Abstract | Kao igra koja se može igrati od najranijih godina do duboke starosti, šah je poznat po intelektualnom izazovu u kojega postavlja pojedinca. No, nije jasno dokle seže pedagoški potencijal šaha i koje aspekte obuhvaća. U početnom dijelu rada prikazan je teorijski uvod o šahu i predložena je definicija pedagoškog potencijala, koji je zatim problematiziran u različitim područjima i aktivnostima. Prikazana su relevantna istraživanja o šahu koja se tiču njegovih mogućnosti utjecaja na kognitivne sposobnosti, inteligenciju i ostale sastavnice ljudskoga razvoja. U empirijskom dijelu rada, konkretni primjeri iz prakse povezani su s teorijskim polazištima ovog rada pomoću kvalitativnog istraživanja. Polustrukturiranim intervjuom ispitano je 10 punoljetnih šahista registriranih u Hrvatskom šahovskom savezu. Analiza intervjua, uz vlastitu refleksiju istraživačice, sadrži uvide u teme kao što su utjecaj šaha na fizički, emocionalni, kognitivni i socijalni aspekt osobe, utjecaj šaha na razvoj strpljivosti, odgovornosti i organiziranosti te poučna usporedba života i šaha. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjem pedagoškog potencijala šaha jer su otkriveni mnogi mogući pozitivni utjecaji šaha na razvoj osobe, a pogotovo u fizičkom, emocionalnom i socijalnom području. Navedena područja, za razliku od kognitivnog područja, nisu istraživana i time se propušta sveobuhvatnost utjecaja kojeg šah može imati na razvoj osobe, a pogotovo na učenika u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu. |
Abstract (english) | As a game that can be played from the earliest years to old age, chess is known for the intellectual challenge it poses to the individual. However, it is not clear how far the pedagogical potential of chess extends and what aspects it encompasses. In the initial part of the thesis, a theoretical introduction about chess is presented and a definition of pedagogical potential is proposed, which is then problematized in different areas and activities. Relevant research on chess is presented, which concerns its possibilities of influencing cognitive abilities, intelligence and other components of human development. In the empirical part of the thesis, concrete examples from practice are connected with the theoretical starting points of this thesis by means of qualitative research. 10 adult chess players registered in the Croatian Chess Federation were interviewed in a semi-structured interview. The analysis of interviews, with the researcher's own reflection, contains insights into topics such as the influence of chess on the physical, emotional, cognitive and social aspects of a person, the influence of chess on the development of patience, responsibility and organization, and an instructive comparison of life and chess. The results of the research showed the need for further research into the pedagogical potential of chess because many possible positive effects of chess on a person's development were discovered, especially in the physical, emotional and social areas. The mentioned areas, unlike the cognitive area, have not been researched, and thus the comprehensiveness of the influence that chess can have on the development of a person, and especially on a student in the educational system, is missed. |