Title Geneza, ustroj i nestanak tzv. "Srpske vojske Krajine"
Title (english) Genesis, organization and disappearance so called "Serbian army of Kraina"
Author Mario Werhas
Mentor Ozren Žunec (mentor)
Committee member Martin Previšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Hutinec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Barić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract Na temelju izvornog arhivskog gradiva te drugih relevantnih izvora u radu se analizira geneza, ustroj i nestanak tzv. „Srpske vojske Krajina“. Na početku rada dan je politički okvir krize u SFRJ. Odnosno, opisani su uzroci i procesi koji su doveli do političke krize savezne države. Temelj obrambene doktrine SFRJ bio je koncept opće narodne obrane i društvene samozaštite (ONO i DSZ) te se u radu daje pregled osnovnih koncepcijskih načela navedene doktrine. Doktrina ONO i DSZ postaje temelj za
... More ustrojavanje Teritorijalne obrane (TO) kao dijela Oružanih snaga SFRJ. Iz navedenog razloga u radu se daje opširan prikaz razvoja koncepcije i doktrine TO SFRJ sa posebnim osvrtom na razvoj TO SR Hrvatske. Radi shvaćanja situacije koja je dovela do oružane pobune dijela srpskog stanovništva na području Hrvatske opisani su politički događaji koji su prethodili pobuni te geneza same oružane pobune. U kontekstu navedenog prikazano je ustrojavanje i djelovanje tzv. „Milicije SAO Krajine“. Budući je sustav TO predstavljao temelj na kojem je ustrojena tzv. „Srpska vojska Krajine“ u radu je dan pregled razvoja postrojbi TO ustrojenih od strane pobunjenih Srba na okupiranim područjima Hrvatske. Potom se u radu daje prikaz transformacije TO pobunjenih Srba u tzv. „Srpsku vojsku Krajine“, pri čemu je naglasak stavljen na ustroj i opisivanje glavnih procesa unutar same SVK. Posebno je istaknuta nikada neprekinuta veza između Vojske Jugoslavije i SVK. Odnosno, potvrđena je temeljna teza da SVK ne bi mogla opstati kao samostalni vojni ustroj bez financijskog i materijalnog te posebno vojno-profesionalnog oslonca na Vojsku Jugoslavije. Na kraju ostavljena bez podrške bratskih vojski (Vojske Jugoslavije i Vojske Republike Srpske) tzv. „Srpska vojska Krajine“ dočekala je svoj konačni kraj zahvaćena Olujom. Less
Abstract (english) Based on the original archival material and other relevant sources, the paper analyses the genesis, structure and disappearance of the so-called “Serbian Army of Krajina”. The political framework of the crisis in the SFRY is given at the beginning of the paper. That is, the causes and developments that led to the political crisis at the end of the existence of federal state, and to abuse of the bodies of that federal state in order to implement the Serbian nationalist concept. The basis of
... More the SFRY's defence doctrine was the concept of general national defence and collective self-defence (ONO and DSZ), and the paper provides an overview of the basic conceptual principles of that doctrine. The doctrine of the ONO and the DSZ resulted in the creation of a Territorial Defence (TO). The TO structure was primarily the responsibility of the republics. Further on, the work continues with the genesis of the political crisis in the final stages of existing of SFRY, mainly considering the process of democratization in the western republics, which have been used in an attempt to impose a solution to the political crisis through the option of war. Serbian nationalism took advantage of the fifty years of imposing fear on the Serbian national community in the territory of Croatia from the creation of the Croatian state by constantly recalling the events of the II. world war. The aforementioned fear was used as a drive for Croatian Serbs to rebel against a legally elected Croatian government. The rebel Serbs use the existing TO system through which they form their units and actively engage in combat operations. Since the TO system was the foundation upon which the so-called "Serbian Army of Krajina" was formed, an overview is given of the development of TO units established by rebel Serbs in the occupied areas of Croatia. With the arrival of UN forces in the occupied territories, the process of demobilization of the existing TO units of so-called “Republic of Serbian Krajina” was first carried out, and then at the end of the same year the process of establishing so-called "Serbian Army of Krajina” (SVK) have begun. The creation of the General Staff and units of the SVK is given in the paper with special emphasis on describing the main processes within the SVK itself. The never-ending relationship between the Yugoslav Army and the SVK is particularly emphasized. In other words, the basic thesis was confirmed that the SVK would not be able to survive as an independent military organization without the financial and material and especially militaryprofessional reliance on the Yugoslav Army. Eventually left without the support of the brotherly armies (the Army of Yugoslavia and the Army of Republic Srpska), the so-called "Serbian Army of Krajina" has reached its final end during the Operation Storm. Less
Teritorijalna obrana
pobunjeni Srbi
tzv. „Srpska autonomna oblast“
tzv. „Republika Srpska Krajina“
tzv. „Srpska vojska Krajine“
Glavni štab
operativna zona
Keywords (english)
Territorial Defence
rebel Serbs
so-called "Serbian Autonomous Region"
so-called "Republic Srpska Krajina"
so-called "Serbian Army of Krajina"
General Staff
Operations Zone
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:917678
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (Doctoral) Program in Modern and Contemporary Croatian history in European and World context Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest)
Type of resource Text
Extent 402 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-11-04 13:22:07