Abstract | Rad se bavi životom i djelovanjem Izidora Kršnjavoga u kontekstu reorganizacije školstva krajem 19. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj. Cilj mu je predstaviti reforme koje je Kršnjavi donio na polju osnovnih, srednjih i stručnih škola te visokog obrazovanja krajem 19. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj. Osim toga, predstavljena su i njegova novopodignuta prosvjetna graditeljska ostvarenja. Kršnjavi je i prije mandata ministra bio usmjeren unaprjeđenju kulture i školstva u Hrvatskoj što se očituje u osnivanju Društva umjetnosti, Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt, Obrtne škole, Katedre za povijest umjetnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu te otvaranju Strossmayerove galerije. Njegova najveća postignuća su nastala pak tijekom njegovog predstojništva u Odjelu za bogoštovlje i nastavu. On je reformirao pučke škole, utemeljio je Zemaljski zavod za gluhonijeme i Zemaljski zavod za odgoj slijepe djece u Zagrebu, osnovao je Ženski licej kao žensku srednju školu koja se temelji na modernim jezicima. Uveo je i realne gimnazije kao tip jedinstvene srednje škole čime je osigurao osposobljavanje učenika za nastavak školovanja na sveučilištu. Proveo je reviziju i reorganizaciju stručnih škola te je proveo niz reformi na području visokog obrazovanja čime je povećao znanstvene i profesionalne standarde u Hrvatskoj. Osim toga, tijekom predstojništva je dao izgraditi ili obnoviti preko devedeset školskih zgrada diljem Hrvatske, a na njima je većinom angažirao arhitektonski biro Ludwig & Hülssner. Među najznačajnija graditeljska ostvarenja Kršnjavoga izdvajaju se: Školski forum u Zagrebu, Gimnazija na Sušaku, Viša pučka škola u novoj Gradiški, Viša pučka škola u Karlovcu te škole u Gospiću. Ostavština Kršnjavoga na polju umjetnosti i kulture u Hrvatskoj je iznimno bogata zbog čega se on nerijetko naziva najuspješnijim ministrom u povijesti hrvatske prosvjete i kulture. |
Abstract (english) | The thesis deals with the life and activities of Izidor Kršnjavi in the context of the reorganization of education at the end of the 19th century in Croatia. Its goal is to present the reforms that Kršnjavi brought in the field of primary, secondary and vocational schools, as well as higher education in Croatia at the end of the 19th century. In addition, his newly erected educational construction achievements were also presented. Even before his term as minister, Kršnjavi was focused on the improvement of culture and education in Croatia, which is reflected in the founding of the Society of Arts, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Craft School, the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, and the opening of the Strossmayer Gallery. His greatest achievements were made during his tenure in the Department of Divine Worship and Teaching. He reformed public schools, founded The National Institute for the Deaf and Dumb and the National Institute for the Education of Blind Children in Zagreb, founded the Women's Lyceum as a women's high school based on modern languages. He also introduced real gymnasiums as a type of unique secondary school, which ensured the training of students to continue their education at the university. He carried out the revision and reorganization of vocational schools and carried out a series of reforms in the field of higher education, which increased scientific and professional standards in Croatia. In addition, during his presidency, he had more than ninety school buildings built or renovated throughout Croatia, most of which he engaged the architectural firm Ludwig & Hülssner. Among the most significant architectural achievements of Kršnjavi stand out: the School Forum in Zagreb, the Gymnasium in Sušak, the Folk High School in Nova Gradiška, the Folk High School in Karlovac and the schools in Gospić. Kršnjavi's legacy in the field of art and culture in Croatia is extremely rich, which is why he is often called the most successful minister in the history of Croatian education and culture. |