Title Globalna popularnost K-popa – društveni kontekst i strategije primjene sustava upravljanja poslovnim informacijama
Title (english) Global popularity of K-pop - social context and implementation of business intelligence strategies
Author Jelena Jazvo
Mentor Danijela Lucić (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Žažar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Bilandžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract K-pop je kratica za Korean pop, a podrazumijeva specifičan žanr unutar južnokorejske popularne glazbe. Začetke mu nalazimo u 90-im godinama 20. stoljeća kada su na južnokorejsku glazbenu scenu stupili Seo Taiji and Boys koje se opravdano smatra pionirima modernog K-popa s obzirom na inovacije koje su uveli. Prva K-pop idol grupa u pravom smislu riječi bio je H.O.T. koji je bio izrazito popularan kasnih 90-ih. Prvo desetljeće 21. stoljeća obilježile su prva i druga generacija K-pop idol grupa
... More (Shinwa, TVXQ, Baby Vox, Big Bang, Girl's Generation, Super Junior, Miss A i mnogi drugi) te popularizacija ovog žanra u azijskim zemljama poput Kine, Tajvana, Japana i Tajlanda. Treća generacija K-pop grupa započela je debitiranjem EXO-a 2012., a ovaj je period u povijesti K-popa obilježen širenjem i popularizacijom ovog žanra na globalnoj razini. Danas je, na globalnoj razini, uvjerljivo najpopularnija grupa BTS koji stoji uz bok zapadnjačkim izvođačima na Billboardovim ljestvicama.
K-pop je uspio postići ovoliku popularnost zahvaljujući mnogim specifičnostima koje ga obilježavaju: vježbenički sistem putem kojega se mladi talentirani ljudi oblikuju u savršeno ispolirane i svestrane idole, naglasak na koreografiji i vizualnom izgledu samih članova grupa i glazbenih spotova te prezentiranje idola kao savršenih prijatelja/ljubavnih partnera čija je posljedica formiranje parasocijalnih veza između K-pop izvođača i fanova. Osim toga, K-pop agencije okoristile su se sve većom popularnosti društvenih mreža putem kojih fanovima redovito prezentiraju sadržaj, kako glazbeni, tako i neglazbeni (behind the scenes snimke) što pridonosi tome da fanovi budu kontinuirano investirani u neku grupu te da im nikad ne dosadi praćenje iste.
Održavanje interesa fanova ključni je cilj u strategiji svake K-pop agencije jer je K-pop industrija vrlo kompetitivna, užurbana, a u novije vrijeme i prezasićena grupama. Za debitiranje i posljedične comebackove grupe agencija mora utrošiti milijune dolara, a garancije za uspjeh nema, stoga je vrlo važna svijest o stanju na tržištu i o vlastitoj okolini. U svrhu postizanja toga, K-pop agencije moraju koristiti strategije primjene sustava upravljanja poslovnim informacijama, odnosno business intelligence strategije jer im one omogućuju pronalaženje relevantnih i točnih informacija na temelju kojih će se donositi poslovne odluke, odnosno osmišljavati strategija za promociju i popularizaciju neke grupe.
Kad se govori o K-popu, mora se spomenuti da to nije samo oblik zabave za tinejdžere i mlade ljude, nego i sredstvo kojim Južna Koreja povećava svoju meku moć, ostvaruje diplomatske ciljeve te gradi nacionalni brend i identitet. Svjedok je tome nastup grupe Red Velvet za Kim Jong-una, upoznavanje Donalda i Ivanke Trump s grupom EXO, govor BTS-a u Ujedinjenim narodima i sl. Istraživanja pokazuju da K-pop doprinosi povećanom broju turističkih dolazaka u Koreju, poboljšanju percepcije Korejaca koji žive izvan domovine, a osim toga igrao je ključnu ulogu u poboljšanju percepcije Južne Koreje u Tajvanu nakon prekida bilateralnih odnosa. S obzirom na sve ovo, ne čudi što korejska vlada aktivno podupire K-pop industriju zakonima i financijskom potporom. Less
Abstract (english) K-pop stands for Korean pop, and implies a specific genre within South Korean popular music. We find its beginnings in the 90s when the Seo Taiji and Boys, who are justifiably considered the pioneers of modern K-pop given the innovations they introduce, entered the South Korean music scene. The first K-pop idol group in the true sense of the word was H.O.T. which was extremely popular in the late 90s. The first decade of the 21st century was marked by the first and second generation of
... More K-pop idol groups (Shinwa, TVXQ, Baby Vox, Big Bang, Girl's Generation, Super Junior, Miss A and many others) and the popularization of this genre in Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Japan and Thailand. The third generation of K-pop groups began with the debut of EXO in 2012, and this period in the history of K-pop was marked by the global spread and popularization of this genre. Arguably the most popular K-pop group today is BTS who stands side by side with Western performers on the Billboard charts.
K-pop has managed to achieve such popularity thanks to many specifics that characterize it: a training system through which young talented people are shaped into perfectly polished and versatile idols, emphasis on choreography and visual appearance of band members and music videos and presentation of idols as perfect friends and love partners resulting in the formation of parasocial bonds between K-pop performers and fans. In addition, K-pop agencies have benefited from the growing popularity of social networks through which they regularly present content to fans, both musical and non-musical (behind the scenes videos), which contribute to fans being continuously invested in a group and never getting bored of following its activities.
Maintaining fan interest is a key goal in the strategy of any K-pop agency because the K-pop industry is very competitive, hectic, and more recently oversaturated with groups. For the debut and the consequent comebacks of the group, the agency has to spend millions of dollars, and considering there is no guarantee of success, the awareness of the market situation and its own environment is very important. In order to achieve this, K-pop agencies must use strategies i.e. business intelligence strategies because they allow them to find relevant and accurate information on the basis of which a business decision can be made or design strategies to promote and popularize a group.
When it comes to K-pop, it must be mentioned that it is not only a form of entertainment for teenagers and young people, but also a means by which South Korea increases its soft power, achieves diplomatic goals and builds a national brand and identity. A proof of this Red Velvet's performance for Kim Jong-un, Donald and Ivanka Trump's meeting with EXO, BTS speech at the United Nations, etc. Research shows that K-pop contributes to the influx of tourists to Korea, improves the perception of Koreans living abroad and that it played a key role in improving the perception of South Korea in Taiwan following the severance of bilateral relations. Given all of this, it’s no surprise that the Korean government is actively supporting the K-pop industry with laws and financial support. Less
Južna Koreja
strategije primjene sustava upravljanja poslovnim informacijama
business intelligence
nacionalni identitet
nacionalno brendiranje
meka moć
Keywords (english)
South Korea
business intelligence
national identity
national brand
soft power
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:473797
Study programme Title: Sociology (double major); specializations in: Research, Teaching Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-06-20 16:21:23