Title Arhivi i društvene mreže
Title (english) Archives and social media
Author Dorian Miškulin
Mentor Vlatka Lemić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Stančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Lemić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Trbušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-10-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Archives and Documentation Studies
Abstract S obzirom da su društvene mreže postale važan čimbenik života i djelovanja ljudi, može se primijetiti kako sve više poduzeća prihvaća korištenje društvenih mreža kao standardan oblik poslovanja. Kako su mnoge javne institucije usvojile društvene mreže kao važan alat u radu (u najvećem dijelu služe se društvenim mrežama za oglašavanje i komunikaciju s trenutnim i novim korisnicima usluga), tako su istim putem krenuli i arhivi. Korištenje društvenih mreža pomaže arhivima prilikom oglašavanja i
... More interakciji s korisnicima, što u konačnici dovodi do popularizacije određenog arhiva. U ovom diplomskom radu obrađuje se tema utjecaja društvenih mreža na rad arhiva: u kojim segmentima djelovanja društvene mreže najviše koriste arhivima, a u kojem je segmentu utjecaj društvenih mreža najmanje vidljiv. Diplomski rad je strukturiran tako da se prvo prezentira kratki uvod i osvrt na društvene mreže: povijesni razvoj i učinak na moderno društvo, a nakon toga se iznose rezultati praktičnog istraživanja koje se bazira na analizi aktivnosti arhiva na društvenim mrežama i usporedbi više domaćih i stranih arhiva različitih vrsta (državni arhivi, lokalni arhivi, arhivi specijalizirani za određeno područje). Uspoređuju se obujam i kvaliteta podataka objavljenih na različitim društvenim mrežama. Konkretno, analizira se količina objavljenih podataka (jesu li redovito ažurirani i redovito objavljivani ili se objavljuju u dužim razmacima), koje podatke arhivi objavljuju na kanalima društvenih mreža (jesu li to samo informativni i reklamni podaci ili objavljuju i podatke koji su vezani uz arhivsku djelatnost i znanost) te se analizira koji tip podataka je najzastupljeniji na određenoj društvenoj mreži (npr. objavljuje li određeni arhiv na svom Twitter profilu samo tekstualne objave ili objavljuju i multimedijske zapise). Na kraju se uspoređuju svi ti čimbenici i zaključuje koji utječu na odluku arhiva da u svoj rad implementiraju korištenje društvenih mreža te se identificiraju pozitivne i negativne strane tog aspekta rada. Less
Abstract (english) Given that the social media have become an important factor in people's lives and activities, it can be noticed that more and more business enterprises accept the use of social media as a standard form of business. Since many cultural institutions have adopted social media as a powerful tool in business (they mostly use social networks for advertising and communication with current and new users of services), archives have followed the same path. The use of social media can helps archives
... More when advertising and interacting with users, which leads to the popularity of archives. This thesis deals with the topic of the influence of social media on the work of archives: in which business segments do archives use social media the most, and in which segment is the influence of social media the least visible. The thesis is structured in such a way that first a short introduction and review of social media are presented: historical development and effect on modern society, and then the result of the practical research are carried out, they are based on the analysis of activities of the archives on social media and on comparison of several national and international archives of various types (state archives, local archives, archives specialized in a certain area). The volume and quality of data published on different social networks are compared. In particular, the amount of published data is analyzed (whether they are regularly updated and published regularly, or published at longer intervals), which data the archives publishes on social media channels (whether it is only informative and advertising data, or whether they also publish data related to the archives activity and scientific research and it is also analyzed which type of data is most represented on a certain social media (for example, does a certain archive publish only text messages on its Twitter profile, or does it also publish multimedia records). Finally, the thesis analyses the identified factors and concludes which factors influence the archives’ decision to implement the use of social networks in their work, and identifies positive and negative sides of that aspect of business. Less
društvene mreže
Keywords (english)
social media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:028640
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science, Information Sciences (research), Information Sciences (teaching), Museology and heritage management, Informatology Course: Archivistics Study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-24 12:16:06