University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of English language and literature)
Author's institution
University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of German language and literature)
Author's institution
University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Linguistics)
Author's institution
University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Romance languages and literature)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Description (croatian)
Rad nagrađen Rektorovom nagradom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u akademskoj godini 2016./2017.
Description (croatian)
Razni su autori predložili istaknutu ulogu filmskih naslova u razumijevanju filma u cjelini pri čemu prije svega naglašavaju apelativnu funkciju naslova koja za cilj ima navesti adresata poruke na konzumiranje proizvoda. Budući da se uz tekst filma kao djela za ciljno tržište načelno prevodi i naslov, odlučili smo provesti analizu strategija prevođenja filmskih naslova na hrvatski i njemački jezik. Izradili smo dva korpusa sastavljena od originalnih filmskih naslova (uglavnom na engleskom jeziku) i njihovih prijevoda na hrvatski i njemački jezik. U prvome korpusu analizirani su prijevodi 935 filmskih naslova koji su stajali za filmove praizvedene između 1923. i 2016. Prijevodi su kategorizirani prema korištenim strategijama prevođenja. Model strategija prevođenja izrađen je s obzirom na manipulacije značenjskim i/ili specifičnim jezičnim strukturama iz originala. Prvi smo korpus i dijakronijski analizirali kako bismo ustanovili eventualne promjene trendova i pokušali objasniti te promjene. Drugi je korpus korišten za analizu prijevoda naslova horora i romantičnih komedija kako bismo provjerili ima li žanr utjecaj na odabir strategije prevođenja naslova. Iz drugog smo korpusa analizirali prijevode 80-ak originalnih naslova horora i 60-ak originalnih naslova romantičnih komedija prema istome principu kao i prijevode iz prvog korpusa. Rezultati naše analize sugeriraju razlike u odabiru strategija prevođenja za hrvatsko i njemačko govorno tržište. Dok su naslovi na hrvatski jezik uglavnom izravno prevedeni, najčešća strategija prevođenja za njemačko govorno tržište je prijepis originalnog naslova, a često je i dodavanje struktura koje nisu prisutne u originalu. Analiza naslova horora i romantičnih komedija upućuje da i žanr filma utječe na odabir strategije prevođenja, s razlikama između dvaju tržišta.
Description (english)
Numerous authors have proposed that film titles have a notable role in understanding the film as a whole whereby they accentuate the appellative function of the title with the goal of convincing the addressee of the message to purchase the product. Since not only the text of the film but also the title is translated as a product for a targeted market, we have decided to conduct an analysis of the strategies on translating film titles into the Croatian and German languages. We have comprised two corpora consisting of original film titles (primarily in the English language) and their translations into the Croatian and German languages. In the first corpus, we analyse 935 translations of film titles which have been first screened in a time period from 1923 to 2015. The translations of the titles are categorized according to the applied translation strategies. The model of the strategies is formed by taking into consideration the manipulations through semantic and/or specific linguistic structures from the original. We also conduct a diachronic analysis of the first corpus in order to determine possible changes in the trends and we try to explain those changes. The second corpus is used for the analysis of the translations of horror and romantic comedy titles in order to determine if the genre influences the choice of the title translation strategy. We analyse the translations of approximately 80 original horror titles and approximately 60 romantic comedy titles according to the same principle as the translations from the first corpus. The results of our analysis suggest that there are differences in the selection of translation strategies for the Croatian and the German speaking markets. While the titles for the Croatian market are usually directly translated, the most common translation strategy for the German speaking market is the transcription of the original title, it is also common to add structures in German which are not present in the original. The analysis of horror and romantic comedy titles suggest that the genre also influences the selection of the translation strategy, with distinct differences between the two markets.