Title (croatian) Državljanstvo vs. integracija: iskustva visokoobrazovanih Hrvata iz Venezuele i Roma nogometaša
Title (english) Citizenship vs. Integration: Experiences of Highly Educated enezuelan Croats and Roma Footballers (Summary)
Title (spanish) Ciudadanía vs. Integración: Experiencia de croatas de Venezuela con nivel de educación superior y de jugadores de fútbol gitanos (Abstracto)
Author Marijeta Rajković Iveta https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4988-1828
Author's institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology
Abstract (croatian) Istraživački fokus rada jest na propitivanju podrazumijeva li posjedovanje državljanstva i integriranost u društvo u kojem se živi. Rad se temelji na integracijskim iskustvima dviju skupina. Hrvatima iz Venezuele, iseljenicima i njihovim potomcima, koji su dobili hrvatsko državljanstvo na osnovi etničkog podrijetla i preselili se u Hrvatsku, gdje većina njih nikada nije živjela, i pripadnicima nacionalne manjine Romima, koji su na ovim prostorima rođeni. Ove naizgled nepovezane građane povezuje
... More hrvatsko državljanstvo i život u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje pokazuje da su kazivači pravno integrirani u hrvatsko društvo, no nisu integrirani prema ostalim dimenzijama integracije i samopercepcije. Istražujući kvalitativnom kulturnoantropološkom metodologijom u radu se kompariraju i analiziraju svakodnevne prakse ovih koetničkih migranata i pripadnika nacionalne manjine kroz sljedeće dimenzije integracijskog procesa: društveno-ekonomsku, kulturnu, interakcijsku, identifikacijsku i pravno-političku. Istraživanje pokazuje da se integracijski proces treba istraživati i promatrati holistički. Less
Abstract (english) The research focus of the article is on the following question: does citizenship imply integration into the society. The article is based on integration experiences of two groups. One is Croats in Venezuela, emigrants and their descendants, who received Croatian citizenship based on ethnicity and moved to Croatia, the country the majority of them had never lived in before. The other group is Roma national minority, who had been born in Croatia. These two seemingly unrelated groups are
... More connected in terms of their Croatian citizenship and life in the Republic of Croatia. The research has shown that the informants are legally well integrated into Croatian society but not integrated with regards to other dimensions of integration and self-perception. Using the qualitative methodology of cultural anthropology, in this article we compare and analyze everyday practices of these co-ethnic migrants and members of a national minority, taking into consideration the following dimensions of the process of integration: socio-economic, cultural, interactional, identity-related, and legal and political. The research has shown that the process of integration should be viewed holistically.
Summary (romani čib):
Themutnipe vs. Integracia: o anglanipe e učesikljovne Hrvatengoro katar Venecuela thaj e Roma fudbolistia
O rodljaripaskoro dikhipe e xraminesko si dendo ko pučipe anel vaj na o themutnipe thaj integriripe ani them savate dživdinel pe. O xraminipe si temelime ke integraciakere anglanipa duje grupengere: Hrvatia katar Venecuela, emigrantengoro thaj lengere čhavengoro, save so lele hrvatikano themutnipe sar funda e etnikane kustikipaskoro thaj avile ani Hrvatska, kote so buteder lendar na dživdinde thaj e manuša save aven katar nacionalnikano minoriteto- Roma, save so ane akala thana si biame, thaj e Roma fudbolistia save so dživdinen ani Hrvatska. Kodova, ko jekhto dikhipe bikustikime dizutne, phandela o hrvatikano themutnipe thaj dživdipe ani Republika Hrvatska. O rodljaripe sikavel kaj e vakerutne juristikane integririme ano hrvatikano amalnipe, numal nanaj integririme premal e aver dimenzie e integraciakere thaj e korkorutne percepciakere. Rodljarindo kvalitativnikane kulturnikane-antropologikane metodologiasa ano butikeripe komparirinen pe thaj analizirinen pe sakodivutne praktikasa kodola koetnikane migrantia thaj preperutne e nacionalnikane minoriteteskoro prekal akala dimenzie e integraciakere procesoskere: socio-ekonomikano, kulturnikano, interakciakoro, identifikaciakoro thaj juristikane-politikani dimenzia. O rodljaripe sikavel kaj o integraciakoro proceso kamljol te ovel rodljardo thaj dikhlo holistikane.
Klidarde lava: themutnipe, integracia, koetnikane imigrantia, Hrvatia katar Venecuela, Roma, fudbolo Less
Abstract (spanish) El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si la posesión de ciudadanía implica la integración en el país en que se vive. La investigación está basada en las experiencias de integración de dos grupos. Al primer grupo lo conforman croatas de Venezuela, inmigrantes y sus descendientes, que obtuvieron la ciudadanía croata debido a su origen étnico y emigraron a Croacia, país en el cual nunca habían vivido hasta ese momento. El segundo grupo está compuesto por miembros de la minoría
... More nacional gitana, nacidos en territorio croata. Aunque en apariencia estos grupos no tengan nada en común, ambos poseen la ciudadanía croata y residen en Croacia. De acuerdo a esta investigación, los entrevistados se encuentran legalmente integrados en la sociedad croata, aunque no lo están en las demás dimensiones de la integración y tampoco se consideran a sí mismos integrados. En el trabajo se comparan y analizan las prácticas cotidianas de los migrantes étnicos y los miembros de la minoría nacional mencionados, con la metodología cualitativa de la antropología cultural a través de las siguientes dimensiones del proceso de integración: socioeconómica, cultural, de interacción, de identificación y legal-política. La investigación indica que el proceso de integración debe ser observado e investigado de manera integral. Less
Keywords (croatian)
koetnički imigranti
Hrvati iz Venezuele
Keywords (english)
co-ethnic migrants
Croats fromVenezuela
Keywords (spanish)
inmigrantes étnicos
croatas de Venezuela
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Studia ethnologica Croatica
Numbering vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 157-184
p-ISSN 1330-3627
e-ISSN 1848-9532
DOI https://doi.org/10.17234/SEC.31.6
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:647398
Publication 2019
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/231041
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-01-07 15:21:25