
Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Period Poverty: Case Study of Protest Signs at London Women’s March 2019
Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Period Poverty: Case Study of Protest Signs at London Women’s March 2019
Vanda Kipke
This study presents a Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of protest signs from London Women’s March 2019. In lieu of the recent abolishment of the tampon tax in the UK, this paper will focus on protest signs with the topics of period poverty and tampon tax. The goal of the paper is to explore the ways in which language and image work together to produce a single communicative act, and how this communicative act then realizes its meaning in the situational and social context. The...
Crkva Gospe od Karmela u Trpnju na Pelješcu
Crkva Gospe od Karmela u Trpnju na Pelješcu
Nikola Pažin
Ovaj rad bavi se crkvom Gospe od Karmela u mjestu Trpanj, na Pelješcu. Sastavljen je zemljopisni, pravni, povijesni, i umjetnički kontekst nastanka ove crkve, te je detaljno opisan njen vanjski i unutarnji izgled. Rad donosi prvi tlocrt, kao i fotografije koje pomažu pri razumijevanju njenih pregradnji i arhitektonskih specifičnosti. Gospa od Karmela nastala je po legatu Stjepana Jerolimova Gundulića u drugoj polovici XVII. stoljeća, koji zahtijeva gradnju crkve nalik na Svetu kuću u...
Crkva Svetog Jurja na Bregu u Lopatincu: Povijesnoumjetnička analiza i konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi nakon urušavanja crkve 2008. godine
Crkva Svetog Jurja na Bregu u Lopatincu: Povijesnoumjetnička analiza i konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi nakon urušavanja crkve 2008. godine
Asja Bedić
U ovom diplomskom radu u prvom dijelu predstavit će se povijesnoumjetnička analiza crkve Sv. Jurja na Bregu, s naglaskom na povijest izgradnje crkve i cinktora te opis inventara crkve. Moguće je pratiti razvoj crkve od prvotne kapele Majke Božje Lauretanske do župne crkve i na koncu do značajnog hodočasničkog središta u periodu od 1739. do otprilike 1779. godine. Oltari, propovjedaonica i pjevalište također nastaju u tom vremenskom okviru i mogu se pratiti njihovi razvoji u...
Crkva sv. Jeronima u Štrigovi u kontekstu pavlinske arhitekture
Crkva sv. Jeronima u Štrigovi u kontekstu pavlinske arhitekture
Ana-Marija Horvat
Crkva sv. Jeronima u Štrigovi gradi se od 1738. do 1749. godine na temeljima prošle, petnaestostoljetne crkve koju je dao izgraditi Fridrich Celjski vjerujući da je Štrigova rodno mjesto velikog crkvenog oca sv. Jeronima. Njezino troapsidalno svetište rijetko je arhitektonsko rješenje kasnobarokne arhitekture u Hrvatskoj, a tri od šest takvih crkava izgradili su pavlini. Oni dolaze u Međimurje vrlo brzo, već 1376. godine, a tristotinjak godina kasnije dolaze i u Štrigovu gdje je...
Croatian EFL learners' affective response to different oral corrective feedback types
Croatian EFL learners' affective response to different oral corrective feedback types
Lara Jukić
The interest in learners’ beliefs about oral corrective feedback (OCF) has increased in the last couple of decades. However, there are still very few studies that inspect learners’ beliefs about different OCF types. There is likewise a serious lack of research on the emotional impact that correction has on learners, given the voiced concerns about its detrimental effects on learners’ FL learning motivation and development. This research study thus investigated learners’ beliefs and...
Croatian students' perception about the influence of social media on the four L2 skills
Croatian students' perception about the influence of social media on the four L2 skills
Paula Podrug
Social media is a powerful tool which enables its users to connect, explore and enjoy an endless source of information and entertainment. Oftentimes that content is consumed in English, and with countless hours spent online, it is bound to influence the English knowledge of its users. Therefore, this paper will analyze the perceived influence of social media on the four key English skills of writing, reading, speaking and listening among elementary, high school and university students in...
Croatian university students' opinions about using English loanwords and Croatian neologisms in everyday communication
Croatian university students' opinions about using English loanwords and Croatian neologisms in everyday communication
Mirna Relić
This research focuses on the use of English loanwords and Croatian neologisms in order to gain a better insight into the everyday communication of Croatian university students, to determine to what extent young educated adults in Croatia use English loanwords and Croatian neologisms, and to identify the factors that influence their choice when they communicate on a daily basis. This research also looks into the attitudes of Croatian university students concerning purism, the status of...
Cross-Cultural Research on Video Game Localisation
Cross-Cultural Research on Video Game Localisation
Andrej Novak
The video game industry emerged in the 20th century and has experienced remarkable growth and surpassed other entertainment sectors in terms of global influence. This expansion has subsequently driven the demand for video game localisation across diverse language markets, including Europe. This qualitative research conducted in the English language therefore aims to provide insight into the perspectives of gamers from Croatia and Spain on video game localisation. The objective of the...
Crteži Vere Dajht-Kralj
Crteži Vere Dajht-Kralj
Ivana Završki
Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti opus crteža Vere Dajht-Kralj koji svjedoči o njezinu interesu za izražavanje u različitim medijima. Za polazišnu točku ovoga rada odabrana je formulacija „kiparski crtež“ kako bi se uspostavila veza između autoričina primarnog medija skulpture i crteža te kako bi se time otvorio put za daljnje proučavanje manje poznatoga dijela autoričina opusa. Ta formulacija obuhvaća, s jedne strane, crtež kao skicu za izvedbu skulpture, a s druge strane,...
Crveni porfir – simbolika i moć carskog kamena
Crveni porfir – simbolika i moć carskog kamena
Jelena Šekrst
Kamen se zbog veće trajnosti u odnosu na druge materijale, ali i estetskih vrijednosti, smatra jednom od najvažnijih sirovina tijekom čitave povijesti. Raznobojni kamen krasio je najvažnija arhitektonska zdanja, plijenio poglede i govorio o bogatstvu i statusu vlasnika. U pojedinim razdobljima najbolji je status imao egipatski crveni porfir, najcjenjeniji, najekskluzivniji i najtvrđi poznati kamen antike. Razlozi su tome njegova purpurna boja te visoka tvrdoća, čvrstoća i otpornost....
Cultural Practices and Africanfuturism in Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti Trilogy
Cultural Practices and Africanfuturism in Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti Trilogy
Abdoulie Jobe
In order to counter the colonialist narratives, representation of black/women in sf, the MA thesis discusses a distinctive science fiction genre titled Africanfuturism that enables African writers to take ownership of themselves, the past, present and future, and their imaginaries so as to establish relations with the rest of the world. The thesis discusses Binti: The Complete Trilogy (2015-2018) by award-winning Nigerian-American author Nnedi Okorafor through the lens of Africanfuturism,...
Culture-specific Items in Literary Translation
Culture-specific Items in Literary Translation
Jana Miriovsky
This thesis consists of five annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. The translations are excerpts from three books, one guidebook and several summaries of systematic reviews in the sphere of healthcare. Excerpts from books Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival by G. Hofstede, G.J. Hofstede and Minkov, M., and A University Education by D. Willets were translated from English into Croatian, as well as Plain...
