Title (croatian) Fonološke varijacije u suvremenom zagrebačkom govoru
Title (english) Phonological variations in the contemporary Zagreb dialect
Author Ante Petrović https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0979-7285 MBZ: 385713
Author's institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of English language and literature)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Abstract (croatian) U radu se predstavlja preliminarno istraživanje četiriju fonoloških obilježja s varijacijama u suvremenom zagrebačkom govoru: gubitka obezvučivanja zvučnih opstruenata na kraju riječi, pomaka udara na drugi slog jedninskih oblika imenica srednjeg roda poput ime i prezime, pomaka udara sa zadnjega na prvi slog osnove pridjeva sa sufiksima -sk- ili -n- te gubljenja međuvokalnih konsonanata. Obilježja se istražuju u okviru varijacijske sociolingvistike s ciljem da se ispita rasprostranjenost
... More pojedinih varijanata među govornicima te prepoznaju eventualne naznake jezične promjene u tijeku. Istraživanje se temelji na govornoj građi prikupljenoj intervjuima, koja je analizirana s obzirom na dob, spol i socioekonomski status ispitanikā. Rezultati upućuju na to da je obezvučivanje krajnjih opstruenata prilično dobro zastupljeno među zrelijim Zagrepčanima, a slabo među mlađima, što navodi na zaključak da se odvija promjena kojom se ovaj proces gubi. Jedninski oblici imenica poput ime i prezime s udarom pomaknutim na drugi slog ispostavili su se varijantom koja se javlja sporadično među mladima te ne pokazuje naznake promjene u tijeku. U pogledu pomaka udara sa zadnjega na prvi slog osnove pridjevā sa sufiksima -sk- ili -n-, pokazalo se da je u nekih pridjeva to već završena promjena, da neki pridjevi s odgovarajućom strukturom još nisu zahvaćeni njime, a da u nekih postoji varijacija. Zapaženi obrasci upućuju na mogućnost da je opisani pomak udara promjena koja se odvija u pridjevā s varijacijom. Naposljetku, gubljenje međuvokalnih konsonanata zabilježeno je vrlo sporadično te ne pokazuje naznake glasovne promjene u tijeku. Less
Abstract (english) The paper presents a preliminary investigation of four phonological features with variations in the contemporary Zagreb dialect: loss of the devoicing of word-final obstruents, stress shift to the stem-final syllable of singular forms of neuter nouns such as ime and prezime, stress shift from the stem-final to the first syllable of adjectives with
suffixes -sk- or -n- and elision of intervocalic consonants. The features are studied within a variationist sociolinguistic framework with
... More the aim of investigating the prevalence of variants among speakers and identifying conceivable indications of an ongoing language change. The investigation is based on spoken material collected with the help of
interviews, which has been analysed with respect to the participants’ age, gender, and socioeconomic status. The results indicate that the devoicing of word-final obstruents is rather well-represented among more mature speakers and poorly among the younger ones, pointing towards an ongoing loss of this feature. Singular forms of nouns such as
ime and prezime with stress shifted to the stem-final syllable turned out to be a variant occurring sporadically in younger speakers, showing no indications of an ongoing change. Regarding the stress shift from the stem-final to the first syllable of adjectives with the suffixes -sk- or -n-, it has been revealed that is already a completed change in some adjectives, and that some adjectives with the relevant structure have not yet been affected by the shift, while others exhibit variation. The observed patterns indicate that the described shift may be an ongoing change affecting the adjectives with variation.
Finally, the intervocalic consonant elision was noted very sporadically, and it shows no indications of an ongoing sound change. Less
Keywords (croatian)
varijacijska sociolingvistika
zagrebački govor
pomak udara
gubljenje konsonanata
Keywords (english)
variationist sociolinguistics
Zagreb dialect
stress shift
consonant elision
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - domestic
Publication version Published version
Journal title FLUMINENSIA : časopis za filološka istraživanja
Numbering vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 333-366
p-ISSN 0353-4642
e-ISSN 1848-9680
DOI https://doi.org/10.31820/f.34.2.7
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:908945
Publication 2022-12-30
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/clanak/418766
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-03 12:09:24