Abstract | Cilj diplomskog rada je iz perspektive muzeološkog djelovanja kroz prezentacijska i komunikacijska pomagala potaknuti zaštitu i promicanje prava i vidljivosti LGBTIQ+ osoba i propitivanje roda kao binarne, nepromjenjive i biološki utvrđene kategorije te medicinskog i društvenog konstrukta. U radu je u prvom redu predstavljan koncept izložbe o transrodnim i transseksualnim osobama kao još uvijek neprepoznatim i ugroženim skupinama podložnim diskriminaciji i stereotipima. Transrodne osobe su one čiji medicinski i zakonski dodijeljen spol pri rođenju ne odgovora vlastitom rodnom identitetu, shvaćanju ili identificiranju, premda se sve trans osobe ne poistovjećuju na jednak način, a izražavaju svoje rodne identitete i kroz odijevanje, ponašanje ili uloge koje im odgovaraju, dok neke trans osobe ne prihvaćaju tradicionalno shvaćanje roda kao binarne klasifikacije (muški ili ženski) te se identificiraju osim kao transrodne i kao rodno varijantne, queer ili dr. Rad je strukturiran u nekoliko cjelina koje obuhvaćaju povijesni pregled LGBTIQ+ aktivizma na prostoru Republike Hrvatske, prikaz programa, izložbi, zbirki i muzejskih ustanova u Hrvatskoj, ali i inicijativa koje pokrivaju srodnu tematiku, odnosno bave se vidljivošću i predstavljanjem ovih skupina s naglaskom na transrodne i rodno varijantne osobe, uključujući i dostupnu literaturu. Također, objašnjena je i stručna terminologija koja se upotrebljava kada se govori o LGBTIQ+ skupinama te cjelokupni prikaz strukture i koncepta izložbe koja je u središtu rada. Spomenute su i inicijative provedene u inozemstvu od strane samih muzejskih profesionalaca, a čija je namjera olakšati i približiti rodne i seksualne identitete kako bi se samim djelatnicima, ali i posjetiteljima omogućila suradnja i međusobno razumijevanje. Participativnost se ostvaruje koncipiranjem izložbe oko predmeta koje su donirale transrodne osobe s njihovim pripadajućim iskazima o važnosti tih predmeta za njih same, shvaćanju vlastitog identiteta i sl., a što se postiže uspostavljanjem dijaloga s LGBT+ udrugama i inicijativama na području Hrvatske (Zagreba) te samom zajednicom kao ključnim izvorom.
Izložba je ovdje postavljena kao ponajbolji oblik muzejske komunikacije jer dovođenjem originalnih predmeta i pridruživanjem izvornih svjedočanstava vezanih uz iste, omogućava uvid u jednu drugačiju stvarnost predstavljanjem tih osoba i događaja. Također, posjetiteljima pruža mogućnost da izravnim doticajem s predmetima i kroz edukacijsku ulogu interpretaciju stvaraju vlastita mišljenja o viđenom, stječu neke nove spoznaje o dosad eventualno nepoznatim temama, potiče ih se na razmišljanje i emocionalno sagledavanje povezujući se s dosadašnjim iskustvima, te im se prenosi određena poruka i nudi drugačija perspektiva. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of this master thesis is to encourage protection and promotion of rights and visibility of the LGBTIQ+ people, through the perspective of museological activity using presentational and communication aids. This paper also serves to question the notion of gender as a binary, immutable and biologically established category, as well as a medical and social construct. In the thesis is firstly presented an exhibition concept which deals with transgender and transsexual people as a group which is still facing threat and a lack of recognition, and is subjected to discrimination and stereotypes. Transgender people are those whose sex, which they were assigned to at birth, and is determined by legal and medical definitions, does not match their own gender identity, although every trans person has their own sense of identifying. Moreover, they can express their gender identity through clothing, behaviour or roles they deem appropriate, whereas some trans people therefore refuse to accept gender as a binary classification (female or male) and choose to identify not only as transgender but also as gender non-conforming, queer etc. Paper is divided into several sections which encompass a historical overview of LGBTIQ+ activism on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, representation of shows, exhibitions, collections and museum institutions in Croatia, including various initiatives dealing with related issues, ie. they deal with visibility and presentation of these groups with an emphasis on transgender and gender non-conforming persons, which is also based on the available literature. Likewise, it explains the professional terminology used when discussing the LGBTIQ+ groups and the overall representation of the exhibition structure and concept which is the focus of the thesis. Some of the initiatives conducted by the museum professionals abroad are also mentioned, which serve to enable the employees and the visitors to better understand gender and sexual identities in order to accomplish a mutual understanding and cooperation. Participation is achieved by centering the exhibition around objects donated by transgender people which are accompanied by labels which explain the significance that the each object has for its owner, explaining for instance how they understand their gender identity and so on, and it is enabled by establishing a dialogue with the LGBT+ associations and programs based in Croatia (Zagreb) and the community itself as the main source. The exhibition appears here as one of the best forms of museum communication because it offers an insight into a different reality by representing these people and events, and also using original objects and joining them with authentic testimonies they are related to. Also, it gives visitors an opportunity to form their own opinion of what they have seen, based on the direct encounter with the objects and the educational role of the museum as an interpreter, enables them to come to a new cognition about previously potentially unknown subjects, encourages thinking and offers an emotional perspective following up on the previous experience, and all the while it delivers a specific message and offers a different point of view. |
Study programme | Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science, Information Sciences (research), Information Sciences (teaching), Museology and heritage management, Informatology Course: Museology and heritage management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom (magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom) |