Abstract | U svakodnevnom životu ljudi su izloženi različitim stresorima za koje moraju mobilizirati vlastite kapacitete da bi ih uspješno prevladali. No kada je u pitanju stresni događaj koji je kratkog vremenskog trajanja, predstavlja izrazito visoku prijetnju za život pojedinca i njegovih bližnjih i nadilazi kapacitet pojedinca da se nosi s njim, govorimo o traumi (Arambašić, 1996). U takve događaje ubrajaju se potresi. Jedan od najsnažnijih potresa koji su građani grada Zagreba i okolice doživjeli desio se 22. ožujka, 2020. usred trajanja prvog vala koronavirusa. Kod različitih osoba koje su bile svjedoci potresa često se pojavljuje osjećaj straha i neizvjesnosti (Matičević, 2022), te veliki broj preživjelih doživljava različite fizičke smetnje te izuzetno neugodne psihološke smetnje, među kojima je najčešće istraživani PTSP (Dai i sur., 2016). S druge strane, unutar konteksta doživljaja potresa istraživane su i pozitivne promjene koje mogu uslijediti nakon njega, a nazivaju se posttraumatskim rastom (Jin i sur., 2014a). Na temelju postojećih meta-analiza (npr. Dai i sur., 2016) i preglednih radova (npr. Farouqci i sur., 2017) cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati izraženost simptoma PTSP-a i prediktore razvoja simptoma PTSP-a te posttraumatskog rasta kod građana grada Zagreba i okolice nakon potresa (N=520). Istraživanje je provedeno online upitnikom putem društvenih mreža pomoću kojih su regrutirani sudionici. Utvrđeno je kako je čak 34.6% sudionika u istraživanju iskazivalo klinički značajne generalne simptome PTSP-a (operacionalizirano kao zbroj rezultata na IESR ljestvici). Provedbom prve hijerarhijske regresijske analize utvrđeno je kako ženski spol, niža razina obrazovanja, duže razdoblje izbivanja iz vlastitog doma zbog posljedica potresa, veći stupanj materijalnih gubitaka, jači intenzitet naknadnog osjeta podrhtavanja tla i potresa, praćenje seizmoloških podataka te strategije suočavanja usmjerene na emocije i izbjegavanje pozitivno doprinose izraženijim općim simptomima PTSP-a. Sva tri bloka prediktora objašnjavaju do 35 % varijance kriterija. Provedbom druge hijerarhijske regresijske analize utvrđeno je kako ženski spol, niža razina obrazovanja, duži period izbivanja iz vlastitog doma te strategije suočavanja usmjerene na problem, emocije i izbjegavanje stresora pozitivno doprinose razvoju PTR-a. Sva triseta prediktora objašnjavaju 24 % varijance kriterija. Trenutni podaci pružaju temelje za daljnja istraživanja i kreiranje praktičnih intervencija. |
Abstract (english) | In everyday life, people are exposed to various stressors for which they must mobilize their own capacities in order to successfully overcome them. But when it comes to a stressful event that is of short duration, represents an extremely high threat to the life of the individual and his loved ones, and exceeds the individual's capacity to cope with it, we speak of trauma (Arambašić, 1996). Such events include earthquakes. One of the strongest earthquakes experienced by the citizens of the city of Zagreb and its surroundings occurred on March 22, 2020, in the middle of the first wave of the coronavirus. Various people who witnessed the earthquake often experience a feeling of fear and uncertainty (Matičević, 2022), and a large number of survivors experience various physical and extremely unpleasant psychological disturbances, among which PTSD is the most frequently investigated (Dai et al., 2016). On the other hand, within the context of the earthquake experience, the positive changes that can follow after it have been investigated, and are called post-traumatic growth (Jin et al., 2014a). Based on existing meta-analyses (e.g. Dai et al., 2016) and review papers (e.g. Farouqci et al., 2017), the aim of this study was to examine the expression of PTSD symptoms and predictors of the development of PTSD symptoms and posttraumatic growth among citizens of the city of Zagreb and itssurrounding places after the earthquake (N=520). The research was conducted through an online questionnaire via social networks, which were used to recruit participants. It was determined that as many as 34.6% of the participants in the study exhibited clinically significant general symptoms of PTSD (operationalized as the sum of results on the IES-R scale). By conducting the first hierarchical regression analysis, it was determined that female gender, lower level of education, longer period of absence from one's own home due to the consequences of the earthquake, greater degree of material losses, stronger intensity of the subsequent sensation of ground shaking and earthquakes, monitoring of seismological data, and coping strategies focused on emotions and avoidance positively contribute to more pronounced general symptoms of PTSD. All three blocks of predictors explain up to 35% of the criterion variance. By conducting the second hierarchical regression analysis, it was determined that female gender, lower level of education, longer period of absence from one's own home, and coping strategies focused on the problem, emotions and avoidance of stressors contribute positively to the development of PTR. All three sets of predictors explain 24% of the criterion variance. The current data provide the basis for further research and the creation of practical interventions. |