Title Elektropalatografska analiza hrvatskih afrikata /č/ i /ć/
Title (english) Electropalatographic analysis of Croatian affricates /Č/ and /Ć/
Author Katharina Obraz
Mentor Marko Liker (mentor)
Mentor Bernardina Petrović (mentor)
Committee member Elenmari Pletikos Olof (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Liker (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bernardina Petrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Phonetics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-11-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Phonetics
Abstract U tradicionalnoj se klasifikaciji hrvatska afrikata /č/ najčešće definira kao postalveolarna, dok se /ć/ definira većinom kao palatalna. Međutim, takve tvrdnje uglavnom počivaju na subjektivnoj procjeni, a instrumentalni i fiziološki podaci o samoj artikulaciji gotovo su nepostojeći te je zbog toga artikulacijsko određenje glasova /č/ i /ć/ u različitim priručnicima i gramatikama ponekad nedosljedno. Tako se, na primjer, afrikata /ć/ ponegdje naziva palatalnom, ponegdje palataliziranom, a
... More ponegdje čak i palatalnom i palataliziranom. Pitanje statusa ovih dviju afrikata dodatno se komplicira činjenicom da neki teoretičari i jezikoslovci tvrde da je u tijeku oveća promjena hrvatskoga standardnog jezika na izgovornome planu. Neka relativno recentna istraživanja pokazuju da se mladi i obrazovani ljudi iz urbanih dijelova Hrvatske odmiču od klasične izgovorne norme te da pribjegavaju tzv. općeprihvaćenomu hrvatskom izgovoru. Općeprihvaćeni hrvatski izgovor, ili implicitnu prihvaćenu normu, karakterizira šest značajki, a neutralizacija postalveolarne i palatalne afrikate navodi se kao jedna od njih. Ciljevi su ovoga rada bili analizirati hrvatske afrikate /č/ i /ć, opisati njihovu artikulaciju i istražiti dolazi li do neutralizacije između njih (i ako da, o kojoj je vrsti neutralizacije riječ). Istraživanje je provedeno na osam ispitanika koji su se prema svojim demografskim i nekim govornim karakteristikama svrstavali u skupinu govornika takozvanoga općeprihvaćenog izgovora. Metoda kojom se koristilo jest elektropalatografija (EPG), instrumentalna fiziološka metoda koja bilježi vrijeme i mjesto jezično-nepčanoga kontakta u povezanu govoru. Mjerene varijable bile su alveolarni, postalveolarni, alveolarno-postalveolarni i palatalni jezično-nepčani kontakt te jezičnonepčani kontakt na cijelome nepcu. Nadalje se mjerilo težište jezično-nepčanoga kontakta (CoG) i modificirano težište prednjega jezično-nepčanoga kontakta (PCoG). Rezultati su ovoga rada pokazali da ne postoji značajna razlika u mjestu artikulacije hrvatskih afrikata /č/ i /ć/ – oba se glasa ostvaruju na alveolarno-postalveolarnome dijelu nepca, a rezultati artikulacijske dinamike pokazuju da neutralizacija nije potpuna te da se proces neutralizacije kod različitih ispitanika različito odvija. EPG podaci upućuju na veću količinu jezičnonepčanoga kontakta glasa /ć/ od /č/. Na temelju tih podataka, koji značajno nadopunjuju do sada poznate činjenice o hrvatskim afrikatama, ali i afrikatama u drugim jezicima, može se zaključiti da se analizirani glasovi razlikuju po aktivnome artikulatoru koji sudjeluje u njihovoj produkciji: glas se /ć/ ostvaruje laminalnim, a /č/ apikalnim dijelom jezika. Less
Abstract (english) In the traditional classification scheme of Croatian affricates /č/ is generally defined as postalveolar, while /ć/ is usually defined as palatal. However, these claims are most often based on a subjective assessment, while instrumental and physiological data regarding the articulation itself are virtually non-existent, which is why the articulatory classification of sounds /č/ and /ć/ in language and grammar literature is sometimes inconsistent. For example, /ć/ is sometimes referred to
... More as palatal, sometimes palatalized, and in some cases even both palatal and palatalized. The status of these two affricates becomes even more complex when one considers the claims of certain linguists and scholars that Croatian standard is in the process of a bigger change in terms of speech production. Some relatively recent research has shown that young and educated people from urban areas deviate from the Classic norm and use the so-called Implicit Accepted Norm. It is characterized by six different criteria, one of which is the neutralization of postalveolar and palatal affricates. The aims of this work were to analyze Croatian affricates /č/ and /ć/, describe how they are articulated and see whether the neutralization occurs (and, if yes, what kind of neutralization). The research was conducted on eight subjects who fitted the Implicit Accepted Norm speakers on the basis of their demographic and articulatory characteristics. The method used is electropalatalography (EPG), an instrumental physiological technique that records the tongue activity in speech. The variables in the research are alveolar, postalveolar, alveolar-postalveolar and palatal tongueto- palate contact, as well as tongue-to-palate contact that covers the whole palate. Furthermore, the centre of gravity (CoG) was also measured, as well as the anterior centre of gravity (PCoG). The results of the research show that there are no significant changes in the place of articulation of Croatian affricates /č/ and /ć/ – both sounds are produced on the alveolar-postalveolar part of the palate, and the results of articulatory dynamics have shown that the neutralization is not complete, and that it occurs differently in different speakers. The EPG data implies a bigger amount of tongue-to-palate contact in /ć/, as opposed to /č/. On the basis of these data and the fact that they significantly expand the knowledge of both Croatian affricates and affricates in other languages, one can conclude that the analyzed sounds differ in regards to the lingual articulator that takes part in their production: the sound /ć/ is produced by the laminal, while /č/ is produced by the apical part of the tongue. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:695170
Study programme Title: Phonetics (double major); specializations in: Clinical Phonetics, Rhetoric, General Phonetics Course: Clinical Phonetics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije fonetičar rehabilitator (magistar/magistra edukacije fonetičar rehabilitator)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-12-10 09:00:10