Title Strukturna i kulturna individualizacija u hrvatskom društvu od 1999. do 2018. godine
Title (english) Structural and cultural individualization in Croatian society between 1999 and 2018
Author Juraj Jurlina
Mentor Krunoslav Nikodem (mentor)
Committee member Ksenija Klasnić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Žažar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Pavić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-01-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 316 - Sociology
Abstract Doktorski rad Strukturna i kulturna individualizacija u hrvatskom društvu od 1999. do 2019. godine uključuje teorijsko i empirijsko istraživanje procesa individualizacije kao važne dimenzije modernizacijskih procesa i vrijednosnih promjena. Na temelju analitičkog pristupa teorijskoj građi iz korpusa klasičnih i suvremenih društvenih teorija, individualizacija je podijeljena na strukturnu i kulturnu. Strukturna individualizacija konceptualizirana je kao oslobađanje od spona društvenih struktura
... More (institucija i uloga), a kulturna individualizacija kao porast individualističkih vrijednosnih orijentacija koje se odražavaju u opadanju kolektivizma, solidarnosti i društvene odgovornosti kao univerzalnih vrijednosnih orijentacija. Ciljevi su disertacije analizirati trendove strukturne i kulturne individualizacije; istražiti njihovu povezanost u hrvatskom društvu; te istražiti njihovu povezanost višerazinskim regresijskim modelima na uzorku odabranih europskih država. U disertaciji je testirana i potvrđena glavna hipoteza Kulturna individualizacija povezana je sa strukturnom individualizacijom. Testirane su i hipoteze o rastućem trendu strukturne i kulturne individualizacije te o povezanosti pojedinih dimenzija kulturne individualizacije kao kriterija i strukturne individualizacije kao prediktorskog sklopa varijabli. Pomoću podataka Europske studije vrijednosti iz 1999., 2008. i 2018. godine dotični su koncepti operacionalizirani te pretvoreni u indekse i skale koje su korištene u analizama. U okviru većine pokazatelja utvrđen je rastući trend strukturne individualizacije. U slučaju kulturne individualizacije nema jednoznačnog obrasca, međutim nijedan pokazatelj nije imao najveću vrijednost u posljednjoj vremenskoj točki. U hrvatskom su društvu više razine egoističnog individualizma povezane sa strukturnom individualizacijom u domenama religije, obitelji i rada. Anomijski individualizam pozitivno je povezan sa svim istraživanim domenama strukturne individualizacije, dok je ekonomski individualizam pozitivno povezan s detradicionalizacijom obitelji. Višerazinskim regresijskim analizama utvrđeno je da na stupanj kulturne individualizacije najvećim dijelom utječu pokazatelji strukturne individualizacije mikro-razine, dok većina makro-pokazatelja nije povezna s kulturnom individualizacijom. Less
Abstract (english) The doctoral thesis Structural and Cultural Individualization in Croatian Society Between 1999 and 2018 includes theoretical and empirical research on the process of individualization as an important dimension of modernization processes and value changes in contemporary societies. The first part of the thesis offers an overview of the most important theories on individualism and individualization, which includes the works of many authors: from Tocqueville, Simmel, Durkheim and Weber to Beck,
... More Beck-Gernsheim, Bauman and Giddens. After a review of relevant theoretical works, the results of previous empirical research on the topic in question are presented. Among the researchers represented are Inglehart, Hofstede, Schwartz, Triandis, Halman and others. The next part concerns the conceptualization of the main phenomena. Based on an analytical approach to the corpus of classical and contemporary social theories and previous empirical research, individualization is divided into structural and cultural individualization. While structural individualization is conceptualized as liberation from the bonds of social structures, institutions and roles, cultural individualization is seen as an increase in individualistic value orientations that are reflected in the decline of collectivism, solidarity, and social responsibility as universal value orientations. The research objectives of the thesis were to analyze the trends of structural and cultural individualization in Croatian society, with reference to the European context; to investigate the connections between structural and cultural individualization in Croatian society; and to investigate the connection between structural and cultural individualization by implementing multilevel regression models in the context of selected European countries. In accordance with the stated goals, the main hypothesis Cultural individualization is correlated to structural individualization was tested and confirmed. In addition to the main hypothesis, hypotheses about the growing trend of structural and cultural individualization and auxiliary hypotheses about the connection were tested, which refer to certain dimensions of cultural individualization as a dependent variable and structural individualization as a predictor set of variables. Using the variables from the databases of the European Values Study from 1999, 2008 and 2018, the respective concepts were operationalized and converted into indices and scales that were used in correlation analyses. Within most of our indicators, a growing trend of structural individualization was established. In the case of cultural individualization, there is no unequivocal pattern, however none of the indicators had the highest value in the last wave of research. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that the degree of cultural individualization is mostly influenced by indicators of structural individualization at the micro-level, and most macroindicators are not related to cultural individualization. Significant and positive correlations between structural individualization and anomic individualism and egoistic individualism (social indifference and identity indifference) were found, while correlations between structural individualization and economic individualism were mostly negative. Individualized political participation was negatively related to cultural individualization, which indicates a positive effect of individualized civic participation on social solidarity and cohesion. The scientific contribution of this doctoral thesis is reflected in the fact that the process of individualization was approached with an innovative theoretical-conceptual framework and empirical indicators from several domains and at several levels of analysis. Less
strukturna individualizacija
kulturna individualizacija
hrvatsko društvo
sociologija kulture
Keywords (english)
structural individualization
cultural individualization
Croatian society
sociology of culture
Language croatian
DOI https://doi.org/10.17234/diss.2023.349109D
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:973020
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (Doctoral) Program in Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje sociologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje sociologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 199 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-04 08:49:57