Title (croatian) | Citiranje digitalnih izvora u istraživanjima tema povezanih s hrvatskim iseljeništvom |
Title (english) | Citation of digital sources in research of topics related to Croatian emigration |
Title (spanish) | Citación de fuentes digitales en la investigación de temas relacionados con la emigración croata |
Author | Ivana Hebrang Grgić |
Author's institution | University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences |
Abstract (croatian) | U vrijeme lake dostupnosti velike količine informacija važno je znati pronaći one koje su kvalitetne i relevantne. Uz to, iznimno je važno znati te informacije ispravno koristiti i citirati kada se pišu ili uređuju novi tekstovi. Danas postoje brojni digitalni izvori koji mogu biti korisni za istraživanje tema povezanih s hrvatskim iseljeništvom. Na primjeru izvora o Hrvatima u Novome Zelandu rad daje pregled načina citiranja informacija iz raznovrsnih izvora – knjiga, članaka, fotografija, portala, repozitorija, društvenih mreža... Ispravno i potpuno navođenje izvora iznimno je bitno kako bi se poštovali zakonski propisi i etičke norme. Ispravnim citiranjem izbjegava se plagiranje, odaje se priznanje autorima, a čitateljima se olakšava pronalaženje novih informacija. |
Abstract (english) | At the time when large amount of information is available, it is important to know how to find the quality and relevant information. In addition, it is extremely important to know how to use and cite the information correctly when writing or editing new texts. Today, there are numerous digital sources that can be useful for researching topics related to Croatian emigration. Using the example of sources about Croats in New Zealand, the paper provides an overview of how to cite information from various sources - books, articles, photos, portals, repositories, social networks... Correct and complete citation is extremely important in order to comply with legal regulations and ethical norms. Correct citation avoids plagiarism, gives credit to authors, and makes it easier for readers to find new information. |
Abstract (spanish) | En el momento en que se dispone de gran cantidad de información, es importante saber encontrar la información de calidad y relevante. Además, es sumamente importante saber utilizar y citar correctamente la información al escribir o editar nuevos textos. Hoy en día, existen numerosas fuentes digitales que pueden ser útiles para investigar temas relacionados con la emigración croata. Usando el ejemplo de fuentes sobre croatas en Nueva Zelanda, el articulo proporciona una descripción general de cómo citar información de varias fuentes: libros, artículos, fotos, portales, repositorios, redes sociales... La citación correcta y completa es extremadamente importante para cumplir con las normas legales y los estándares éticas. La citación correcta evita el plagio, da crédito a los autores y facilita a los lectores encontrar nueva información. |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Scientific paper - Review paper |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review |
Publication version | Published version |
Journal title | Hrvatski iseljenički zbornik |
Numbering | vol. 2024, pp. 99-109 |
p-ISSN | 1330-3724 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:131:089533 |
Publication | 2023-12 |
Project | Number: 11-838-1009 Title (croatian): Hrvatski iseljenički tisak Title (english): Croatian emigrant press Acronym: HIT Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: Nema |
Type of resource | Text |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use |  |
Created on | 2024-02-01 15:22:59 |