Abstract | Središte diplomskog rada naslovljenog Analiza zidnjaka u kontekstu hrvatske pučke književnosti jest analiza prikupljenog korpusa zidnjaka čiji se slikovni i tekstualni motivi iščitavaju u kontekstu hrvatske pučke književnosti i kulture. Pučka književnost određena je svojim recipijentima kao književnost stvarana za puk, a pozicionira se prema Divni Zečević (1978: 372) u međuprostoru između pisane (visoke) i usmene književnosti. Njezine osnovne funkcije obuhvaćaju pouku i zabavu, a oba su segmenta sadržana u formi zidnjaka. Zidnjaci se opisuju kao komad bijelog platna s otisnutim tekstom i slikom (Berbić Kolar i Mihić 2015: 127), a prvo su se pojavili u gradskim, zatim seoskim sredinama krajem 19. odnosno početkom 20. stoljeća (Matijaško 2003: 211). Prikupljeni korpus sastoji se od 121 slike zidnjaka, odnosno od 100 različitih natpisa na zidnjacima. U radu su prikupljeni zidnjaci analizirani prema šest tematskih skupina u koje su podijeljeni: oni koji tematiziraju domaćinstvo, higijenu, religiju, dobre želje, hedonizam, dom i gostoprimstvo te ljubav i muško-ženske odnose. Uz tematsko-motivsku analizu zidnjaci se promatraju i iz kulturološke perspektive – pokušava se odgovoriti na pitanja koje vrijednosti prenose, što svjedoče o tadašnjem načinu života, položaju žena, religiji, higijeni i sl. Uz to se donosi i kratki pregled jezičnih osobitosti prikupljenih zidnjaka koje mogu biti posljedica prepisivanja predloška, dijalektalne obilježenosti ili slabe pismenosti. |
Abstract (english) | The focus of this master thesis entitled Analysis of kitchen wall cloths in the context of Croatian folk literature is the analysis of the collected corpus, which consists of wall cloths, i.e., their image and textual motifs in the context of Croatian folk literature and culture. Folk literature can be defined by its recipients as literature created for the folk. Furthermore, according to Divna Zečević (1978: 372), it is positioned in the intermediate space between written (high) literature and oral literature. Its basic functions include teaching and entertainment, both of which elements are contained in the form of wall cloth. A wall cloth is described as a piece of white cloth with text and image (Berbić Kolar and Mihić 2015: 127) that first appeared in urban areas and afterward in the rural areas in the late 19th and early 20th century (Matijaško 2003: 211). The collected corpus contains 121 pictures of wall cloths, i.e., 100 different inscriptions on wall cloths. In this paper, the collected wall cloths are analyzed and divided into six topical groups: those that refer to household, hygiene, religion, good wishes, hedonism, home, and hospitality, as well as male-female relations. In addition to the thematic and motif analysis, the wall cloths are also viewed from a cultural perspective with emphasis on the following issues – what values they promote, what they say about the way of life at that time, the position of women, religion, hygiene, etc. In addition, a brief overview of the linguistic peculiarities of the collected wall cloths is provided since these peculiarities may result from template copying, the influence of the dialect, or poor literacy. |