamara Hlupić
As the starting point of the study on chatbot language design, the fundamental building block of a chatbot is taken – whether the chatbot in question is AI/NLP-based or rule-based. The first chatbot, Stanford’s Chirpy Cardinal, is more advanced, since it is AI-based, while the other is Hector, a rule-based chatbot. The focus here is on the analysis of their language use in communication with humans, as well as the approach humans adopt in conversations with said chatbots as opposed to...
Childhood and Dystopia in William Golding's Lord of the Flies:
Childhood and Dystopia in William Golding's Lord of the Flies:
Jakov Milanković
This diploma thesis explores the complex symbolic framework and the allegorical and dystopian nature of William Golding’s 1954 novel Lord of the Flies. This thesis presents a literary-theoretical reading of the narrative of the novel, analyzing its main thematic components, how it deals with the psychology of human nature, examining its relationship with the utopian and dystopian tradition, with specific focus given to the tradition of the British adventure novel, followed by a...
Children in Blake's poems and illustrations from Songs of Innocence and Experience
Children in Blake's poems and illustrations from Songs of Innocence and Experience
Anđela Majić
William Blake issued his Songs of Innocence in 1789 and five years later in 1794, he reissued it with the addition of Songs of Experience, which he then merged into a single book. Both were produced in the manner of illuminated printing. The poems deal with the portrayal of children and the childlike spirit, how it manifests through characteristics of innocence and how it is destroyed through experience. Innocence denotes a state in which one observes the world through joy, naivety, safety,...
Cielitos de Bartolomé Hidalgo y la poesía gauchesca
Cielitos de Bartolomé Hidalgo y la poesía gauchesca
Isadora Luque Akrap
Ovaj rad se bavi početcima gaučke poezije i njezinim povijesnim, društvenim i političkim kontekstom. Objašnjava se slabljenje španjolske krune za vrijeme ratova za neovisnost u Južnoj Americi, te se analizira djelo pod nazivom Cielitos urugvajskog pjesnika Bartoloméa Hidalga i njegov doprinos hispanoameričkoj književnosti.
Ciljna kultura i civilizacija u udžbenicima njemačkog i portugalskog kao stranog jezika
Ciljna kultura i civilizacija u udžbenicima njemačkog i portugalskog kao stranog jezika
Magdalena Lovaković
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike među udžbenicima njemačkog i portugalskog kao stranog jezika, odnosno između udžbenika njemačkog i portugalskog s obzirom na sadržaje i teme ciljne kulture i civilizacije te koje su prednosti i nedostaci analiziranih udžbenika s obzirom na navedeni aspekt. U tu je svrhu analizirano šest udžbenika (Beste Freunde, Magnet neu B1, Netzwerk B1, Português em Foco 2, Passaporte para Português 2, Português XXI) namijenjenih...
Cionizam u Hrvatskoj
Cionizam u Hrvatskoj
Anita Fiket
Tema mog diplomskog rada je cionizam u Hrvatskoj. Ovim radom prikazujem nastanak cionizma, njegov razvoj i obujam rada u Hrvatskoj, odnosno hrvatskim zemljama. U radu je dan pregled razvoja ovog pokreta na našim prostorima te je prikazana atmosfera u kojoj je nastao i do kada je taj pokret bio aktivan. Ujedno sam istražila cionistička društva te Savez cionista koji su djelovali na prostoru Hrvatske i navela kratak pregled njihovog djelovanja. Također sam se bavila cjelokupnim pokretom...
Code-switching between Croatian and English in Relation to Perceived Word Emotionality: The Case of Croatian EFL Learners
Code-switching between Croatian and English in Relation to Perceived Word Emotionality: The Case of Croatian EFL Learners
Nika Hrašovec
Code-switching is a multi-layered phenomenon which can be studied from various perspectives. In the view of the ever-growing influence of the English language on the Croatian language and Croatian society, especially younger generations, this study was focused on the connection between code-switching and perceived word emotionality in Croatian EFL students. The aim of this study was to examine Croatian teenagers’ code-switching habits in relation to perceived emotionality of English and...
Code-switching between Swedish and English in Online Communication
Code-switching between Swedish and English in Online Communication
Domagoj Fabekovec
The purpose of this thesis is to establish and describe how often, in what places, and why Swedish forum members code-switch to English. This is achieved by examining 3,600 posts (180 posts from 20 different threads) belonging to five categories on the biggest Swedish forum, Flashback. The framework for the analysis of the code-switched instances is not taken from just one source, but is rather a mixture of different sources, each of which focuses on different facets which are usually...
