pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn ffzg:5749 "conference presentation" "Animal linguistics: A case of semantic compositionality and signal reduction in wild chimpanzees" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:5643 "journal article" "Corrigendum: Differentiation between agents and patients in the putative two-word stage of language evolution" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:5432 "journal article" "Overlooked evidence for semantic compositionality and signal reduction in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:5337 "conference presentation" "Support for a novel, simple method for calculating word frequency of output on language production tasks" "Gabrić, Petar; Nagels, Arne; Kircher, Tilo; Rosenkranz, Anna" ffzg:4603 "journal article" "Differentiation between agents and patients in the putative two-word stage of language evolution" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:4099 "journal article" "Book review: Neanderthal Language: Demystifying the Linguistic Powers of Our Extinct Cousins" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3960 "conference presentation" "Psychiatric symptoms are differentially associated with verbal fluency performance in patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders" "Gabrić, Petar; Nagels, Arne; Kircher, Tilo; Rosenkranz, Anna" ffzg:3856 "journal article" "Semantic fluency reveals reduced functional connectivity between subcategorical co-hyponyms in recent-onset inpatients with first-episode psychosis" "Gabrić, Petar; Vandek, Mija" ffzg:3702 "conference presentation" "Language evolution: the earliest words and sentences" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3188 "conference presentation" "Quantitative and qualitative differences in performance within the semantic and letter fluency tasks" "Gabrić, Petar; Vandek, Mija" ffzg:2869 "journal article" "Wortflüssigkeitsleistungen bei Personen mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen" "Rosenkranz, Anna; Gabrić, Petar; Kircher, Tilo; Nagels, Arne" ffzg:2242 "book chapter" "Category fluency in Croatian-speaking patients with first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms" "Gabrić, Petar; Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija; Sekulić Sović, Martina; Mimica, Ninoslav; Savić, Aleksandar" ffzg:2244 "conference presentation" "The evolution of syntax: what do we know?" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:1935 "journal article" "Konferencija: Cognitive Science" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3717 "conference presentation" "Semantische Wortflüssigkeit in der Erstpsychose: Ergebnisse hängen von der gegebenen semantischen Kategorie ab" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3723 "conference presentation" "Predstavljanje projekta “Eksperimentalni pristup koevoluciji jezika i kamenog oruđa”" "Gabrić, Petar; Banda, Marko" ffzg:3719 "conference presentation" "Predstavljanje projekta “Leksičko-semantička obrada kod pacijenata oboljelih od prve epizode shizofrenije”" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3773 "conference paper" "Did early Homo have language? Neurocognition behind stone toolmaking" "Gabrić, Petar; Banda, Marko" ffzg:3726 "conference presentation" "Eksperimentiranje s prastarim kamenim oruđem: proučavanje pračovječnog uma" "Gabrić, Petar; Banda, Marko" ffzg:3727 "conference presentation" "Verbal fluency as a measure of lexical-semantic processing in psychotic disorders and schizophrenia" "Gabrić, Petar; Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija; Erdeljac, Vlasta; Sekulić Sović, Martina; Mimica, Ninoslav; Ostojić, Draženka; Savić, Aleksandar" ffzg:3964 "conference presentation" "Neural noise caused by executive dysfunction accounts for lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis" "Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija; Gabrić, Petar; Erdeljac, Vlasta; Sekulić Sović, Martina; Mimica, Ninoslav; Savić, Aleksandar" ffzg:1949 "conference paper" "Lower and Middle Palaeolithic stone toolmaking and language: a preliminary experimental archaeological and psycholinguistic study" "Gabrić, Petar; Banda, Marko; Karavanić, Ivor; Bulian, Luka" ffzg:1977 "conference paper" "Što nam semantička fluentnost može reći o semantičkoj hiperaktivaciji u psihozama i shizofreniji? = What can semantic fluency tell us about semantic hyperactivation in psychoses and schizophrenia?" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3965 "conference presentation" "Does animacy feature facilitate lexical-semantic processing in first-episode psychosis?" "Sekulić Sović, Martina; Erdeljac, Vlasta; Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija; Gabrić, Petar; Mimica, Ninoslav; Savić, Aleksandar" ffzg:1938 "conference paper" "Palaeolithic toolmaking and the evolution of cognition and language" "Gabrić, Petar; Banda, Marko; Karavanić, Ivor" ffzg:3966 "conference presentation" "Verbal fluency and working memory interaction" "Vandek, Mija; Gabrić, Petar; Kužina, Iva; Erdeljac, Vlasta; Sekulić Sović, Martina" ffzg:3704 "conference presentation" "Utjecaj žanra na prevođenje engleskih filmskih naslova na njemački: korpusna analiza" "Korpar, Ivana; Gabrić, Petar; Lam Dolički, Dora; Brajković, Iva; Licchetta, Letizia" ffzg:3967 "conference paper" "Analiza produkcije klastera u testu kategorijske fluentnosti kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom shizofrenije = Analysis of cluster production in a category fluency test in first-episode schizophrenia patients" "Gabrić, Petar; Bosanac, Buga; Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija; Sekulić Sović, Martina; Mimica, Ninoslav; Savić, Aleksandar" ffzg:3970 "conference presentation" "Neuropsihološka testiranja u shizofreniji s naglaskom na leksičko-semantičku obradu i izvršne funkcije" "Bosanac, Buga; Gabrić, Petar; Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija" ffzg:1934 "journal article" "A comparative and diachronic analysis of film title translations and appellative effect transfer into Croatian and German" "Gabrić, Petar; Brajković, Iva; Licchetta, Letizia; Bezuh, Juraj; Kelčec Ključarić, Dorotea" ffzg:3968 "conference paper" "Važnost lingvističkih istraživanja leksičko-semantičke obrade u shizofreniji" "Bosanac, Buga; Gabrić, Petar; Kužina, Iva; Vandek, Mija" ffzg:3971 "conference presentation" "Lexical-semantic categorisation in patients of schizophrenia" "Bosanac, Buga; Dominik, Petra; Gabrić, Petar; Hrstić, Andrea; Kelčec Ključarić, Dorotea; Kužina, Iva; Sekulić Sović, Martina; Vandek, Mija" ffzg:3969 "other document type" "Analiza strategija prevođenja filmskih naslova na hrvatski i njemački jezik" "Gabrić, Petar; Brajković, Iva; Licchetta, Letizia; Bezuh, Juraj; Kelčec Ključarić, Dorotea" ffzg:3948 "conference paper" "Lingvistika i slobodna volja: u kojoj je mjeri jezik arbitraran?" "Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:3945 "conference presentation" "The Little Ice Age and how it was captured in the visual arts" "Keča, Lovorka; Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:1981 "conference presentation" "Noviji pristupi u tumačenju otisaka dlanova u paleolitičkoj špiljskoj umjetnosti pomoću fizičke biometrije" "Gabrić, Petar; Tomić, Biljana" ffzg:3944 "conference paper" "Sinteza globalnih problema financiranja obrazovnog sustava i njihova veza sa siromaštvom = Synthesis of the global problems in education financing and their relationship with poverty" "Katava, Ankica; Tomić, Biljana; Gabrić, Petar" ffzg:1979 "conference paper" "Etika u arheologiji – od arheološkog iskopavanja do muzejskog izloška" "Gabrić, Petar; Jelenić, Vera" ffzg:1978 "conference presentation" "Postmodernističke tendencije u arheologiji – usporedba tradicionalne, procesualne i postprocesualne arheologije" "Gabrić, Petar"