Title Uloga modaliteta u učenju stranog jezika kod djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) The role of modality in foreign language learning in preschool children
Author Valentina Ivakić
Mentor Martina Sekulić Sović (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Simeon (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlasta Erdeljac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Sekulić Sović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Linguistics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Abstract Rad se temelji na istraživanju koje se provelo tijekom ukupno 6 tjedana nastave engleskog jezika, gdje se kroz dvije cjeline podijeljene u šest podskupina ispitivala uloga modaliteta u učenju stranog jezika kod djece predškolske dobi na temelju uspjeha u učenju nekoliko leksičko-semantičkih kategorija (životinje: divlje, domaće, morske; funkcionalni predmeti: školski, kuhinjski, kupaonski pribor). Predviđene su dvije dječje skupine: starija skupina – djeca u dobi između 6 i 7 godina (sedmero djece) i mlađa skupina – djeca u dobi između 5 i 6 godina (osmero djece); ukupno 15 ispitanika. U ukupno šest tjedana djeca su učila pojmove iz šest gore navedenih kategorija audiovizualnim putem (pomoću video materijala), vizualnim putem (pomoću edukativnih kartica) i taktilno (pomoću fizičkog predmeta). Nakon što su proučili svaku podskupinu i različite načine učenja, ispitivalo se koliko su djeca pojmova naučila vizualno, audiovizualno ili taktilno. Ispitivanje pojedine kategorije odvijalo se nakon tjedan dana učenja o kategoriji (2 sata tjedno engleskog jezika na kojem se uči o pojedinoj kategoriji) tako da se prikaže fotografija predmeta ili životinje (drugačija od one koja se koristila prilikom učenja, ali se radi o istom pojmu) te su djeca morala reći što vide, tj. pred njih je stavljen zadatak imenovanja. Nakon odrađenih šest tjedana i šest kategorija, uslijedilo bi završno ispitivanje u kojem bi svako dijete ponovno na prepoznavanje dobilo sve pojmove koji su obrađeni (svih 6 kategorija). Istraživanje je ukupno trajalo devet tjedana; šest tjedana učenja pojmova i ispitivanja prvih pet kategorija, jedan tjedan u kojem se ispitivala šesta kategorija te dva tjedna tijekom kojih se odvijao drugi, tj. završni krug ispitivanja. Ovim istraživanjem bi se pokazalo uče li djeca strani jezik lakše kroz edukativne kartice, video, pjesme i razgovor ili opipom fizičkog predmeta, tj. uče li djeca lakše kroz vizualni, kinestetički ili audiovizualni modalitet, te utječe li vremenski odmak (od nekoliko tjedana) na znanje pojedinih kategorija. Također je bilo riječi o tome utječu li spol, predznanje stranog jezika, materinski jezik ili motivacija za učenje i usvajanje stranog jezika kod djece predškolske dobi.
Abstract (english) The paper is based on research that was conducted during a total of 6 weeks of English language classes, where the role of modalities in learning a foreign language among preschool children was examined through two units, divided into six subgroups, through lexical-semantic categories (animals: wild, farm, aquatic; functional objects: school, kitchen, bathroom utensils). Two groups of children were included: an older group - children aged between 6 and 7 (seven children) and a younger group - children aged between 5 and 6 (eight children); a total of 15 respondents. In a total of six weeks, the children learned the terms of the six categories mentioned above audiovisually (using video material), visually (using educational cards) and kinesthetically (using a physical object). After studying each subgroup and different ways of learning, they were asked how many concepts the children learned visually, audiovisually, or kinesthetically. The examination of a particular category took place after a week of learning about the category (2 hours a week of English in which a particular category is taught) by showing a photo of an object or an animal (different from the one used during learning, but it is about the same concept) these children had to say what they saw, i.e. they were given a naming task. After six weeks and six categories, there would be a final examination in which each child would again be given all the concepts that were processed (all 6 categories) for recognition. The research lasted a total of nine weeks; six weeks of learning concepts and examination of the first five categories, one week of examination of the last category and two weeks during which the second, i.e., final round of examinations took place. This research would show whether children learn a foreign language more easily through educational cards, videos, songs and conversation or by touching a physical object, i.e. whether children learn more easily through a visual, kinesthetic or audiovisual modality, and whether the time lag (of several weeks) affects knowledge of certain categories. It would also be discussed whether gender, prior knowledge of a foreign language, mother tongue or motivation influence the learning and acquisition of a foreign language in preschool children.
vizualni modalitet
audiovizualni modalitet
kinestetički modalitet
VAK learning
strani jezik
djeca predškolske dobi
Keywords (english)
visual modality
audiovisual modality
kinesthetic modality
VAK learning
foreign language
preschool children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:567172
Study programme Title: Linguistics (double major); specializations in: General Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Aplied Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Course: Aplied Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra lingvistike (magistar/magistra lingvistike)
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Created on 2023-07-18 14:17:14