Abstract | Ured za kulturno dobro Zagrebačke nadbiskupije zbog svog poslanja spada u baštinske institucije. Osim što vode brigu o zbirkama kao što su Dijecezanski muzej, Riznica zagrebačke katedrale i što pokrivaju više područja unutar sakralne umjetnosti, svojim radom osvještavaju i potiču crkvene službenike i vjernike na očuvanje umjetničkog blaga Crkve.
Ured za kulturna dobra Zagrebačke nadbiskupije osnovan je 6. prosinca 1999. od strane zagrebačkog nadbiskupa mons. Josipa Bozanića kako bi se nastavila tradicionalna briga čuvanja sakralne i kulturne baštine i slijedeći odrednice Drugog vatikanskog sabora o sakralnoj umjetnosti. Djelovanje Ureda usredotočeno je na praćenje, proučavanje, promicanje i zaštitu sakralne i crkvene umjetnosti različitih vrsta, bogoštovnih zgrada i predmeta crkvene umjetnosti na području Zagrebačke nadbiskupije, kao i briga o ustanovama kao što su Dijecezanski muzej, Riznica zagrebačke katedrale, Nadbiskupski arhiv i druge. Surađuju s Ministarstvom kulture, Akademijom likovnih umjetnosti, Konzervatorskim zavodom u Zagrebu i Krapini, Gradskim zavodom za zaštitu spomenika kulture i prirode i brojnim ovlaštenim restauratorima i konzervatorima. Ured je pokrenuo i časopis "Bona Culturalia Ecclesiae“ za promicanje dijaloga vjere i kulture.
U radu ukratko će biti opisana povijest ove institucije, od nastanka do danas, a detaljnije će biti istraženo djelovanje Ureda kao baštinske institucije po sustavu triju muzeoloških funkcija – zaštiti, komunikaciji i istraživanju po kojima se odvija razumijevanje i uporaba baštine. |
Abstract (english) | The Office for Cultural Heritage of the Archdiocese of Zagreb, due to its mission, belongs to heritage institution. Besides caring for collections such as the Diocesan Museum and the Treasury of the Zagreb Cathedral, and covering multiple areas within sacred art, their work raises awareness and encourages church officials and believers to preserve the Church's artistic treasures.
The Office for Cultural Heritage of the Archdiocese of Zagreb was established on December 6th, 1999, by the Archbishop of Zagreb, Monsignor Josip Bozanić, to continue the traditional care of preserving sacred and cultural heritage, following the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council on sacred art. The activities of the Office are focused on monitoring, studying, promoting, and protecting various types of sacred and church art, worship buildings, and objects of church art in the area of the Archdiocese of Zagreb, as well as managing institutions such as the Diocesan Museum, the Treasury of the Zagreb Cathedral, the Archdiocesan Archive, and others. They collaborate with the Ministry of Culture, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Conservation Institute in Zagreb and Krapina, the City Institute for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Monuments, and numerous authorized restorers and conservators. The Office has also launched the magazine "Bona Culturalia Ecclesiae" to promote the dialogue between faith and culture.
This paper briefly describes the history of this institution, from its inception to the present, and provides a more detailed exploration of the Office's activities as a heritage institution based on the system of three museological functions – protection, communication, and research, through which the understanding and use of heritage are conducted. |