
That’s not my name! Translation of proper names in Croatian and Russian translations of George Orwell’s Animal Farm: A Fairy Story
That’s not my name! Translation of proper names in Croatian and Russian translations of George Orwell’s Animal Farm: A Fairy Story
Dora Lukač
The question of rendering proper names has raised a lot of attention over the years, especially when it comes to the translation of literary texts. The procedures for rendering proper names have been studied mostly in works belonging to the fantasy genre and children’s literature. Even though George Orwell’s Animal Farm belongs to neither of the two categories, it was deemed interesting for a study of this kind because of several reasons. First, it is subtitled A Fairy Story, revealing...
The Acquisition of Wh-questions in English and Croatian: A Case Study
The Acquisition of Wh-questions in English and Croatian: A Case Study
Leona Grgić
This case study followed the process of first language acquisition of a child learning the Croatian language. A Croatian girl named Franka was recorded in her home, by her parents, several times per month, from the age of two until the age of three years old. The goal of the study was to collect recordings of the child’s spontaneous speech in order to examine more closely the development of interrogative forms in children learning Croatian, as compared to children learning English as their...
The Applicability of Pym's Translation Solutions to Translation between English and Croatian
The Applicability of Pym's Translation Solutions to Translation between English and Croatian
Dario Trbović
This thesis comprises five annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. Three texts were translated from English into Croatian (an excerpt from the book Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, an excerpt from the book A University Education and one text which included three Cochrane Reviews.). Two texts were translated from Croatian into English (an excerpt from the book Društvene igre, and an excerpt from the text Starčevačka kultura na lokalitetu Tomašanci-Palača)....
The Centrality of the City in the African American Experience – the 1980s to Today
The Centrality of the City in the African American Experience – the 1980s to Today
Luka Jurić
The paper‟s main argument is the idea that the city plays a key role in formation of contemporary African American identity. To be more specific, the paper argues that the city is crucial in the experience of young black men living in the postindustrial variation of inner-city neighborhoods, i.e. the hood, since the paper presents its main argument through a reading of four different coming-of-age narratives: John Singleton‟s Boyz n the Hood (1991), Allen and Albert Hughes‟ Menace II...
The Concept of Time Travel in The Time Machine and “A Sound of Thunder”
The Concept of Time Travel in The Time Machine and “A Sound of Thunder”
Daniel Prebeg
The thesis discusses the phenomenon of time travel and its usage in narratives. It covers the evolution of time travel stories, from the unexplained and coincidental time slips to the introduction of the time machine, which became one of the more recognizable tropes of science fiction in general. The ensuing discussion includes the influence that scientifical ideas and concepts had on SF authors and their work, as well as the inevitable paradoxes that arise from time travelling to the past....
The Depiction of Enlightenment Science in Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon
The Depiction of Enlightenment Science in Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon
Neven Brlek
The paper offers a reading of Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon (1997) in terms of its portrayal of technology, science, and, more broadly, Enlightenment thought. The argument is that the novel’s main concern is the inability to separate science out from the culture in which it is practiced and that scientific and technological progress are therefore deeply vulnerable to exploitation by political and economic systems. This conjunction of science, culture and politics is evinced by...
The Development of Female Identity in Asian American Women's Memoirs
The Development of Female Identity in Asian American Women's Memoirs
Mirna Bognar
This paper examines the development of the representation of identity in Asian American women’s memoirs in the period around the Second World War. More accurately, it is interested to see how memoirs can serve as a tool to create Asian American woman as a subject or, in other words, how Asian American women use the genres of life-writing to create alternative ethnic and gender narrative plots, thus subverting discourses of power, while also defying the Western expectations...
The Devil’s in the Details: The Translation of Religion-based Expressions in the Croatian Netflix Subtitles for "Lucifer"
The Devil’s in the Details: The Translation of Religion-based Expressions in the Croatian Netflix Subtitles for "Lucifer"
Mihaela Šegrec
The research for the thesis was conducted within the context of translation studies and subtitling with an emphasis on translation strategies and the retention of religion-based expressions and components in the Croatian subtitles of the Netflix series Lucifer. The speech style of the titular protagonist is marked by recontextualisation of everyday religion-based expressions and frequent plays on idioms that build the basis for characterisation, humour and the plot of the series. The...
The Difference between Anger and Ire in Middle English Texts
The Difference between Anger and Ire in Middle English Texts
Filip Huić
The aim of this paper was to understand the difference between the words anger (hanger, angur, angre, angir) and ire, in Middle English, in order to comprehend how speakers of Middle English conceptualized the two words. In turn, this would help explain their culture and their way of thinking. To aid in this endeavour, the cognitive linguistic view of metaphor and metonymy was used. Thus, two hypotheses were proven. Firstly, it was proven that these words are polysemous in meaning...
The Digital Era and Out-of-school Exposure to English: Young Learners Ten Years Ago and Today
The Digital Era and Out-of-school Exposure to English: Young Learners Ten Years Ago and Today
Ena Raonić
This paper aims to explore differences in out-of-school exposure to English of young Croatian learners ten years ago and today. More precisely, the paper will compare the frequency of exposure of young learners to digital and other types of media ten years ago and today. It will also discuss the types of digital tools most commonly used among young learners, and how the use of these sources and tools has changed over the course of ten years. Moreover, the paper will also discuss the...
The Dominant Language Constellations of young multilinguals in an international school in Croatia
The Dominant Language Constellations of young multilinguals in an international school in Croatia
Davor Lakuš
Regardless of their location, international schools serve as paradigmatic multilingual enclaves. They gather and group multiple cultures under one roof. Given the scope and the spectrum of different languages and cultures present, the pupils and the teachers necessarily find a common communicative foothold in a lingua franca, which is most often English. Thus, the pupils attending international schools are most often multilinguals by default, as they use and are fluent in their heritage...
The Effect of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" on Pirate Terminology in Croatian Translations
The Effect of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" on Pirate Terminology in Croatian Translations
Teo Francišković
The paper examines the translation of the English word pirate/piracy into Croatian using the Croatian words pirat(stvo) and gusar(stvo), more specifically it examines how the "Pirates of the Caribbean" film franchise caused a change from the previous translation norm in which gusar(stvo) was the single dominant word. The research focuses on written texts translated from English into Croatian, ranging from literary works of fiction to research and encyclopedic books related to the topic of...
