Title Očuvanje i zaštita geografskih karata u arhivima
Title (english) Preservation and protection of geographical maps in archives
Author Katarina Sunek
Mentor Helena Stublić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Stančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Trbušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Stublić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Archives and Documentation Studies
Abstract Iako definirane kao simbolički prikaz odabranih karakteristika nekog područja, geografske karte više su od samog vizualnog prikaza i informacija o geografskim obilježjima. One su važan dokaz o našoj prošlosti, o geografskim promjenama i povijesti nekog teritorija. Stoga je važnost očuvanja i zaštite istih neupitna. Iako se u digitalnom dobu mijenjaju načini prikaza i pristupa geografskim podacima, fizičko očuvanje geografskih karata iznimno je važno jer pridonosi očuvanju povijesti i kulture. Motivacija za pisanje rada na temu geografskih karata nastala je tijekom prakse na preddiplomskom studiju. Tijekom posjete arhivu velika pažnja pridodavala se gradivu poput slika, važnih ugovora, rukopisa itd. Geografske karte, iako vrlo važne, spomenute su samo pri prolasku pored velikog ladičara u kojem su zatvorene. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada pojasniti važnost geografskih karata i njihovu ulogu u našem razvoju te objasniti na koji način se geografske karte mogu očuvati i zaštiti kako bi generacijama iza nas mogle svjedočiti o promjenama kroz povijesna razdoblja. U uvodnom dijelu rada objasnit će se povijest geografskih karata te njihova važnost u sklopu arhivske građe kao cjeline. Nadalje, razradit će se aspekti fizičkog očuvanja geografskih karata kao što su idealna temperatura, vlaga, te načini preventivne zaštite od vanjskih utjecaja i slično. Također, objasnit će se postupak digitalizacije geografskih karata i njezina važnost za zaštitu originalnih primjeraka. U istraživačkom dijelu rada usporedit će se zbirke karata Hrvatskog državnog arhiva i Državnog arhiva u Zadru prema postavljenim kriterijima kao što su opseg zbirke, načini čuvanja i slično. Cilj istraživačkog dijela rada je dati uvid u stanje i načine očuvanja i zaštite geografskih karata u hrvatskim arhivima.
Abstract (english) Although defined as a symbolic representation of selected features of an area, geographical maps are more than just a visual representation of information about geographical features. They are important evidence of our past, of geographical changes and the history of a certain territory. Therefore, the importance of preserving and protecting them is unquestionable. Although the ways of displaying and accessing geographical data are changing in the digital age, the physical preservation of geographical maps is extremely important because it contributes to the preservation of history and culture. Motivation to write a paper on the topic of geographical maps arose during the internship at the undergraduate level. During the visit to the archive, great attention was paid to material such as photographs, important contracts, manuscripts, etc. Geographical maps, although very important, were mentioned only when passing by a large drawer in which they were closed. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to clarify the importance of geographical maps and their role in our development and to explain how geographical maps can be preserved and protected so that generations behind us can witness changes through historical periods. The introductory part of the paper will explain the history of geographical maps and their importance within the archives as a whole. Furthermore, aspects of physical preservation of geographical maps such as ideal temperature, humidity and methods of preventive protection against external influences, etc. will be elaborated. The process of digitization of geographical maps and its importance for protection of original copies will be explained. The research part of the paper will compare the collections of maps of the Croatian State Archives and the State Archives in Zadar according to set criteria such as the scope of the collection, methods of preservation, etc. The aim of the research part is to provide insight into state of the maps and ways they are preserved and protected in croatian archives.
geografske karte
kartografsko gradivo
Keywords (english)
geographical maps
cartographic material
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:940635
Study programme Title: Information Sciences (double major); specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science Course: Archivistics Study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-29 17:41:52