
Transformacije povijesnog pejzaža otoka Šipana od 4. do 11. stoljeća
Transformacije povijesnog pejzaža otoka Šipana od 4. do 11. stoljeća
Mara Korunić
Rad donosi pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o elafitskom otoku Šipanu na temelju kojih se pretpostavlja njegov razvoj za vrijeme kasne antike i ranog srednjeg vijeka. Nedostatkom pisanih izvora sve do 13. stoljeća kada je i prvi put službeno zabilježen kao dio dubrovačkog izvangradskog područja i neprovođenjem sustavnih arheoloških istraživanja, na otoku se danas u tragovima nazire svako razdoblje. S obzirom na to da se Šipan od samih početaka, pa sve do danas gledao kao dio...
Transformacije povijesnog pejzaža zadarskog zaleđa od Nina do Biograda od 4. do 11. stoljeća
Transformacije povijesnog pejzaža zadarskog zaleđa od Nina do Biograda od 4. do 11. stoljeća
Dora Pejak
Diplomski rad donosi kataloški pregled sakralnih spomenika građenih između 4. i 11. st. na prostoru zadarskog zaleđa. Uvodna poglavlja bave se geografsko-povijesnim karakteristikama zaleđa kao što su topografija, povijesni okvir, prometna povezanost, počeci kršćanstva i ostaci rimske rezidencijalne i fortifikacijske arhitekture. Cilj rada je izraditi katalog sakralne gradnje, a obrađeno područje je radi lakšeg snalaženja kroz rad podijeljeno u četiri podgrupe: velebitsko...
Transformativni potencijal feminističke analize filma u nastavi
Transformativni potencijal feminističke analize filma u nastavi
Marija Malenica
U ovom diplomskom radu promišlja se pedagogičnost primjene feminističke analize filma u nastavi. Nastoji se istražiti njezin transformativni potencijal koji leži u interakcijskom odnosu gledateljstva i filma. Nakon pregleda razvoja feminističke filmske teorije i analize, rad kroz kritičku prizmu prilazi filmu kao mediju koji ujedno odražava i konstruira društvenu stvarnost. U njemu feministička analiza vidi sredstvo reprodukcije dominantnih društvenih normi i vrijednosti kojima se...
Transgender Identities in Children's Picture Books: A Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Transgender Identities in Children's Picture Books: A Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Petra Radojčić
This study examines the representation of transgender characters and their identities in children’s picture books by employing critical multimodal discourse analysis. Seven picture books featuring transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming characters are analyzed, each focusing on the multifaceted experiences of being a transgender child and navigating pivotal moments such as coming out and transitioning. The qualitative analysis reveals two overarching themes central to these...
Transitividad en español
Transitividad en español
Mihaela Oborovečki
Este trabajo investiga el tema de la transitividad dentro de la lengua española. Se hará una revisión general de la transitividad, con la comparación de las definiciones de diferentes gramáticas de la lengua española y de las obras publicadas que tratan este tema. Además, se estudiará el concepto de la transitividad en el contexto de la semántica y de la sintaxis, igual que el concepto de la transitividad dentro de las oraciones pasivas. Igualmente, se revisarán los verbos...
Translating Dialects: Reader's Perception of Different Translation Strategies
Translating Dialects: Reader's Perception of Different Translation Strategies
Sara Pokorni
This paper is based on the results of a survey created to investigate how Croatian students perceive three different strategies of dialect translation, so the results could potentially be used as an additional tool in the process of dialect translation. As most current research tends to focus on the translators’ decision-making process, this study is centering on the opinions of the readers. The questionnaire presented to the participants contained three translations of an excerpt written...
Translating Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Neologisms, Names of Characters and Names of Places in the Croatian and Czech Translations
Translating Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Neologisms, Names of Characters and Names of Places in the Croatian and Czech Translations
Laura Sajko
In 25 years since it was first published, the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling has become globally successful, especially among young audiences, and the name Harry Potter has become a household name. Although the story is the same in every country and every language on the planet, translators’ approaches to dealing with these texts, specifically with culture-specific elements they contain, differ from one language to another. Croatian and Czech are no exception to this. Although...
Translating Humor from English into Croatian on the Example of 'This is Going to Hurt. Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor' by Adam Kay
Translating Humor from English into Croatian on the Example of 'This is Going to Hurt. Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor' by Adam Kay
Matilda Peršić
This diploma thesis consists of five annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. Excerpts from three books were translated from English into Croatian (This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor by Adam Kay, The Translation of Childrens’ Literature: A Reader by Gillian Lathey and Quantitive Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies by Christopher Mellinger and Thomas Hanson), and two from Croatian into English (Narodni preporod u Istri (1860 – 1907)...
Translating Medical Terms on the Example of 'This is Going to Hurt. Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor' by Adam Kay
Translating Medical Terms on the Example of 'This is Going to Hurt. Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor' by Adam Kay
Filip Medar
This thesis comprises five annotated translations accompanied by a discussion. Excerpts from the following three books were translated from English into Croatian: This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor by Adam Kay; The Translation of Children’s Literature. A Reader, edited by Gillian Lathey, and Quantitative research methods in translation and interpreting studies by Christopher Mellinger and Thomas Hanson. Excerpts from two books were translated from Croatian into...
Translating Neologisms in Dystopian Literature: Lexical Innovation in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and its Croatian Rendition
Translating Neologisms in Dystopian Literature: Lexical Innovation in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and its Croatian Rendition
Dunja Pelin
This study deals with the word formation and translation of neologisms in dystopian literature based on the example of Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World and its Croatian translation by Vlada Stojiljković (Divni novi svijet). Its aim is to provide an insight into lexical innovation in dystopias and their translations by relying on Millward's (2007) theory of dystopian word formation. Based on Millward’s theoretical model, the study hypothesizes that coinage is the least frequent, and...
Translating Neologisms in Fantasy: An Analysis of Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind and its Croatian Translation
Translating Neologisms in Fantasy: An Analysis of Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind and its Croatian Translation
Annamaria Pauković
This paper deals with the creation and translation of neologisms in the fantasy genre on the example of the novel The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and its Croatian translation. By extracting neologisms unique to the novel and isolating their creation processes and translation procedures, it aims to examine the amount of lexical creativity and innovation in the novel and its translation. In doing so, it investigates how and why neologisms are created and translated in fantasy...
Translating Phraseological Units: A Contrastive Study of the Croatian Translations of Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat and The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Translating Phraseological Units: A Contrastive Study of the Croatian Translations of Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat and The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Ida Novko
This study aims to explore the changes in the levels of idiomaticity in the Croatian translations of phraseological units in The Black Cat and The Murders in the Rue Morgue. For this purpose, the first translation by Tin Ujević (1952) was compared to its retranslations by Nada Šoljan (1974) and Saša Drach (2008). The research is based on the assumptions of the retranslation hypothesis (RH) that first translations are TT-oriented, while retranslations are ST-oriented. The first research...
