Abstract (croatian) | U radu se na temelju pretrage oblika u internetskom korpusu hrWaC dokumentira naknadni prijeglas, odnosno smjena o > e kod imenica a-promjene muškog roda na završno s t z u oblicima instrumentala jednine i duge množine. S jedne strane, pokazuje se da je prijeglas vrlo raširen u sufiksu duge množine iza glasova s i t te u manjoj mjeri iza glasa z. S druge strane, ista je pojava slabo raširena u instrumentalu jednine iza sva tri glasa, s iznimkom nekoliko imenica na t kod kojih se preglašeni nastavak -em proširio analogijom prema obliku putem. Navedeni se podatci istovremeno upotrebljavaju kako bi se pokazalo da u hrvatskom jeziku postoji izraženo neslaganje pri provođenju prijeglasa između nastavka instrumentala jednine i sufiksa duge množine kod im. m. roda a-promjene. Konkretno, povezuje se gore iznesena činjenica da se preglašeni nastavak instrumentala jednine ne širi na nepalatalne okoline, odnosno ne sudjeluje u naknadnom prijeglasu, s otprije poznatom činjenicom da se kod imenica na palatal muškog roda u instrumentalu jednine prijeglas provodi uz brojne iznimke i nedosljednosti. Nasuprot tome, preglašeni sufiks duge množine čest je kod imenica na s i t, a istovremeno se vrlo dosljedno pojavljuje kod imenica na palatal, odnosno imenice m. roda u toj su morfološkoj okolini daleko manje podložne širenju nepreglašenog lika sufiksa duge množine. |
Abstract (english) | The paper presents a study of the phenomenon of the analogical spread of vowel fronting to nouns ending in consonants s, t and z. The analogical spread of vowel fronting concerns the forms of the instrumental singular and the suffix of the so-called long plural, in which their respective forms -om (Isg.) and -ov- (long plural) change the vowel o to e, resulting in fronted allomorphs -em and -ev-, respectively. Originally, the vowel fronting occurs only with nouns ending in palatal consonants (č, ć, š, ž, dž, đ, j, nj, lj). The research is carried out by means of the Croatian Internet corpus hrWac. The results of the study show that vowel fronting is common with the long plural suffix after consonants s and t. The phenomenon is not as common after the consonant z. Conversely, vowel fronting is rather unusual with the instrumental singular endings, with some easily explainable exceptions. These findings are used to corroborate the author’s hypothesis that the instrumental singular ending and the long plural suffix exhibit different properties with respect to vowel fronting. Specifically, the vowel fronting with the instrumental singular ending does not consistently occur with the nouns ending in a palatal sound and is hardly ever extended to nouns ending in a non-palatal sound. On the other hand, the vowel fronting with the long plural suffix is fairly consistent with nouns ending in a palatal sound, while also being prone to the analogical spread to nouns ending in a non-palatal sound, particularly those ending in s and t, as is demonstrated in this paper. |