Title Povijesno-demografski i ekohistorijski procesi na periferiji Osmanskoga carstva do sredine 19. stoljeća na primjeru Ljubuškog
Title (english) Historical-demographic and ecohistoric processes on the periphery of the Ottoman empire by the middle of the 19th century on the example of Ljubuski
Author Vlado Pavičić
Mentor Nenad Moačanin (mentor)
Committee member Stjepan Ćosić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Petrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Anušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 929 - Biographical studies. Genealogy. Heraldry. Flags
Abstract Izuzetno razorni, osmansko-mletački, imperijalni ratovi 17. stoljeća imali su za posljedicu novo geopolitičko preslagivanje i povlačenje nove granične crte, kao stvarne rezultante i ravnoteže njihovih imperijalnih snaga, čega je daljnja posljedica bila ostanak prostora Ljubuškog na periferiji Osmanskoga Carstva, ali i njegov preustroj i u državno upravnom i u crkveno-upravnom smislu. Nakon strahovitog demografskoga rasapa i snažnih ambijentalnih preobrazbi izazvanih spomenutim ratnim
... More destrukcijama, nastupilo je dugotrajno razdoblje političke stabilnosti, kao preduvjet ponovne repopulacije i bonifikacije prostora. Taj je proces bio spor i dugotrajan i svoj istinski zamah dobiva u prvoj polovici 19. st., na kojem je i fokus naših istraživanja. Sinergijom više silnica, od snažnoga demografskoga pritiska sa svih okolnih prostora i unutarnjega prirodnoga prirasta, gospodarskih interesa osmanske (navlastito muslimanskih zemljoposjednika) i austrijske države, te nezaustavljivog procesa modernizacije, dolazi do repopulacije prostora i intenzivnih hidromelioracijskih zahvata. Ekohistorijsku sliku istraživanoga prostora, koju su dominantno obilježavali rijeka Trebižat (Mlade) i pripadnost sredozemnom klimatskom pojasu, s razdobljem utjecaja maloga ledenoga doba i njegove etape izrazitih hladnoća, pokušali smo rasvijetliti razumijevanjem prirodnih datosti, socioekonomskih čimbenika, te intelektualnih doživljaja okoliša u jednom interdisciplinarnom obuhvatu, tako primjerenom ekohistoriji. Geološke, geomorfološke, pedološke, hidrološke itd. pojave „dugoga trajanja“, klima i vrijeme, biljni i životinjski svijet, toponimija, kolektivni imaginariji, samo se neki aspekti ljubuškog okoliša rasvijetljeni korištenjem pisanih povijesnih izvora, ponajprije matičnih knjiga i ljetopisa, kartografskih prikaza, proučavanjem materijalnih ostataka putem terenskih istraživanja, te ispitivanjem raznoraznih usmenih predaja u vidu jedne vrlo osebujne oral history. Nakon rekonstrukcije demografske slike i analize naseljenosti pojedinih ljubuških seoskih mikrocjelina, posebna pozornost posvećena je rekonstrukciji pripadnosti rodovskim zajednicama osoba sporadično spominjanih prije biskupskih popisa iz sredine 18. st. od kada se iste mogu sustavnije pratiti. Na temelju spomenutih popisa napravljena je svojevrsna inventura rodova i naselja, što je nastavljeno analizom prvoga sveska matične knjige krštenih na prijelazu 18./19. stoljeća, kao i analizom natalitetnih pojavnosti, također na temelju spomenute matične knjige. Još minucioznija analiza nastavljena je proučavanjem demografskih pojavnosti na razini pojedinoga naselja, pače svakoga roda, što su omogućile matične knjige župe Ljubuški iz prve polovice 19. stoljeća. Pri tome je posebna pozornost posvećena migracijskim kretanjima i podrijetlu stanovništva, zbog toga što je to u prošlosti bilo predmet mitomanskih, velikosrpskih i velikobošnjačkih, pseudohistorijskih prisezanja. Ipak, okosnicu rada predstavljale su sintetičke analize na razini cijele župe triju demografskih značajki, nataliteta, nupcijaliteta i mortaliteta. Raščlambom nataliteta razglabano je o fenomenu znamenovanja, rađanju nezakonite djece i blizanaca, imenskom fondu rođenih, rodovima s najviše rođenih, a posebna pozornost je posvećena sezonalitetu začeća (rođenja). Sezonalitet je bio predmet raščlambe i ostalih dviju demografskih značajki, nupcijaliteta i mortaliteta, a usto je kod nupcijaliteta razmatrana ženidbena dob mladenaca, ponovni brakovi udovaca i udovica, te rodovi s najviše mladoženja i mladenki. Uz spomenutu sezonalnost, kod mortaliteta je analiziran raspored umrlih po naseljima, dobnim skupinama, spolu, kao i uzroci smrti, a posebno je razmotrena epidemija kuge iz drugog desetljeća 19. st. koja je snažno obilježila kolektivni imaginarij ljubuškog stanovništva. Dakako, svi analizirani pokazatelji razmotreni su u komparativnom kontekstu, što je pokazalo velik stupanj podudarnosti s već obavljenim sličnim istraživanjima predmodernih društava na širem euromediteranskom prostoru, napose u dinarskim predjelima kojih je dio i istraživana mikrocjelina. Less
