
15. srpnja kao antikolonijalna fantazija: između sjećanja i zaborava
15. srpnja kao antikolonijalna fantazija: između sjećanja i zaborava
Helena Vodopija
U ovom smo radu nastojali prikazati dinamiku sjećanja i zaborava pri konstrukciji političkog pamćenja i ulogu političkog pamćenja u nacionalnim identitetskim politikama na primjeru posljednjeg državnog udara u Turskoj 15. srpnja 2016. Na temelju teorije diskursa Laclau i Mouffea i Lacanove teorije subjekta analizirali smo odabranu literaturu u izdanju SETA-e putem hegemonijskog diskursa o Novoj Turskoj vezanu uz Stranku pravde i razvoja, s fokusom na kreaciju anti-kolonijalne fantazije...
3D rekonstrukcije i vizualizacije arheološke baštine
3D rekonstrukcije i vizualizacije arheološke baštine
Patricia Potočić
Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje ulogu 3D rekonstrukcija i vizualizacija u poboljšanju proučavanja i očuvanja arheološke baštine. Rad pruža analizu evolucije i metodologija digitalnih 3D rekonstrukcija unutar arheoloških istraživanja, ističući njihovu rastuću važnost kao alata za interpretaciju i prezentaciju prapovijesnih lokaliteta. Kroz studije slučaja u Hrvatskoj, poput Varaždinskih Toplica i Velikog rimskog kazališta u Puli, rad pokazuje kako digitalne rekonstrukcije daju...
A Brief Overview of Issues in Medical Translation
A Brief Overview of Issues in Medical Translation
Sara Žganjar
This thesis comprises five annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. Excerpts from two books and three Cochrane reviews were translated from English into Croatian (Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival by Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede, and Michael Minkov, A University Education by David Willetts, Limited versus full sternotomy for aortic valve replacement, by Kirmani, Jones, Chung, Williams, and Malaisrie,...
A CDA Study of Twitter as a Tool for Inciting Violence
A CDA Study of Twitter as a Tool for Inciting Violence
Doroteja Dežđek
After the events that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021, Twitter has assessed that then-president Donald Trump has violated their policy on using Twitter to incite violence among other things. Due to the risk of further incitement of violence, Donald Trump’s account has been permanently suspended. In the context of broader events, this paper has examined in which ways the selected Tweets can be interpreted when it comes to inciting violence and how can Trump’s tweets be...
A Comparative Analysis of English and German Animal Idioms: A Corpus Study
A Comparative Analysis of English and German Animal Idioms: A Corpus Study
Petra Lončar
Animals are one of the most prolific sources for the creation of idioms. Aside from the domain of the human body, idioms originating from the domain of animals are one of the most frequent. Since human behavior seems to be metaphorically understood in terms of animal behavior (Kövecses 2010: 124), different properties of animals are often used to vividly display certain events or the behavior, feelings, states, and appearance of people. Throughout history, animals were exploited not only...
A Comparative Analysis of English and Hungarian Adjectives Expressing Ability and Possibility: -able/-ible versus -ható/-hető
A Comparative Analysis of English and Hungarian Adjectives Expressing Ability and Possibility: -able/-ible versus -ható/-hető
Ema Sabo
Although typologically distant and belonging to distinct language families, both English and Hungarian exhibit a high proportion of adjectives created by the addition of a derivational suffix denoting ability and possibility. This adjectival suffix is realized as -able or -ible in English, and as -ható or -hető in Hungarian. Adjectives created in this manner are predominantly deverbal, even though there exist instances of suffixes being added to a nominal root. Through corpus-based...
A Contrastive Analysis of Food Metaphors in English and Croatian
A Contrastive Analysis of Food Metaphors in English and Croatian
Maja Antolković
This study analyzes six Croatian and six English verbs related to food and eating: swallow and devour, as verbs of food intake, chew and digest, as verbs of food processing, and regurgitate and spit, as verbs of food outtake. The aim of the research is to observe the similarities and differences in the way these verbs convey metaphorical meanings in Croatian and English, what affects the creation of these metaphorical meanings, and how syntax, specifically the transitivity of the verbs and...
A Contrastive Analysis of Metaphors Belonging to the Basic Conceptual Metaphor PEOPLE ARE PLANTS in English and Croatian
A Contrastive Analysis of Metaphors Belonging to the Basic Conceptual Metaphor PEOPLE ARE PLANTS in English and Croatian
Nina Bassi
The aim of this paper was to use the subdomains of FLOWERS, VEGETABLES and FRUITS, which fall under the basic conceptual metaphor PEOPLE ARE PLANTS, to show the differences between English and Croatian. The assumption is that the source domain PLANTS is well-grounded in people’s everyday experience, thus, well-grounded in the cognitive processes also. PEOPLE ARE PLANTS metaphor is related to the Great Chain of Being metaphor which points out to the similarities in these two cultures, but...
A Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis of the Lexeme 'cat' in English and Croatian
A Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis of the Lexeme 'cat' in English and Croatian
Lara Naseredin
This paper aims at analysing multi-word expressions containing the lexeme cat/mačka and exploring its metaphorical potential in two languages – English and Croatian – using the corpus-based method. The paper consists of a theoretical and a practical part, and its contents are organised into six major sections. After a brief introduction, an overview of some key concepts crucial for understanding the conducted analysis is given, which includes the explanation of lexemes, compounds, and...
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Skincare Products for Women and Men
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Skincare Products for Women and Men
Kristina Burić
This thesis analyses the difference in language choices and advertising strategies in skincare advertisements for women and skincare advertisements for men. Advertising's pervasive presence in daily life is fueled by tailored marketing strategies and digital tracking methods. Language and gender are intricately linked, with linguistic patterns reinforcing societal gender norms. This study examines strategies in skincare advertising, shedding light on how advertisers shape...
A Critical Metaphor Analysis of Rap Lyrics: The Case of Kanye West
A Critical Metaphor Analysis of Rap Lyrics: The Case of Kanye West
Petra Stefanović
The study examines metaphorical realizations of the theme of self-aggrandizement in Kanye West’s lyrics. The purpose of the study was to show how poetic metaphor serves a purpose and relays messages to the listener, relying on their background world and cultural knowledge. The songs analyzed are from West’s 2010 album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Given that linguistic research often focuses on conceptual metaphors, the analysis was done using a methodological approach...
A Multimodal Analysis of Immersion in Persona 5 Royal
A Multimodal Analysis of Immersion in Persona 5 Royal
Martin Ivančić
This master’s thesis presents an analysis of immersion in the acclaimed videogame Persona 5 Royal. Drawing on the principles of multimodal analysis, the study explores the interplay of various elements, including narrative, language, characters, intertextuality, and visual design. Due to the area of study, the strongest emphasis will be put on language and linguistic elements specifically. Through the inclusion of the aforementioned fields, the research examines the codependence between...
