Title Kapitalizam i mentalne bolesti
Title (english) Capitalism and mental illness
Author Jan Vržina
Mentor Ankica Čakardić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Jurić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Bogdanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ankica Čakardić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Philosophy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-03-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Social Philosophy
Abstract Tema je mentalnog zdravlja danas diskutirana više nego ikad, a posljedice su COVID pandemije uvrstile u javni vokabular termin “epidemije mentalnih bolesti”. Cilj ovog rada povezati je trenutnu globalno dominantu paradigmu neoliberalnog kapitalizma s tom epidemijom. U prvom se poglavlju u svezu dovode podaci o rasprostranjenosti, rastu i demografiji mentalnih bolesti iz socijalnoj filozofiji srodnih znanosti sa socio-ekonomskim načelima na kojima kapitalizam, napose u današnjem neoliberalnom
... More obliku, počiva. Nejednakosti u društvu, nejednake distribucije mentalnih bolesti, loši uvjeti rada i zaposlenja, egzistencijalne nesigurnosti, mjere štednje, jaz između globalnog sjevera i juga te materijalističko-individualistička kultura pokazuju se kao ključni uzroci epidemije mentalnih bolesti, a isti fenomeni su zatim pokazani kao neizostavnim dijelom kapitalističkog poretka. Kraj je prvog poglavlja posvećen sustavu mentalnog zdravlja, te njegovoj teoriji i praksi, kao dijelom kapitalističke nadgradnje. Drugo poglavlje pomnije promatra psi-discipline, u prvom redu psihijatriju, kao dio ideološke nadgradnje kapitalizma i pokazuje da psi-znanja ispoljavaju hegemonijsku moć te igraju ključnu ulogu u kapitalizmu. Koncept se mentalnih bolesti pokazuje kao povijesnom kontingencijom bez empirijskog legitimiteta, a tvrdnje se psi-znanja delegitimiziraju dekonstrukcijom uvriježenog biopsihosocijalnog modela psi-znanosti. Potreba je za postojanjem ovog koncepta zatim sistematizirana u financijsku, depolitizacijsku i normalizacijsku funkciju. Povijesnom i diskurzivnom analizom tako se pokazuje da su mentalne bolesti prvenstveno strateški koncept, rezultat potrebe za uvrštavanjem neurodivergentne populacije u radnu snagu i reguliranjem generalne populacije. Treće je poglavlje posvećeno približavanju ove teme učenicima u nastavi kao korektiv biomedicinskom podučavanju mentalnih bolesti na nastavi psihologije i kao odskočna točka za predavanje o kritičkoj teoriji druge polovice 20. stoljeća. Less
Abstract (english) The subject of mental health is debated now more than ever, while the consequences of the COVID pandemic have included the term “the epidemic of mental illness” into public vocabulary. The goal of this thesis is to link the current globally dominant paradigm of neoliberal capitalism with said epidemic. The first chapter connects data concerning the distribution, rise and demography of mental illness from sciences akin to social philosophy with socio-economic principles upon which
... More capitalism, especially in its contemporary neoliberal form, rests. Social inequalities, unequal distributions of mental illnesses, poor work conditions, existential uncertainties, austerity measures, the divide between the Global north and the Global south and a materialistically-individualistic culture are shown to be key causes of the mental illness epidemic, and those same phenomena are then shown to be an indispensable part of the capitalist regime. The end of the first chapter is dedicated to the mental health system, its theory and practice, as part of the capitalist superstructure. The second chapter more thoroughly inspects psy-professions, primarily psychiatry, as part of the ideological superstructure of capitalism, and shows psy-knwoledge manifests as a hegemonic type of power, playing a key part in capitalism. The concept of mental illness is shown to be a historical contingency without empirical legitimacy, and psy-knowledge statements are delegitimized by deconstructing the established biopsychosocial model of psy-sciences. The need for the existence of such a concept is thus systematized into a financial, depoliticizing and normalizing function. By historical and discursive analysis, it is shown that mental illnesses are primarily a strategic concept resulting from the need to include the neurodivergent population into the workforce as well as regulating the general population. The third chapter is dedicated to bringing this subject into the classroom as a corrective to the psychological teaching of mental illness and as a jumping off point for lectures on critical theory of the second part of the twentieth century. Less
mentalne bolesti
politički marksizam
Keywords (english)
mental illness
political marxism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:806521
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Research Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-03-29 16:09:47