Abstract (english) Extremely devastating, Ottoman-Venetian, imperial wars of the 17th century resulted in a new geopolitical rearrangement and demarcation, as real results and balance of their imperial powers, which left the area of Ljubuški on the periphery of the Ottoman Empire, but also caused its reorganization in both state-administrative and church-administrative sense. After a terrible demographic disintegration and strong ambient transformations caused by the aforementioned war destructions,
... More occurred a long period of political stability as a precondition for the area’s repopulation and bonification. This process was slow and long lasting and gained its true momentum in the first half of the 19th century, which is the focus of our research. The synergy of several forces, from strong demographic pressure from all surrounding areas and internal natural growth, economic interests of the Ottoman (especially Muslim landowners) and the Austrian state, and the unstoppable process of modernization, led to the repopulation of the area and intensive hydro-melioration interventions, which were causally related. We tried to shed light on the ecohistorical picture of the researched area, which was predominantly marked by the river Trebižat (Mlade) and belonging to the Mediterranean climate zone, with the period of the Little Ice Age and its stage of extreme cold, by understanding and connecting natural conditions, socioeconomic factors and intellectual experiences of the environment in an interdisciplinary coverage, so appropriate to the ecohistory. Geological, geomorphological, pedological, hydrological, etc. phenomena of “long duration”, climate and time, flora and fauna, toponymy, are only some aspects of the environment of Ljubuški and its experience in the imaginary of the locals, illuminated using written historical sources, primarily parish registers and chronicles, cartographic representations, study of material remains through field research, and the examination of various oral traditions in the form of a very peculiar oral history. After an extensive reconstruction of the demographic picture, especially in the second half of the 17th and the first decades of the 18th century, and an analysis of population of the individual rural micro-units of Ljubuški, special attention was paid to the reconstruction of the belonging to clan communities which were sporadically mentioned before the mid-18th century episcopal censuses. On the basis of the mentioned episcopal censuses, a kind of inventory of clans and settlements was made, which continued with the analysis of the first volume of the parish register of baptisms at the turn of the 18th/19th century, as well as with the analysis of birth rates based on the aforementioned parish register. An even more meticulous analysis continued with the study of demographic indicators at the level of the individual settlements, an even of the each clan, which was made possible by the parish register of the Ljubuški parish from the first half of the 19th century. In doing so, special attention is paid to migrations and the origin of the population, all the more so because in the past it was the subject of mythomaniac, Greater Serbian and Greater Bosniak, (pseudo)historical pretensions. Nevertheless, the backbone of the scientific work were parish-wide synthetic analyzes of three demographic characteristics, natality, nuptiality, and mortality. The analysis of birth rates discussed the phenomenon of naming, the birth of illegitimate children and twins, the name fund of the newborns, the families with the most births, and special attention was paid to the seasonality of conceptions (births). Seasonality was the subject of analysis of the other two demographic characteristics, nuptiality and mortality, and in addition to nuptiality, the marriage age of the newlyweds, the remarriage of widows and widowers, and the clans with the most grooms and brides were considered. In addition to the mentioned seasonality, the distribution of deaths by settlements, age groups, sex, as well as causes of death were analyzed in connection with the mortality, and the plague epidemic from the second decade of the 19th century, which strongly marked the collective imaginary of the Ljubuški population, was especially considered. Of course, all analyzed indicators were considered in a comparative context, which showed a high degree of congruence with similar studies of premodern societies in the wider Euro-Mediterranean area, especially in the Dinaric regions of which the researched micro-unit is part. Less
povijesna demografija
matične knjige
Keywords (english)
historical demography
parish registers
birth rate
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:200877
Study programme Title: Posgraduate (Doctoral) Program in Pre-modern History Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest)
Type of resource Text
Extent 618 str.
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-03-03 11:55:32