Title Politički roman u interkulturnom kontekstu
Title (english) The political novel in intercultural context
Author Ethem Mandić
Mentor Zvonko Kovač (mentor)
Mentor Dalibor Blažina (komentor)
Committee member Ivana Latković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Mijatović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonko Kovač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Comparative literature) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-12-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Comparative Literature
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 82 - Literature. Comparative literature 821.16 - Literature in Slavic languages 32 - Politics
Abstract Tema rada je problem žanra političkog romana, odnosno prisutnost „političkoga“ u romanima južnoslavenske književnosti, prije svega u interkulturnom društvenom kontekstu sa fokusom na crnogorsko-srpske pisce, kao i u kontekstu suvremene povijesti jugoistočne i srednje Europe, od pedesetih do kraja sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća. Taj žanr u južnoslavenskom, posebno crnogorsko-srpskom međuknjiževnom kontekstu još uvijek nije naučno-metodološki sustavno izučen i predstavljen, iako postoje kritički i naučni prikazi koji ukazuju na njegovu prisutnost u književnoj produkciji. Romani obuhvaćeni ovim radom tematiziraju političke koncepte XX stoljeća, pa se u najširem smislu mogu razmatrati unutar žanra političkog romana, pri čemu su uključene i njegove podžanrovske varijante. Polazeći od metodoloških postavki autora poput Dionyza Ďurišina i Zvonka Kovača u ovome radu usvojen je specifičan model kontekstualiziranja književnosti u periodu između 1950. i 1980., s osobitim osvrtom na pojedine kanonske autore i djela koji će biti predmetom interpretacije. Cilj rada je da dâ opis žanra političkog romana, kontekst nastanka političkog romana, donese njegovu tipologiju, pruži tumačenje po jednog od djela koje daje potvrdu tipološke relevantnosti teza rada. Ova doktorska disertacija će putem teorijske i znanstvene interpretacije, kritičkih pristupa političkom romanu normirati ovaj žanr koji u svojoj praksi pokazuje veoma raznovrsne strukturalne osobnosti, te pokušati prikazati višestranu i konzistentnu žanrovsko-tipološku sliku, opisati fluidnost pojma političkog, te kompleksni narativni, referencijalni i fikcijski odnos koji se formira unutar ovog tipa romana. Rezultati do koje autor u ovome radu dolazi govore o tome da je politički roman kao žanr proturječni, granični, polifonijski, subverzivan proizvod modernističkog projekta koji pripovijeda priču o otuđenom čovjeku (političkom pobunjeniku) u totalitarnim političkim režimima. Politički roman u južnoslavenskim književnostima (u interkulturnom kontekstu) općenito, a posebno unutar crnogorsko-srpske i srpsko-bošnjačke međuknjiževne zajednice, specifičan je žanr romana u odnosu na politički roman koji se piše na Zapadu, međuknjiževna pojava koja je u svom postamentu bila kritika titoističkog režima, te estetski i književni odgovor na poetiku i politiku socrealizma. On je uvjetovan specifičnim povijesno-političkim i društvenim kretanjima tokom XX stoljeća. Njegova estetička koncepcija stvarnosti je utopijska i satirična, koja je istodobno i avangardna optimalna projekcija. Narativ političkog romana je poetički otpor ideološkoj svijesti i dogmatskom viđenju stvarnosti.
Abstract (english) The topic of the paper is the problem of the genre of political novel, ie the presence of "political" in novels of South Slavic literature, primarily in the intercultural social context with a focus on Montenegrin-Serbian writers, as well as in the context of contemporary history of Southeast and Central Europe. This genre in the South Slavic, especially Montenegrin-Serbian inter-literary context has not yet been scientifically and methodologically systematically studied and presented, although there are critical and scientific reviews that indicate its presence in literary production. The novels included in this paper thematize the political concepts of the twentieth century, so in the broadest sense they can be considered within the genre of political novel, including its subgenre variants. Starting from the methodological settings of authors such as Dionyz Đurišin and Zvonko Kovač, this paper adopts a specific model of contextualizing literature in the period between 1950 and 1980, with special reference to individual canonical authors and works that will be the subject of interpretation. The aim of this paper is to give a description of the genre of a political novel, the context of the origin of a political novel, to bring its typology, to provide an interpretation of one of the works that confirms the typological relevance of the thesis. This doctoral dissertation will, through theoretical and scientific interpretation, critical approaches to the political novel, standardize this genre, which in its practice shows very diverse structural personalities, and try to present a multifaceted and consistent genre-typological picture, describe the fluidity of the political concept, and complex narrative, referential and fictional relationship formed within this type of novel. The results obtained by the author in this paper suggest that the political novel as a genre is a contradictory, borderline, polyphonic, subversive product of a modernist project that tells the story of an alienated man (political rebel) in totalitarian political regimes. The political novel in South Slavic literatures (in the intercultural context) in general, and especially within the Montenegrin-Serbian inter-literary community, is a specific genre of the novel in relation to the political novel written in the West, an inter-literary phenomenon that was a critique of the Titoist regime and a literary response to the poetics and politics of social realism. It is conditioned by specific historical-political and social movements during the XX century. His aesthetic conception of reality is utopian and satirical, which is at the same time an avant-garde optimal projection. The narrative of the political novel is a poetic resistance to ideological consciousness and a dogmatic view of reality.
politički roman
međuknjiževna zajednica
interkulturni kontekst
Keywords (english)
political novel
interliterary community
intercultural context
Language croatian
DOI https://doi.org/10.17234/diss.2021.9127
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:379709
Study programme Title: Doctoral Study Programme in Literature, Theater and Performing Arts, Film, Musicology and Culture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: Doktor/doktorica humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (Doktor/doktorica humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 254 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-06 09:06:20