Abstract | Terorizam usamljenog vuka kompleksan je i zagonetan fenomen čiji korijeni sežu iz revolucionarnih aktivnosti 19. stoljeća, ali čija je aktualnost postojana i danas. Ovaj tip terorizma podrazumijeva postojanje jednog aktera koji djeluje, planira i izvršava napade samostalno odnosno nije član nikakve terorističke organizacije. U ovom se radu putem sveobuhvatnog prikaza evolucije, definicije i značajki nastoji dati kritički sociološki okvir za postizanje boljeg razumijevanja terorizma usamljenog vuka i njegove poveznice s društvom. Kroz prikaz nekoliko primjera teorijskih pristupa pokušavaju se pružiti objašnjenja djelovanja usamljenih vukova – teorija racionalnog izbora i socio-psihološki elementi samo-žrtvovanja, teorija reciprociteta te teorija društvene identifikacije. Posebnu pozornost potrebno je pridati procesu u kojem pojedinci od inertnog aktera, kroz usvajanje ekstremističkih uvjerenja i oblikovanja ideologija, postaju operativni teroristi. Ovaj proces naziva se radikalizacija. U sljedećem dijelu rada se kroz studije slučaja analiziraju četiri aktera – usamljeni vukovi koji su djelovali u različitom vremenskom periodu, na različitim geografskim lokacijama te bili različitih ideoloških pozadina. To su: Theodore Kaczynski poznat kao Unabomber, Eric Rudolph, Volkert van der Graaf i Anders Breivik. Iscrpnom analizom ovih terorista dobili smo empirijski uvid u glavne utjecajne faktore i razumijevanje procesa radikalizacije. Uz pomoć Hammovog i Spaaijevog radikalizacijskog modela terorizma usamljenog vuka, svaki akter je analiziran individualno te kroz usporedni pregled. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguće razaznati neke zajedničke obrasce među istraživanim slučajevima, no usprkos tome ne postoji univerzalni profil terorista usamljenih vukova. Njihova radikalizacija i stvaranje personaliziranih ideologija ishod su mnogobrojnih čimbenika – osobnih iskustava i frustracija, (poticajnog) društvenog okruženja te šireg društveno-političkog konteksta. |
Abstract (english) | Lone wolf terrorism is a complex and puzzling phenomenon whose roots date back in the 19th century's revolutionary activities, but whose actuality is still present in today's society. This type of terrorism involves a single person who acts, plans and executes terrorist attacks alone and is not a member of any terrorist organization. Throughout comprehensive review of evolution, definition and key features, these thesis was meant to develop a critical sociological framework in order to accomplish better understanding of lone wolf terrorism and its correspondence with the society. By giving several examples of theoretical approaches, we tried to provide explanations of lone wolves actions – rational choice theory and socio-psychological elements of self-sacrifice, theory of reciprocity and social identity theory. Special attention must be paid to the process in which individuals, through the adoption of extremist beliefs and formation of ideologies, from an inert actors become operational terrorists. This process is called the radicalization. In the next part of the thesis, by using case study method, four cases of lone wolf terorrists were selected and analyzed on the basis of their diversity in terms of operating at different time period, geographical locations and on the basis of different ideological backgrounds. Analysis included: Theodore Kaczynski known as the Unabomber, Eric Rudolph, Volkert van der Graaf and Anders Breivik. Through this analysis of lone wolf terrorists were gained empirical insights into the main influential factors and comprehension of the radicalization process. With the help of Hamm and Spaaij's lone wolf radicalization model, each case was analyzed individually and through the comparative analysis. The results have shown presence of some general, all-embracing patterns of commonality among seemingly differing cases. However, there is no single profile of the lone wolf terrorist. Their radicalization and creation of personalized ideologies are result of numerous factors – personal experiences and frustrations, (stimulating) social environment, broader social and political context. |