Title Arheološke muzejske zbirke u Republici Hrvatskoj - izabrani primjeri
Title (english) Archaeological museum collections in Republic of Croatia - chosen examples : Archäologische Museumssammlungen in der Republik Kroatien - ausgewählte Beispiele
Author Mara Jelčić
Mentor Helena Stublić (mentor)
Committee member Darko Babić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Miklošević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Stublić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-12-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Museology
Abstract Antičke zbirke spomenika arheoloških muzeja u Hrvatskoj velikim dijelom su izložene i prezentirane zahvaljujući istraživanjima provedenim u 20.st. Pronađeni artefakti karakteriziraju period antike u Hrvatskoj te čine šaroliku paletu važnog kulturološkog, antropološkog i arheološkog značaja. Kroz različite medijske sadržaje moguće je ponuditi sistematizaciju dosadašnjeg muzeološkog rada kao i usporediti muzeološku granu djelatnosti u državama poput Savezne Republike Njemačke i Francuske
... More Republike s trenutnim stanjem u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sam način dolaska do nalaza je vrlo kompleksan i dugotrajan, a muzejima kao kulturnim institucijama, u cilju je predstaviti važnost i značaj nalaza kako bismo što bolje upoznali povijest naših krajeva. U muzejima, kao i nekim drugim kulturnim institucijama, 21. stoljeće predstavlja poseban izazov na području zaštite i konzervacije. Manjak resursa nerijetko dovodi do otežanog posla kustosima i muzeolozima, no stručnjaci ipak rade na poboljšanju uvjeta kako bi omogućili predstavljanje nalaza u što boljem svjetlu. Arheološki muzeji u Zagrebu, Splitu, Zadru i Vidu skrbe o jako vrijednim zbirkama spomenika iz ranog rimskog perioda. Komunikacija je u muzeologiji od izrazite važnosti zato se mora raditi na razvoju što učinkovitijih načina predstavljanja zbirki kako bi one, kao i poruka koju nose, došle do šire javnosti i zainteresirale publiku. Digitalni alati iziskuju veća ulaganja, to predstavlja određenu vrstu problema u arheološkim muzejima. Postoji više projekata koji se bave upravo ovom temom, njihov cilj je omogućiti pretraživanje zbirke na multimedijski način. Sve to ne smije zaobići Hrvatsku jer ona obiluje kulturnom baštinom koja treba biti adekvatno predstavljena u skladu s novim tehnologijama (hologrami, AR, zasloni na dodir, QR kodovi, VR naočale). Kreativnost je ključ u svakoj grani znanosti i umjetnosti, a to se odnosi napose i na područje kulture. Potrebno je razmišljati racionalno, u skladu sa sredstvima, no isto tako biti otvorena uma kako bi i najmanja ideja potaknula raspravu koja bi mogla pokrenuti napredak u interpretaciji nalaza. Interaktivan sadržaj je postao ključ za privlačenje posjetitelja u muzeje, takav način predstavljanja zbirki jamči povećanje publike. Less
Abstract (english) Ancient collections of monuments of archaeological museums in Croatia are largely exhibited and presented thanks to the research conducted in the 20th century. The artifacts found characterize the period of antiquity in Croatia and form a colorful palette of important cultural, anthropological and archaeological significance. Through various media content, it is possible to offer a systematization of museological work so far, as well as to compare the museological branch of activity
... More in countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic with the current situation in the Republic of Croatia. The way to get to the finds is very complex and time-consuming, and the aim of the museums as cultural institutions is to present the importance and significance of the finds so that we can get to know the history of our regions as well as possible. In museums, as in some other cultural institutions, the 21st century presents a special challenge in the field of protection and conservation. The lack of resources often leads to difficult work for curators and museologists, but experts are still working to improve conditions in order to enable the presentation of finds in the best possible light. Archaeological museums in Zagreb, Split, Zadar and Vid look after very valuable collections of monuments from the early Roman period. Communication is extremely important in museology, so work must be done on the development of the most effective ways of presenting collections so that they, as well as the message they carry, reach the wider public and interest the audience. Digital tools require more investment, so this presents a certain kind of problem in archaeological museums. There are several projects that deal with this very topic, and their goal is to enable the search of the collection in a multimedia way. All this should not bypass Croatia because it is rich in cultural heritage that should be adequately presented in accordance with new technologies (holograms, AR, touch screens, QR codes, VR glasses). Creativity is the key in every branch of science and art, and this applies especially to the field of culture. It is necessary to think rationally, in accordance with the means, but also to be open-minded so that even the smallest idea can stimulate a discussion that could initiate progress in the interpretation of the findings. Interactive content has become the key to attracting visitors to museums, and this way of presenting collections guarantees an increase in audiences. Less
Muzejske zbirke
Keywords (english)
Museum collections
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:776845
Study programme Title: Information Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) informacijskih znanosti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-12-14 21:44:57