pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn ffzg:12889 thesis "The Use of YouTube Videos in EFL Classes" "Bakran, Filip" ffzg:12688 thesis "Formative assessment in EFL writing in schools in Croatia" "Cmrečnjak, Maja" ffzg:11921 thesis "Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Among Croatian High School Students" "Stunja, Sarah" ffzg:11875 thesis "The differences in perception and use of American and British English vocabulary among Croatian high school students" "Budimski, Saša" ffzg:11345 thesis "English majors’ willingness to communicate in English in a face-to-face versus online instructional setting" "Nožica, Dorotea" ffzg:10586 thesis "A comparison of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approaches in secondary school bilingual programmes in Croatia" "Jerbić, Lorena" ffzg:10278 thesis "The relationship between EFL teachers’ trait emotional intelligence and their attitudes toward their students, teaching practices and profession" "Lapornik, Matea" ffzg:10103 thesis "The Role of L1 in EFL Learners' Meaning Construal of Polysemous Nouns" "Kovačević, Sara" ffzg:9522 dissertation "Analiza valjanosti e-procjenjivanja u engleskomu kao jeziku struke" "Prosenjak, Bojan"