Abstract | U ovoj disertaciji će u prvom redu biti razmatrana sama ideja projekta svjetski etos koju je razvio njen idejni začetnik švicarski teolog i filozof Hans Küng i to kroz jednu povezanost sa svjetskim gospodarstvom, pri čemu će se nastojati iznaći i jedno moguće rješenje za krizu svjetskog gospodarstva kroz unošenje etičkog korektiva u današnje suvremeno tržišno gospodarstvo. Ta rješenja će se tražiti i u jednoj usporednoj obradi nekih drugih suvremenih etičkih projekata i modela i to prvenstveno ... More u smislu integrativnog etičkog mišljenja, i to kroz doprinosi integrativne bioetike, integrativne gospodarske etike, odnosno onih suvremenih etičkih projekata koji su potkraj prošlog tisućljeća u odgovoru na krizu znanstveno-tehničke civilizacije stvorili jednu novu etičku kulturu. Osnovi je cilj ovoga rada analiza, interpretacija i valorizacija misli Hansa Künga i njegova projekta "svjetskog etosa" kao jednog od ključnih etičkih koncepata koji su nastali u odgovoru na krizu suvremenog svijeta. Nadalje, zadaća je utvrditi filozofsku relevantnost i inovativnost ideje svjetskog etosa, te ustanoviti njezin doprinos u diskusijama o etičkim vrijednostima na kojima bi se trebalo zasnivati svjetsko gospodarstvo. Osnovna je hipoteza istraživanja da projekt svjetskog etosa može ispuniti dvostruku zadaću koju nameće interakcija svjetskog tržišta i znanstveno-tehnološkog napretka te pružiti univerzalne etičke standarde kao i modele njihova uvođenja u svjetsko gospodarstvo.U istraživanju će se primarno koristiti pluriperspektivni pristup, koji je razvijen u sklopu projekta integrativne bioetike (Ante Čović), što znači da će problematika kojom se bavi ovaj rad biti prikazana, sagledana i interpretirana iz različitih znanstvenih i izvanznanstvenih perspektiva kako bi se upotpunila slika o situaciji u kojoj se nalazi suvremeno čovječanstvo i valorizirali projekti i koncepti koji u toj situaciji nude teorijska objašnjenja i praktičnu orijentaciju. Povijesni će pristup biti korišten u prikazu razvoja ideje svjetskog etosa, a komparativna metoda pri analizi primarnih i sekundarnih izvora koji govore o osnovnim postavkama i smjernicama ideje svjetskoga etosa. U istraživanju će biti korištene i druge metode uobičajene u društvenim i humanističkim znanostima, osobito s obzirom na problematiku odnosa gospodarstva i etike.Uže područje ovoga rada predstavlja projekt "svjetski etos" katoličkog filozofa i teologa Hansa Künga. Rad će biti fokusiran na razradu odnosa između ideje svjetskog etosa i različitih teorija i praksi tržišnog gospodarstva, a u okviru integrativnih modela etičkog mišljenja (integrativna gospodarska etika, integrativna bioetika i dr.). U radu će se suvremeno tržišno gospodarstvo (njegova teorijska uporišta i prakse) podvrgnuti kritičkoj analizi i etičkom vrednovanju, pri čemu će se posebna pažnja pokloniti globalno vladajućem modelu neoliberalnog tržišnog gospodarstva te razmatranju mogućnosti i načina unošenja etičkih korektiva i standarda u taj model. Less |
Abstract (english) | This dissertation primarily deals with the idea of the World Ethos project, developed by its conceptual author Hans Küng, the Swiss theologian and philosopher. The World Ethos is looked at by its interconnection with the global economy, and possible solutions to the world economic problems are being sought by bringing an ethical corrective into the present market economy. Solutions are considered in a comparative study of some other present-day ethical projects and models, chiefly in the ... More sense of an integrative ethical thinking, through the contributions of integrative bioethics, integrative economic ethics, and those up-to-date ethical projects that formed, at the end of the last millennium, a new ethical culture, as an answer to the crisis of techno-scientific civilization. The main aim of this dissertation is the analysis, the interpretation, and the evaluation of Hans Küng’s thinking, his World Ethos project being one of the fundamental ethical concepts formed as a response to the modern world crisis. Further, the philosophical relevance, and the innovativeness of the World Ethos idea is being determined, as well as its contribution to the discussion on ethical values that should be the base of the global economy. The principal hypothesis of this investigation is that World Ethos project is able to fulfil the double task, imposed by the interaction between world market and techno-scientific progress, in the same time delivering the universal ethical standards, as well as the models for their introduction into the global economy. A pluriperspective approach, developed within the integrative bioethics project (Ante Čović) will be used, meaning that all the issues dealt with will be presented, perceived, and interpreted from various scientific, as well as extra-scientific perspectives, in order to complete the picture of the situation in which mankind in this moment is, and to evaluate projects and concepts offering theoretical explanations and practical orientation in the present situation. The historical approach will be used in the presentation of the World Ethos idea development, and the comparative method will be applied in the analysis of primary and secondary sources dealing with the basic postulates and guidelines of the World Ethos idea. Other methods, used customarily in social sciences and humanities, especially considering the problems of the relationship between economy and ethics, will be applied as well. The core area of the dissertation is dealing with the World Ethos project, designed by Hans Küng, the Catholic philosopher and theologian, the focal point being on the elaboration of the relationship between the World Ethos idea, and various theories and practices of the market economy, in the frame of the integrative models of the ethical thinking (integrative economic ethics, integrative bioethics, etc.). In the dissertation the present market economy (its theoretical strongholds and practices) will be subjected to the critical analysis and ethical evaluation, with a special attention paid to the globally ruling model of the neoliberal market economy, as well as to the consideration of the possibilities and ways of bringing ethical correctives and standards into that model. In this sense, the dissertation aims at presenting how Hans Küng’s World Ethos project is able to become a base for the development of a real vision of global economy, established on the principles of responsibility, as well as on the connection of economic strategies with ethical principles. The ultimate intention of the dissertation is, in practical terms, the contribution to the critical elucidation of the global economic conditions, as well as providing a real incentive for reshaping of the economic processes, carried out by the cooperation of scientists, politicians, and businessmen. The dissertation strives to demonstrate that all the events in the world today confirm the fact of global politics and global economy being in a deep crisis, and Hans Küng, by means of his World Ethos project, exposes all these trends to radical criticism, and points to the indispensable need of a new fundamental orientation, binding for all. It is also demonstrated that Hans Küng requires the basic landmarks for the purpose of accomplishing a more peaceful, more just, and more human world, offering a thoughtful draft of the future, based on a common ethos of mankind. Finally, the dissertation aims to point out that Hans Küng includes in the world ethos debate not only global economic issues, but all the new challenges as well. In this way the relationship between ecology and ethos is critically deliberated, because the ecological theories and environmental social movements appeared as an expression of paradigm shift, from modern to postmodern, where nature is perceived neither as a polygon for techno-scientific power games, nor as a merchandise to be exploited for profit. The connection of world ethos with social ecology endeavours, bioethics, integrative bioethics, and similar movements striving for a different attitude towards nature, non-human living beings, and ultimately towards the man himself is demonstrated. Less |