
Religijski i socijalni aspekti podjele žrtvenog mesa na početku principata
Religijski i socijalni aspekti podjele žrtvenog mesa na početku principata
Monika Prša
Rad istražuje religijski i socijalni značaj koji su Rimljani pridavali podjeli i konzumaciji mesa dobivenog iz žrtvenog prinosa na početku principata. U prvom poglavlju iznose se karakteristike rimske religije, prikaz Svetonijevog djela Život careva i sekundarna literatura korištena u radu. Drugo poglavlje bavi se prikazom žrtvenih obreda i s time povezanom podjelom žrtvenog mesa, kao i analizom Svetonijevih opisa gozbi. U trećem poglavlju istražuje se prodaja žrtvenog mesa u...
Religion som motiv i Ingmar Bergmans filmer
Religion som motiv i Ingmar Bergmans filmer
Sven Adamović
Examensarbetet analyserar hur religion är placerad i några av Ingmar Bergmans filmer. Det fokuserar på de följande filmerna: Det sjunde inseglet (Det sjunde inseglet, 1957), Såsom i en spegel (Såsom i en spegel, 1961), Nattvardsgästerna (Nattvardsgästerna,1963), Tystnaden (Tystnaden, 1963) och Fanny och Alexander (Fanny och Alexander, 1982). En parallell mellan Bergmans användning av religion och Gud med hans barndom och tidiga fientlighet mot religion observeras. Att analysera hur...
Religiozna lirika Antuna Kanižlića
Religiozna lirika Antuna Kanižlića
Božica Paponja
U ovom se radu govori o religioznoj lirici slavonskog pisca Antuna Kanižlića (1699–1777). Najprije se prikazuje kulturnopovijesni kontekst Slavonije u 18. stoljeću s naglaskom na važnosti tiskane knjige i vjerskog prosvjećivanja u razvitku toga kraja. Opisuje se rad isusovaca i franjevaca u Slavoniji, kao i njihov značaj za početak opismenjavanja naroda tiskanjem abecevica (početnica), poučavanjem čitanja i pisanja te poučavanjem vjerskih istina. U središnjem dijelu rada...
Religioznost kao zaštitni faktor socijalnog razvoja adolescenata
Religioznost kao zaštitni faktor socijalnog razvoja adolescenata
Ilijana Janković
Ovaj diplomski rad usredotočen je na pregled istraživanja koja su se bavila ispitivanjem religioznosti kao zaštitnog faktora različitih životnih područja s naglaskom na socijalni razvoj adolescenata. Teorijski dio rada orijentiran je na objašnjenje temeljnih pojmova i teorija relevantnih za razumijevanje teme u kontekstu socijalnog razvoja adolescenata. U radu se analizira i argumentira povezanost religioznog odgoja i institucionalnog odgoja i obrazovanja, sagledavajući ih u...
Rendering Personal Names in Translations of Children's Literature from English into Croatian: Case Studies of Roald Dahl's Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Rendering Personal Names in Translations of Children's Literature from English into Croatian: Case Studies of Roald Dahl's Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Lana Štefulj
A vast number of children’s books are translated into various languages. One of the important elements in translations of children’s books are personal names. This thesis presents two case studies of the ways of translating personal names in two novels by Roald Dahl, Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, from English into Croatian. The objectives of the study are to analyse which translation strategies are used to render personal names from the source texts in the corresponding...
Repozitorij Filozofskog fakulteta i njegovo korištenje
Repozitorij Filozofskog fakulteta i njegovo korištenje
Lucija Klanac
Diplomski rad analizira korištenje Repozitorija Filozofskog fakulteta te je podijeljen u četiri cjeline. Prva cjelina bavi se digitalnim repozitorijima, točnije institucijskim repozitorijima te otvorenim pristupom stavljajući naglasak na samoarhiviranje. Druga cjelina tematizira digitalne repozitorije u Hrvatskoj, razvoj otvorenog pristupa u Hrvatskoj te govori o Dabru - Digitalni akademski arhivi i repozitorij i Nacionalni repozitorij završnih i diplomskih radova (ZIR). Treća cjelina...
Representation of African American Women on Television
Representation of African American Women on Television
Valentina Budačić
This paper examines the underlying stereotypes black women have to contend with and how they are dealt with in the television show Scandal. The stereotypes examined are those of the Mammy, the Sapphire, the Jezebel, the Angry Black Woman, the Strong Black Woman and the Tragic Mulatta, as well as the stereotype of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson often associated with interracial couples. By examining various scenes from the show in relation to each of the aforementioned stereotypes, what...
Representation of Trauma in The Night War Series
Representation of Trauma in The Night War Series
Iva Kurtović
The thesis provides an analysis of the fanfiction series The Night War through the lens of trauma studies. The series is based on the premise that during World War Two, Bucky Barnes (a secondary character from Marvel’s Captain America comics and films) kept a journal which was posthumously published to great acclaim, thus affording the character a level of cultural importance which far surpasses that depicted in the source material. Focusing primarily on The Night War’s main instalment...
Representations of 1970s Radicalism in Fiction and Film
Representations of 1970s Radicalism in Fiction and Film
Domenika Brkić
This paper examines the representation of leftist American radicalism during the 1970s in fiction and film, with special regard to the representation of the process of radicalization and its common themes. The works chosen for this analysis are two novels, American Pastoral (1997) by Phillip Roth and Leviathan (1992) by Paul Auster, and two films, Katherine (Kagan, 1975) and Running on Empty (Lumet, 1988). By examining the most recurring patterns, this thesis will try to place the works in...
Representations of the French Revolution in Gunpowder Fantasy
Representations of the French Revolution in Gunpowder Fantasy
Petar Miočević
As one of the most influential events of the Western world, the French Revolution has been the topic of countless works of literature, both fictional and non- fictional. In recent years, the events, figures and geography of the French Revolution has served as an inspiration for authors in a new genre of fantasy, known as gunpowder or flintlock fantasy. Taking novels of Django Wexler’s Shadow Campaigns series as an example, this thesis establishes the basic tenets of this genre based on the...
Representations of the Working Classes in Walter Greenwood’s Love on The Dole, The Cleft Stick and Any Bread, Cake or Pie?
Representations of the Working Classes in Walter Greenwood’s Love on The Dole, The Cleft Stick and Any Bread, Cake or Pie?
Viktorija Meštrović Galunić
This master thesis seeks to showcase how the poverty in the first half of the twentieth century manifested itself among British population, based on one novel and two short stories written by Walter Greenwood. Greenwood was on the dole himself plenty of times and played an important role for the genre of social realism in British literature. A brief overview of post-war Britain is provided to properly present the political and social context of the British consciousness at the time. It is...
Reprezentacija astečke religije u djelu Historia general Bernardina de Sahagúna (1499.-1590.)
Reprezentacija astečke religije u djelu Historia general Bernardina de Sahagúna (1499.-1590.)
Josip Štrkalj
Oslanjajući se na tezu da su Europljani koji su došli u Ameriku na razne aspekte domorodačkih religija projicirali elemente svoje vlastite religije i kulturno-civilizacijske baštine, ovaj se rad bavi reprezentacijom astečke religije u djelu Historia general fra Bernardina de Sahagúna. Primjenom metodologije historijske imagologije analizirat će se djelo jednog od prvih misionara koji djeluje u Novoj Španjolskoj od 1529. do 1590. Trodimenzionalnim analitičkim modelom historijske...
